March 8, 2002, Moscow, 8.59 AM

It's a nightmare: Patriarch Alexy sanctified on March 6 special church for FSB, i.e. for the organization, founded by Lenin and Dzershinsky to struggle with capitalism and Christianity. The portraits of Dzershinsky are still everywhere in the offices of FSB ("Lubyanka" it is called in Russia, because the official titles can change, but the place is one and the same.) Putin and other try to combine fauthfullness to the spirit of Bolshevism (to make people happy against their will, this is the essense of this spirit) and to the spirit of Russian Orthodoxy. What is most ironic: the church is dedicated to Sofia the Wisdom of God. The veneration of this abstract qulaity of Creator is one of the most enigmatic features of Byzantine theology, and I am not the great enthusiast of it. The irony is that Lubyanka-KGB-FSB pretends to be the most well-informed, most wise and all-penetrating organisation in Russia. Lubyanka for Kremlin is what Sofia is to God.


