Secular news, 2001

Separately: Church life

November 21, 16.45, Moscow

The poll of ROMIR, question: "Do you agree that elections in Russia are free and just?" 26% agree, 21% gave no answer and 53% -- more than a half -- disagree. That means that majority of population think that election's results are manipulated by nomenclature (Izvestiya, 25.9.2001).

At the same time only 41% think that the state must let private business to be completely free, 25% think that the freedom of private business must be restricted, and 34% are unsure.


November 19, 12.34, Moscow

VTsIOM's poll (Inostranetz, 13.XI, 2001) to the anniversary of the Communist revolution of 1917: "Imagine that Bolshevik try to make the revolution now. What will be your actions?"

6% will struggle with Communism.

13% will emigrate.

24% will be neutral and wait.

19% will collaborate with Bolsheviks "in some fields."

22% will support Bolsheviks. Actually, this figure is the usual amount of Communist supporters now in Russia.

I think that in USA the situation will be the same: majority will not take arms to struggle with Communists. Above all, United States have been created by those who decided to emigrate in order not to struglle with different "dragons."


November 18, 8.55, AM, Moscow

Putin as a hat on Russian throne?

"The Washington Post" and "The Moscow Times" published excellent article of Anna Politkovskaya blaming Putin for the war in Chechnya:

"Nov. 4. ... While proceeding along a road bordering the town of Akhchoi-Martan, a military column opens fire on a roadside cafe. A 19-year-old waitress, Larisa Bugayeva, a refuge from Grozny, is killed immediately ... The column ... continues toward the mountains without even slowing down. [...]

Putin's Russia has no positive aspects. The economy is still in the hands of oligarchs. Corruption is still rampant. Our social safety net is nonexistent."

I must add that in Russia there is still no real private property and no independent court system. Here still the man rules not the law. Those who admire Putin points out that the new law on land has been approved. But even according to this law only 2% of land in Russia can be own privately, and in Moscow, where I live, ALL the land is still officially owned by the city government.

The worst of all is that Putin is just an occasional projection of Russian's vices. He can be replaced with anyone, just like Yeltsin was replaced with him. Putin is a hat put by Russians on the tsar's throne.

Recently and American friend of mine wrote my that Russia is the free country. No!!! There is no freedom, there is only imitation of political liberty. Under Communists in 1970-1980 the government was no so cynical, so cruel, there was no such massive killing of peaceful citizens like now (not only in Chechnya.)

I am a Christian. That means that in nowadays Russia I cannot make business, because I don't give bribes. I cannot become a peasant or farmer even with bribes. Yes, I can publish a book criticizing this, but where freedom is only freedom of press? Above all, even freedom of press is vastly reduced now.

I don't blame Americans, God bless them. Most of my money I earn due to them. And this is why I give free advice: struggling with Muslim terrorism be careful not to breed post-Communist terrorism, using it to counterbalance bin Laden. Sooner or later this will harm you.


November 5, 2001, 22.32, Moscow

A bit of secular statistics of VTsIOM: 43% citizens of Russia have a phone. But in Moscow the figure is 97%. Cellulars: 4% and 17% (Noviye Izvestiya, 31.10.2001). This is a perfect illustration of the enourmous gap between Moscow and province. All oil companies pay taxes in Moscow, where they are registered. One economist said that Russian econimics is a sort of vacuum-cleaner which suck province dry.

November 3, 2001, 23.41, Moscow

This one of the most sensitive personally for me results of the American war in Afganistan: pro-Kremlin propagandists in Russia (for example. the journalists of "Izvestiya") gladly state that now America and Russia are one in the struggle against Muslim terrorism. Americans do in Afganistan what Russian do in Chechnya. American journalists, says Maxim Yusin (Izvestiya, 3.11.2001) introduced self-censorship in order to hyde information about peaceful citizens of Afganistan who became victims of bombing. He proclaims that this is patriotism, the same as the patriotism of those Russian journalists who hide the truth about Russian atrocities in Chechnya.


June 12, 2001, 23.38 PM, Moscow


Putin met with representatives of "civil society," as he understands it. They've happened to be musicians, some ecologists. Putin stated that only strong state can fed civil society. Next step will be a statement that there are enemies of civil society--different dissidents who are against the strong state.

Gleb Pavlovsky, KGB-speaker, explained that civil society consists of ecologists and those who defend the rights of consumers (Izvestiya, June 10, 2001.) Alexander Archangelsky proposed in the same news-paper less shoking expression of the same idea: civil society cannot be build neither from above, by the state, nor from the underground, it needs "the golden mean."

Civil society "ought not to be privatized," - stated Archangelsky. I am afraid, that 99% of Western NGO's are too "private" and "underground" from such point of view. Only collaboration with the strong government makes NGO a "good one" to such ideologists.


May 28, 2001, 22.58 PM, Moscow

Language bareer

Madlen Allbright said that it is improper to let Russia to be "belly up." Evgeniy Rusalov in "Novoye Vrenya" (2001, #17) explained to Russian audience that "belly up" is the slang of cowboys and mean "to be very proud, aggressive, rude" "to make one's way through the croud pushing other with belly." Professor Georgiy Mirsky (Novoye Vremya, #21) made a correction which changes the sense to the opposite. Who knows how numerous are mystakes which feed the anti-Americanism?

May 27, 2001, 8.45 PM, Moscow


Vladimir Chaplygin, former vice-minister of agriculture, amnestied. In mid-1990-s he've stolen about 3 millions dollars, but he is the order-bearer. One of the most exotic (to my taste) remnants of Soviet time. Orders, which originated in the West as an additional responsobility of a person, taking the vow to help others under Communism became an instument for avoiding responsobility. Instead of taling the order away from the condemned criminal, criminal is released because he has an order. Order becomes an indulgence.

May 18, 2001, 22.59 PM, Moscow

"Itogi" (5/15/2001) gives the review about the life of American Steven Lapekas and Russian Alexy Kutskov. Magazine "Life" in 1958 made an article about them in order to compare the quality of education in U.S.A. and in Russia. It came out then that Russian boy was better educated than American. American journalists in 1958 wrote in alarmist spirit: Russian send "sputnik" because they learn better.

Both men have been working all their life in aviation. "IItogi" now are pro-KGB newspaper, so they don'y compare their income and life level, because this would show that Russian boy had lost in the long run. Professionally they've been quite equal. What is even more interesting is the fact that American pilot all his life worked in private company, and Russian worked on the state service.


April 20, 2001

Statistics again: public opinion has changed at last. More people are against the war in Chehcnya that for it. In March 2000 only 22% of people were anxious about this war, now 48% (VTsIOM, Inostanerz, 17.4.2001). 46% are against the war and 42% support it.

Enemies of Russia.

34% of Russians think that U.S.A. are the most dangerous country for Russia, its main enemy. On the second place - 5% of Russian see the main danger in China, and 3% in Japan (Noviye Izvestiyam 16.3.2001).


April 12, 2001, 0.35 AM, Moscow

Today Your correspondent visited the printed part of Gusinsky's "media-empire": newspaper "Segodnya" and magazine "Itogi." Emissaries of Poutine are very close to interception of the commandment of these media. My friends are sad and tired, although they have vast moral support. They are especially sad not because Bolsheviks (Poutine and Co) persecute them, but because friends betray them. Several peoples from "Segodnya" agreed to collaborate with pro-Poutine bosses and became "strikebreakers" (actually, there is no strike, but the desire to continue work.) Certainly, under Communists betrayal was quite widespread, but then it was easy to explain it: the iron heel of KGB etc. Now there is no any special iron heel, only the nausetic fear of future, of uncertainty. And I think that in such circumstances it is easier to understand the nature if Judas' sin. He betrayed for money, of course, but money expressed for him the confidence--confidence instead of faith.

April 5, 2001, 23.50 AM, Moscow

NTV: drama or tragedy

The campaign of Poutine against the TV-channel of NTV (Gusinsky), the only non-governmental TV in Russia, is mostly a drama, result of the next stage of Bolshevistic Restoration. But there is also a bit of tragedy as something fatal, and this is because NTV is not as liberal or dissident as this channel pretend to be now. It is not by chance that leaders of NTV now begin all their speeches mentioning Victor Shenderovich, a brilliant satirist, who has 15 minutes of broadcasting on NTV every Saturday. But all other time NTV is as pro-governmental as other channels. NTV was not very realistic in depicting the war in Chechnya. The newspaper and magazine of Gusinsky tried to be "pocket opposition" and avoided any contacts with "dissidents."

Personally for me as a Christian and Russian intelligent there is one more tragic feature. Today some of the NTV journalists said: "We are the best, we have been pirated from other TV-channels for big money." Yes, their salaries are quite large even (I think) according to American standards - up to 8-10 thousand dollars per month. And mind, that all these money came from the state through Gasprom and Chernomyrdin. When I try to look well I always stress that I do this or that free of charge (quite a lot.) For me unselfishness is a criteria of high human class. But for these people material success is the criteria - and they think this is American, and they can say to me or other "intelligents": "If you are so clever why you are so poor?" I know that not all Americans are like this, still this is why I cannot with full enthusiasm compassion to these persecuted.

It is important that Puotine knows about this typically Russian attitude towards big salaries and tries to use it in propaganda: look, those who recieve large money cannot be saints or objective journalists. Certainly, I don't support such position.

Restitution of church property: Afanasyev's case

Yury Afanasyev, head of the Russian State University of Humanities, is now in conflict with the Moscow Patriarchy on the question of restitution. University before 1991 was situated near Kremlin in the former Church buildings. Then Yeltsin made to Afanasyev a present: large building of the Party School. Now Moscow patriarchy urges to return to her buildings of the University near Kremlin, and Afanasyev refuses.

What is curios in this typical conflict around restitution. (1) Moscow Patriarchy is the only confession which received some of their former property. (2) Moscow Patriarchy doesn't even try to return those church buildings which belong to such ministries as political police (KGB.) (3) Many journalists had wrote about this conflict and no one even mentioned that building of the former Party School had been given to Afanasyev illegally and that they must be returned to the proper owner (I guess it is the city of Moscow.) All sides of the conflict still defend their "rights" in a Bolshevistic way, hiding large part of the truth, appealing not to the law and justice but to the "expediency."

Chechnya and freedom of speech

February, 22 a meeting was held in Moscow for the peace in Chechnya. Does this mean that there is freedom of speech? Yes. Does this mean that Russia is democratic country? Certainly now. Freedom of speech is most visible sign of democracy, but historically it is the latest element of civil society and in the absence of economic freedom freedom of speech is all too often a freedom of crying.

Russian public opinion about U.S.A.

Foundation "Public Opinion" made a poll. 52% of Russian think U.S. are friendly to Russia. 32% of Russian think the opposite way. 34% were not sure where U.S. are situated or gave the wrong answer. 26% Russians associate U.S. first of all with high level of economical development. Only 5% think about U.S. as a "superpower," and only 5% think U.S. are international "gendarme," willing to rule the whole world. Source: Noviye Izvestiya, 24.2.2002, p.1.


Anonimity returned

Director of FSB (former KGB, Lubyanka's political police) declared that from now on it is permitted to write anonymous denunciations. Gorbachev prohibited to take libelous anonymous letters into account, so now we returned into Bolshevism in one more sphere.

�he-e-ese! Je-ee-sus!

Funny article of Pavel Voloshin (Novaya Gazeta, 5.2.2001, p. 24): Russian officials refuse to put into passports photos with smiling faces. Vice-director of Moscow UVIR (department giving foreign passports) Anatoly Tuz: "Smile distorts the face". It can become unrecognizable. Anonymous representative of Ministry of Home Affairs: "Photo in passport is the serious matter. Smile is not proper here." Still, some "Westernized" people now manage to insist on putting in their passports with smile.

It reminds about very often asked question: was Jesus ever smiling? People who put such question also are afraid that smile is something contradicting to human nature. It is interesting to remember that American standard of smiling is not very old. It is interesting that ultimate West of Christendom in its development took the same form as the ultimate East of Pagandon (Japan.) Certainly, Japanese smile is of the very different nature - and I can hardly believe that Jesus smiled like a Japanese, but I can imagine Him smiling like Reagan.

Small Bang

Moscow, Monday, 18.45 - explosion in metro. I live just several quarters from this station ("Belorusskaya'). No one was killed, 9 people slightly injured. Very strange explosion. Mayor of Moscow and KGB already proclaimed that this is Chechen's terrorism. I wonder: why Chechens in Moscow never behave like in Chechnya, where several of them already committed suicide as "live bombs," killing a lot of people. Why no terrorism of Palestinian type?

Actually, everyone understand now that all explosions in Moscow (5 in four years) could have been a fake organized by KGB under direct guidance of Putin. Some of them (like explosion of August, 2000 near Pushkinskaya) could be the result of war of gangsters. This is one more facet of Eastern "blurrness": you are never sure what is going on, because political life is non-transparent, freedom of press and independence of judges limited. Spiritual life is also blurred, always on the brink of dualism or manicheism.

February 4, 2001

Sportsman Jonathan Edwards gave an interview to "Izvestiya" (2.2.2001). He is known as Christian, journalist asked him about what does he pray, Edwards answered: "I pray not for my own success, but for the growth of popularity of athletics." The day before Russian actor Sergey Makovetskiy gave an interview to "Vechernyaya Moskva" (1.2.2001). He was asked the same question and answered: "Yes, I am a believer and that is why I never speak about anything connected with faith."

February 2, 2001: Poor goldsmiths

Ekaterinburg, town near Urals mountains, where Yeltsin was a chieftain under Bolshevism. Goldsmiths have the lowest income here: 546 rubles per month (19.02$.) Important note: all goldsmiths work on the municipal plants. Still, all vacancies are full (Sergey Avdeyev, Izvestiya, 2.2.2001.)

Certainly, this means that goldsmiths receive there money under table. But how librarian of the public library live with the income of 600 rubles and no table with gold to get money under it? Well, librarian must have a husband who is goldsmith...

The source of Russian reforms

This day the headliner is that Persecutor General is corrupted: he received from Kremlin most expensive apartments in the center of Moscow (app. 400.000.00$.) - received in private property without paying any tax. Journalists wrote about this and stated that this is the corruption. Moscow court ruled out that it is not, that everything was done in accordance with the law. What is most sad - the court may be correct, because Russian laws are very often unjust and written to cover the sins of princes.

It is interesting that to receive apartment from Kremlin is the temptation not only for Russian nomenclature but for Westerners also. At least Michail Shemyakin, sculptur from Ney York, in "Vechernyaya Moskva" (Moscow Evening, 30.1.2001) defends Putin from his critics, bitterly criticizes Russian people for being lazy, for having stolen some bronze parts of sculptures which he had created in St. Petersburg. Shemyakin also mentions that Putin presented to him an apartment in Petersburg. Shemyakin, it seems, doesn't understand that Putin have simply stolen this apartment from the state - from tax-payers.

I think it is not by chance that both above mentioned persons bitterly criticized Russian people and loudly appraise Mr. Putin. Not only them, but many Westerners and Russians are deeply disappointed in Russians: Gorbachev, Gaidar, Putin tried to reform Russia but Russian people came out to be lazy, crazy and dishonest.

Bad news: neither Gorbachev nor any other political leader of Russia after 1917 were pro-reformed.

Good news: there is the source of the reformist spirit in Russia, and it is in Russian people. Yes, Russians are not angels. I can say a lot of unpleasant things about my compatriots. But still they are the mail reason why Gorbachev and others began to change something. It is my compatriots who at last understood the untruth of Communism, Marxism, Socialism. We all laughed when Gorbachev spoke about "socialism with human face." It is my compatriots who oppose the idea of established religion while all politics in Russia more or less approve the domination of the Moscow Patriarchy. It is my compatriots who don't want to make bloody revolution to through away Communists and post-Communist Mafia.

Certainly, many of my compatriots work in KGB, kill peaceful Chechens and even Russians, my compatriots take bribes etc. Still, even these Russians understand that they do wrong. This is why they so actively invent justifications. But in general Russian silent majority is more moral, rational and pro-freedom than Russian
"elite" - shameful heritage of Bolshevism. This "elite" try to stop our movement to freedom with lies and force, but the movement is obvious.

Still, good news are that even pro-governmental journalists (they constitute a majority in Russia, because government is the wealthiest owner of media) don't state that it is proper for Persecutor General to receive such "gifts." People are not corrupted to the extent of saying that corruption is a norm. People are frightened, tired, lazy but they are not perverted. And twenty years ago it was worse, because people thought that Bolshevism - the worst form of corruption, ideological perversion - is something normal.

January 30, 2001: Putin vs freedom of press

Putin is struggling with journalists of NTV, the only TV-channel which sometimes criticize the government. Some of these journalists have received from Gusinsky, the owner of NTV and also the banker, loans to buy some apartments in Moscow (about 50-70 thousands dollars.) On January 28, 2001, investigator told to media that this is not a loan, but a bribe, because Gusinsky's bank now is bankrupt. All media -- which are pro-Putin -- began accusing "liberal journalists" in corruption. They receive "too much." Honest salary cannot be so high. Honest human is the one who earns small money. Russian proverb: "Ot trudov pravednych nye nazhivesh palat kamennych" : "Working honestly you will never earn enough to built stone home" (only wooden.)

At the same time the investigator, governmental journalists, and their audience -- the majority of Russian nation - receive many "privileges" (called "priviligii") - from the right not to pay for the public transport and up to the cheap or free flat. But to received an apartment from mayor of the city without any fee -- this is an honor, this is an award, this is not a bribe.

Such psychology is called by American ethnologists "potluck economy": when there is no trade as non-personal exchange but only as the exchange of gifts, establishing the close interpersonal relations. Money express your personal opinion about myself, not the cost of product, they are a sort of wampum. If you think I am a good person, then express it though gift-giving, or salary, or fee.

This explains numerous conflicts between Americans and Russians: the latter hope that they will be paid simply because they are good and because wealthy Americans must honor them. This is very archaic psychology, but with one improvement: former "soviet people" never pay to honor the guest. The road which was sometime a two-way road became a one-way.

The journalists of Gusinsky receive large salaries even according to Western standards. The governmental journalists also receive large salaries but under table. The main difference is that journalists of Gusinsky are not only democratic, but also good professional, making nice media.

One sad note. Now we know that many Moscow journalists receive big money. But still no one of them spend anything on charity. Russian middle class is not used to give, only to receive. This can be explained with the lack of certainty in tomorrow and desire to save everything, or with desire to help children, but these reasons can be "valid" in any society and in any society they are invalid. Charity is always a risk and always a necessity -- more for those who give than for those who are supposed to receive.

On January 29, a dozen journalists of NTV (the only democratic TV channel) met with Putin. This is their ultimate defeat - moral defeat. They have asked for such meeting - and this humble plea made them just a serfs who hope that "good lord" will have mercy over them. Such meeting completely puts the situation out of the normal democratic context of law into the feudal (or Bolshevictic) context of emotional game. In such game Putin will always be a winner - he smiled, he was very kind, but he didn't acknowledged the fact of persecution and haven't give any promises. He could - then he will cheat.


January 28, 2001: Borodin in prison

I am glad to say that many Russians (myself included) are very glad to see Mr. Pavel Borodin imprisoned in New York for stealing$ from Russian Treasury. For people in the desert it is very pleasant to know that there is water somewhere. For people in unlawful state - that there is justice at least abroad. Gloating delight, but it is still a pleasure, and not very small.



