Eastern Orthodox Indulgences
There have been indulgences in Eastern Orthodoxy: they've appeared
before XVIth c. and were called apheseis or sygchorochartia. Patriarch
of Jerusalem Dosiphey Notaras (1641-1707)wrote about them as an
ancient tradition -- that patriarch give to people the chart absolving
sins. This practice was approved on the Constantinopole Council
of 1727. Obviously, as often. this was done to counterbalance Jesuit
influence. The council in 13-th Artcicle of its Credo officialy
said that sygchorochartia are what "latins" call indulgences.
St. Nicodeme of Athos approved this practice. The sygchorochartia
has been condemned only by Constantinopole synod of 1838 year. But
Ilios has found sygchorochartia issued in 1955.
I've taken this information from the article of Russian historian
Sergey Govorun, who cites Filip Ilios, Sygchorochartia // Ta Istorika,
�����, �. 1 (1983), 35-84, �. 3 (1985), 3-44.