One of the most common question in sociological polls is" Whom do You trust?" Here are answers from the poll made in 1999 by Kimmo Kaariaynen and Dmitry Furman, the best specialists in this field (there is Russian version of the investigation, published in Moscow, 2000): (they have four answers "large trust", "trust", "don't trust" and "deep distrust", which I unit in to categories of "trust" and "distrust" to make the results compatible with other resources):

Russian Orthodox Church: trust 69%, distrust 18%

Ecological movement ("greenpeace') trust 64%, distrust 17%

Army: 52%, distrust 38%

TV 50 and 44

UN 37 and 28

Court system: trust 34% distrust 56% sic!

government 25 and 68%

Political parties 8% and 73%

I think according to this poll Russia is the topsy-turvy world.




