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Fryde E. B. Humanism and Renaissance Historiography. Hambledon & London, 1983. 257 pp.

History Series (Hambledon Press), V. 21.

Опись А, №40493.

7 статей за 12 лет.

1 The Revival of a ‘Scientific’ and Erudite Historiography in the Earlier Renaissance

2 The Beginnings of Italian Humanist Historiography: The ‘New Cicero’ of Leonardo Bruni

3 The Historical Interests of Guarino of Verona and his Translations of Strabo’s ‘Geography’

4 Some Fifteenth Century Latin Translations of Ancient Greek Historians

5 Lorenzo de’ Medici: A Survey of the Historiography and of the Primary Sources

6 Lorenzo de’ Medici’s Finances and their Influence on his Patronage of Art

7 The Library of Lorenzo de’ Medici


Edmund Fryde provides a general account of the attempt to revive and surpass the standards of classical historiography and charts its progress. The career of Politian, the librarian of Lorenzo the Magnificent, illustrates the advance in scholarship during the fifteenth century. Using new evidence from the Vatican Library the author demonstrates that Lorenzo's library can be largely reconstructed and that a wealth of manuscripts was already available in his time.

PREFACE The studies included in this volume arise out of research carried out during the past twelve years and four out of seven articles have never been published before. The three articles reprinted here are published in their original form, except for a brief appendix added to article 2. These seven papers arise out of three of my main interests. One is the study of Lorenzo de’ Medici and of the scholars connected with him, especially Politian. Renaissance historiography is the second and, closely connected with it, is my concern with the story of the preservation of the Greek and Latin classics and their recovery during the Renaissance. The late Dr. Henry Kryszek first introduced me to Italy and this volume is dedicated to his memory. I have received generous help from a large number of friends and scholars, some of which is acknowledged in particular articles. I owe special thanks to Professor A.G. Dickens for making this publication possible and to Professor Arnaldo Momigliano and Professor N. Rubinstein for their help and encouragement over many years. I have received invaluable assistance from Miss A. de la Mare of the Bodleian Library, Dr. C. Ligota of the Warburg Institute in London and my friends, Llinos Davies and D. Huws, of the National Library of Wales at Aberystwyth. Edmund Fryde

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