Yakov Krotov


God, I am afraid that all of humanity will die in an atomic war.

I am afraid that Russia's invasion of Ukraine will destroy all Ukrainians or enslave them, and, of course.

I am afraid that I will live even poorer, there will be more disease, less medicine, more lies, less freedom to read.

God, let me remember that it is not humanity that comes first, but Ukrainians. Help them now.

Help Ukrainians who defend themselves and others to stand.

Help Ukrainians who are weak and powerless to take refuge in safe countries, to survive in bomb shelters and basements.

Help Ukrainians in the midst of shelling and fires to keep hope for life, for truth, for victory.

Help humanity to help Ukrainians, and last, please help me, too, not to go crazy, not to seek comfort in hatred, but to seek comfort in You, Heavenly Father, in Your Son the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit.
