Ко входуЯков Кротов. Богочеловвеческая историяПомощь

Яков Кротов. Путешественник по времени. Вспомогательные материалы.

Images of Medieval Sanctity. Essays in Honour of Gary Dickson. Leiden: Brill, 2007. 271 pgs.

Опись А, №41144.

Gary Dickson's Bibliography, 1984–2007 ................................ ix
Introduction: Religious Enthusiasm and Charismatic Power
in the Middle Ages ................................................................... xiii
André Vauchez
Making Saints
The Women Behind Their Saints: Dominican Women's
Promotion of the Cults of Their Religious Companions ....... 5
Maiju Lehmijoki-Gardner
Gender Trouble in Paradise: The Problem of the
Liturgical Virgo .............................................................................. 25
Felice Lifshitz
Locating Sanctity
Saint Triduana of Restalrig? Locating a Saint and Her Cult
in Late Medieval Lothian and Beyond .................................... 45
Helen Brown
The Architectural Framework for the Cults of Saints: Some
Scottish Examples ..................................................................... 71
Richard Fawcett
Seeing Sanctity
The Holy and the Unholy: Analogies for the Numinous in
Later Medieval Art ................................................................... 101
Debra Higgs Strickland
The Measure of the Virgin's Foot ........................................... 121
Michael Bury

Living Image of Pity: Mimetic Violence, Peace-Making and
Salvi c Spectacle in the Flagellant Processions of the Later
Middle Ages .............................................................................. 135
Mitchell B. Merback
Society and the Sacred
Perceptions of Relics: Civic Religion in Late Medieval
Bruges ........................................................................................ 185
Andrew Brown
Constructing Anglo-Saxon Sanctity: Tradition, Innovation
and Saint Guthlac ..................................................................... 207
Alaric Hall


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