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Кристофер Хилл

John Edward Christopher Hill (6.2.1912 - 23.2.2003)

Историк Церкви. Марксист.

Из семьи методистов в Йорке. Отец юрист.

В 1931 ок. Оксфорд (Баллиол), стал членом компартии, в 1935 приезжал в СССР. Во время войны в разведке. Вышел из компартии в 1956. Вышел на пенсию в 1978. Женат, трое детей.

На русском: Английская Библия и революция XVII века. М., 1998 (перевод книги 1992 г. Т.Павловой).

См.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Edward_Christopher_Hill


The English Revolution, 1640 (1940, 3rd ed. 1955), ISBN 0853150443 (1987 reprint) - полный текст на английском тут: http://www.marxists.org/archive/hill-christopher/english-revolution/

Lenin and the Russian Revolution (1947), ISBN 0140135359 (1993 reprint)
Economic Problems of the Church: From Archbishop Whitgift to the Long Parliament (1956), ISBN 0586035281 (1971 reprint)
Puritanism and Revolution: Studies in Interpretation of the English Revolution of the 17th Century (1958), ISBN 0712667229 (2001 reprint)
The Century of Revolution, 1603-1714 (1961, 2nd. ed. 1980), ISBN 0177120029
Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England (1964), ISBN 0712668160 (2003 reprint)
Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution (1965, rev. 1997), ISBN 0198206682
Reformation to Industrial Revolution: A Social and Economic History of Britain, 1530-1780 (1967, rev. ed. 1969), ISBN 0140208976
God's Englishman: Oliver Cromwell and the English Revolution (1970), ISBN 0297000438
Antichrist in Seventeenth-Century England (1971, rev. ed. 1990), ISBN 0860919978
The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas During the English Revolution (1972), ISBN 0851170250
Change and Continuity in Seventheenth-Century England (1974, rev. ed. 1991), ISBN 0300050445
Milton and the English Revolution (1977), ISBN 0571101984
The Experience of Defeat: Milton and Some Contemporaries (1984), ISBN 0571132375
The Collected Essays of Christopher Hill (3 vols.)
Writing and Revolution in 17th Century England (1985), ISBN 0710805659
Religion and Politics in 17th Century England (1986), ISBN 0710805071
People and Ideas in 17th Century England (1986), ISBN 0710805128
A Turbulent, Seditious, and Factious People: John Bunyan and His Church, 1628-1688 (1988), ISBN 0198128185
A Nation of Change and Novelty: Radical Politics, Religion and Literature in Seventeenth-Century England (1990), ISBN 0415048338
The English Bible and the Seventeenth-Century Revolution (1993), ISBN 0713990783

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