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Baus, Karl. From the Apostolic Community to Constantine // History of the Church. Ed.H.Jedin, J.Dolan. Vol. I.



I. The Subject Matter, Methods, Ancillary Sciences, and Divisions of Church History, and its Relevance for Today


J.A.Mohler, Einleitung in die Kirchengeschichte: Ges. Schriften und Aufsatze, ed. by J. J. I. Dollinger, II (Regensburg 1840), 261-90; A. Ehrhard, "Die historische Theologie und ihre Methode" in Festschrift S. Merkte (Dusseldorf 1922), 117-36; E. Muller, "Die Kirchengeschichte. Die Darstellung der Lebensau?erungen der Kirche in ihrer zeitlichen Entwicklung im Aufbau der Theologie" in 3. Lektorenkonferenz der deutschen Franziskaner 192S (Munster 1926), 95-108; P. Guilday, An Introduction to Church History (St Louis 1925); K. Adam, "Das Problem des Geschichtlichen im Leben der Kirche" in ThQ 128 (1948), 257-300; P. Simon, Das Menschliche in der Kirche Christi (Freiburg i.Br. 1948); H. Jedin, "Zur Aufgabe des Kirchengeschichtsschreibers" in TThZ 61 (1952), 65-78; J.Lortz, "Nochmals zur Aufgabe des Kirchengeschichtsschreibers" ibid. 317-27; H. Jedin, "Kirchengeschichte als Heilsgeschichte?" in Saeculum 5 (1954), 119-28; O.Kohler, "Der Gegenstand der Kirchengeschichte" in H] 77 (1958), 254-69; G. Gieraths, Kirche in der Geschichte (Essen 1959); J. Wodka, Das Mysterium der Kirche in kirchengeschichtlicher Sicht: Mysterium Kirche, ed. by F.Holbock and T. Sartory (Salzburg 1962), 347-477 (Large bibliography). Protestant Works: E. Seeberg, Uber Bewegungsgesetze der Welt- und Kirchengeschichte (Berlin 1924); W.Kohler, Historie und Metahistorie in der Kirchengeschichte (Tubingen 1930); H. Karpp, "Kirchengeschichte als Theologische Disziplin" in Festschrift R. Bultmann (Stuttgart 1949), 149-67; E. Benz, "Weltgeschichte, Kirchengeschichte und Missionsgeschichte" in HZ 173 (1952), 1-32; J. Chambon, Was ist Kirchengeschichte? (Gottingen 1957); D. Forbes, The Liberal Anglican Idea of History (Cambridge 1952); P. Meinhold, "Weltgeschichte - Kirchengeschichte - Heilsgeschichte" in Saeculum 9 (1958), 261-81 (good bibliography); E. Benz, Kirchengeschichte in okumenischer Sicht (Leiden-Cologne 1961); M.Schmidt in RGG, 3rd ed. III, 1421-33.

THE THEOLOGY OF HISTORY at the present time: J. Wach, "Die Geschichtsphilosophie des 19. Jh. und die Theologie der Geschichte" in HZ 142 (1930), 1-15; J.Bernhard, Der Sinn der Geschichte (Freiburg i.Br. 1931); H. Rahner, "Grundzuge katholischer Geschichtstheologie" in StdZ 140 (1947), 408-27; K.Thieme, Gott und die Geschichte (Freiburg i. Br. 1948); H. Urs V.Balthasar, Theology of History (New York 1963); J.Endres, "Die Grenzen des Geschichtlichen" in DTh 30 (1952), 73-110; J.Dani^lou, The Lord of History (Chicago 1958); J. Maritain, On the Philosophy of History (New York 1957); A. Dempf, Weltordnung und Heilsgeschehen (Einsiedeln 1958); J.Moller, "Die Frage nach der Transzendenz der Geschichte" in Festgabe ]. Lortz II (Baden-Baden 1958), 567-84; O. Kohler, "Der neue Aon" in Saeculum 12 (1961), 181-204 (discussion on recent literature). — Protestant Works: N. Berdyaev, The Meaning of History (New York 1936); P. Tillich, The Interpretation of History (New York 1936); E. Rust, The Christian Understanding of History (London 1947); H. Butterfield, Christianity and History (London 1949);

K. Lowith, Meaning in History (Chicago 1949); R. Niebuhr, Faith and History: A Comparison of Christian and Modern Views of History (New York 1951); E.Harbison, "The Meaning of History and the Writing of History" in CH 21 (1952), 97-107; C. Fabro, "La storiografia nel pensiero cristiano" in Grande antologia filosofica 5 (Milan 1954), 311-503 (with Italian translation of patristic and medieval texts); W. Kamiah, Christentum und Geschichtlichkeit (Stuttgart, 2nd ed. 1951); H. Berkhof, Der Sinn der Geschichte: Christus (Gottingen 1962); S Mead, "Church History Explained" in CH 32 (1963), 17-31.

ECCLESIOLOGY, as far as it concerns the historical element: H. de Lubac, The Splendor of the Church (New York 1956); J. Beumer, "Ein neuer, mehrschichtiger Kirchenbegriff" in TThZ 56 (1956), 93-102; S. Saki, Des tendences nouvelles de l'ecclesiologie (Rome 1957); K. Rahner, Tie Dynamic Element in the Church (London-New York 1964); K.Rahner and J. Ratzinger, The Episcopate and the Primacy (Freiburg-London-New York 1962); J.Auer, "Das Leibmodell und der Kirchenbegriff der katholischen Kirche" in MThZ 12 (1961), 14-38; "Sentire Ecclesiam" in Festschrift H. Rahner ed. J. Danielou and H. Vor- grimler (Freiburg i. Br. 1961).


J. G. Droysen, Historik, ed. by R. Hubner (Darmstadt, 3rd ed. 1958); C. de Smedt, Principes de la critique historique (Liege 1883); E. Bernheim, Lehrbuch der historischen Methode (Leipzig, 6th ed. 1914, new impression 1960); H.Feder, Lehrbuch der historischen Methode (Regensburg, 3rd ed. 1924); L. E. Halkin, Critique historique (Liege, 4th ed. 1959); W.Bauer, Einfuhrung in das Studium der Geschichte (Tubingen, 2nd ed. 1928; new imp. Frankfurt a. M. 1961); L. Gottschalk, Understanding History (New York 1950);

G. Garraghan, A Guide to Historical Method (New York, 3rd ed. 1951). The following develop their methods from the writing of history: M. Ritter, Die Entwicklung der Geschichtswissenschaft (Munich-Berlin 1919); F.Wagner, Geschichtswissenschaft (Freiburg i. Br. 1951). K. Erslev, Historische Technik (Munich-Berlin 1928); H. Nabholz, Einfuhrung in das Studium der mittelalterlichen und der neueren Geschichte (Zurich 1948);
I. Quirin, Einfuhrung in das Studium der mittelalterlichen Geschichte (Brunswick, 2nd ed. 1961); L. Halphen, Initiation aux etudes d'histoire du moyen age (Paris, 3rd ed. 1952); G.Wolf, Einfuhrung in das Studium der neueren Geschichte (Berlin 1910). The views of the French school of social history are represented by the collection L'histoire et ses methodes, ed. by C. Samaran (Paris 1962).

An excellent summary is found in A. von Brandt, Werkzeug des Historikers. Eine Einfuhrung in die Historischen Hilfswissenschaften (Stuttgart, 2nd ed. 1960).

1. Chronology

H. Grotefend, Zeitrechnung des deutschen Mittelalters und der Neuzeit, I (Hanover 1891), II (Hanover-Leipzig 1898), the most comprehensive and detailed work, with a general account of the history of the calendar in vol. I; adequate for the student in most cases is: H. Grotefend, Taschenbuch der Zeitrechnung des deutschen Mittelalters und der Neuzeit (Hanover, 10th, ed. 1960). For chronology in Classical times, see W. Kubitschek, Grundri? der antiken Zeitrechnung (Munich 1928); for practical use, H. Lietzmann, Zeitrechnung der Romischen Kaiserzeit, des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit (3rd ed. revised by K. Aland, Berlin 1956). For the dating of documents, see the appropriate sections of H. Bresslau and H. W. Klewitz's Handbuch der Urkundenlehre, II, 2 (2nd ed. 1931, new imp. 1958) and

A. Giry, Manuel de diplomatique, II (Paris 1894, new imp. 1925). Comprehensive tables in C. de Mas Latrie, Tresor de chronologie, d'histoire et de geographie (Paris 1889); J. Finegan, Handbook of Biblical Chronology (Princeton 1964).
For the astronomical basis: W. F. Wislicenus, Astronomische Chronologie (Leipzig 1895);

F. K. Ginzel, Handbuch der mathematischen und technischen Chronologie, 3 vols. (Leipzig 1906-13).
The founder of the critical method in chronology was D. Petavius with his De doctrina temporum (Paris 1627, with many later editions). An instructive example of the problems of medieval chronology is offered by W. E. van Wijk, Le nombre d'Or. Etude de chronologie technique. Suivie du texte de la 'Massa Compote' d'Alexandre de Villedieu. Avec traduction et commentaire (The Hague 1936).

2. Palaeography

A brief but excellent introduction to Latin palaeography with bibliography is B. Bischoff, Palaographie, 2nd revised ed. by W.Stammler (Berlin 1957) in Deutsche Philologie im Aufri?, 379—452. The principal Textbooks are E. M. Thompson, An Introduction to Greek and Latin Paleography (Oxford, 2nd ed. 1912); G. Battelli, Lezioni di paleografia (Vatican City, 3rd ed. 1940); H. Foerster, Abri? der lateinischen Palaographie (Berne 1949); M. Prou, Manuel de paleographie latine et francaise, ed. by A. de Bouard (Paris, 4th ed. 1924); G. Cencetti, Lineamenti di storia della scrittura latina (Bologna 1954), which takes into account recent research on the history of writing. Summary accounts of the latest researches in different countries are to be found in the principal periodical, Scriptorium (Antwerp 1946 seqq.).

HANDWRITING. The latest general account of the history of handwriting is J. Fevrier, Histoire de l'ecriture (Paris, 2nd ed. 1959). For particular periods see Nomenclature des ecritures livresques du IX" au XVI' siecle (Paris 1954), which contains B. Bischoff, "La nomenclature des ecritures livresques du IX" au XIII* siecle" (7-14); G. J. Lieftinck, "Pour une nomenclature de l'ecriture livresque de la periode dite Gothique" (15-34);

H. Battelli, "Nomenclature des ecritures humanistiques" (35-43). See also: J. Mallon, R. Marichal und C. Perrat, L'ecriture latine de la capitale a la minuscule (Paris 1939);
C. Bischoff, Die sudostdeutschen Schreibschulen und Bibliotheken in der Karolingerzeit, I (Wiesbaden, 2nd revised ed. 1960); W.Meyer, Die Buchstabenverbindung der sogenannten gotischen Schrift in AGG, Phil. Hist. Klasse I, 6 (1897); A.Hessel, "Die Entstehung der Renaissanceschriften" in AUF 13 (1935), 1-14; H. Hirsch, "Gotik und Renaissance in der Entwicklung unserer Schrift" in Almanach der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien (1932). H. Fichtenau, Mensch und Schrift im Mittelalter (Vienna 1946); compare however the critical discussion by A. J. Walter, "Die Schrift als Kuhurobjekt" in MIOG 57 (1949), 375-82; for a general survey of this subject, D. McMurtric The Book (New York-London, 3rd revised ed. 1943).
On the history of writing in the Middle Ages the classic work of W. Wattcnbach, Das Schriftwesen im Mittelalter (Leipzig, 3rd ed. 1896, new imp. Graz 1958) remains unsurpassed; L. Santifaller, Beitrage zur Geschichte der Beschreibstoffe im MA mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der papstlichen Kanzlei, I, in MIOG Suppl. vol. 16 (1953). Palimpsests: F. Mone, De libris palimpsestis latinis (Karlsruhe 1855); E. Chatelain, Les palimpsestes latins (Paris 1903); for recent research the bibliography in the works of A. Dold is important: Colligere Fragmenta in Festschrift A. Dold (Beuron 1952) IX-XX. On penmen and penmanship: J. Destrez, La pecia dans les MSS. universitaires du XIII' siecle (Paris 1935); S. Haynal, L'enseignement de l'ecriture aux universites medievales (Budapest 1954);

H. Hajdu, Lesen und Schreiben im Spatmittelalter (Pecs-Funfkirchen 1931).
ON WATERMARKS: G. Piccard, "Wasserzeichenforschung als historische Hilfswissenschaft" in AZ 52 (1956), 62-115; C. M. Briquet, Les filigranes, 4 vols. (Paris, 2nd ed. 1923); V. A. Mosin and M. Traljie, Filigranes des XIII' et XIV' siecles (Zagreb 1957); T.Weiss ed., Handbuch der Wasserzeichenkunde (Leipzig 1963).

ABBREVIATIONS AND CRYPTOGRAPHY: The most practical textbook is A.Capelli, Dizionario di abbrevature latine ed italiane (Milan, 5th ed. 1954). J. Walther, Lexikon diplomaticum (Ulm, 2nd ed. 1756) is still useful. For the history of abbreviations: L. Traube, Nomina Sacra (Munich 1907); by the same, Lehre und Geschichte der Abkurzungen, Vorlesungen und Abhandlungen, I (Munich 1909); B. Mentz, Die Tironischen Noten (Berlin 1942); W. M. Lindsay, Notae Latinae (Cambridge 1915); D. Bains, A Supplement to Notae Latinae (Cambridge 1936); B. Bischoff, Ubersicht uber die nichtdiplomatischen Geheimschriften des MAs (Munich 1954) also in MIOG 62 (1954), 1-27; A.Meister, Die Anfange der diplomatischen Geheimschrift (Paderborn 1902); by the same, Die Geheimschrift im Dienste der papstlichen Kurie (Paderborn 1906).

Music: For the development of musical notation, see Paleographie musicale: Les principaux M SS. de Chant Gregorien publ. en facsimile (Solesmes 1889 seqq.), esp. vols. 2-3 (1891-2), with examples from the ninth to seventeenth centuries; J. Wolf, Handbuch der Notationskunde, I (Leipzig 1913), with a good historical survey; C. Parrish, Notation of Medieval Music (New York 1957); W. Apel, Gregorian Chant (Bloomington 1957); G. K. Feilerer, History of Catholic Church Music (New York 1960).

ILLUSTRATED WORKS: Monumenta Palaeographica. Denkmaler der Schreibkunst des MAs, ed. by A. Chroust, 3 series, I (Munich 1899-1906), II (Munich 1909-17), III (Munich 1918-39), arranged regionally, with more than 500 plates. Most suitable for the student are the following: F.Steffens, Lateinische Palaographie (Trier, 2nd ed. 1929), with 125 plates and full explanations; W.Arndt and M. Tangl, Schrifttafeln zur Erlernung der lateinischen Palaographie, parts 1 and 2 (4th ed. by M. Tangl, Munich 1904-6), 3rd part ed. by M.Tangl (Munich, 2nd ed. 1907); J.Kirchner, Scriptura latina libraria (Munich 1955); F. Ehrle and P. Liebaert, Specimina codicum latinorum Vaticanorum (Bonn 1912).

Illustrated works covering a limited field: E.A.Lowe, Codices Latini Antiquiores (Oxford 1933 seqq.), intended to include in ten parts all MSS. of the period before 800; a parallel work for documents before 800 is A. Bruckner and R. Marichal, Chartae latinae antiquiores (Olten-Lausanne 1954 seqq.); A. Bruckner, Scriptoria medii aevi Helvetica, 8 parts published to date (Geneva 1936 seqq.); E. Petzet and O. Glauning, Deutsche Schrifttafeln des 9. bis 16. Jh., 5 parts (Munich 1910-30); R. Thommen, Schriftproben aus Basler Handschriften des 14. bis 16. Jh. (Basle, 2nd ed. 1908); G. Mentz, Handschriften der Reformationszeit (Bonn 1912); J. Kirchner, Germanistische Handschriftenpraxis (Munich 1950).

GREEK PALAEOGRAPHY: For this science founded by the Maurist Br. Mountfaucon with his Palaeographia graeca (Paris 1708), consult: V. Gardthausen, Griechische Palaographie, 2 vols. (Leipzig, 2nd ed. 1911-13); W.Schubarth, Griechische Palaographie (Munich 1925); H. Hunger, Studien zur griechischen Palaographie (Vienna 1954).

3. Libraries

GENERAL WORKS: Handbuch der Bibliothekswissenschaft, founded by F.Milkau, 2nd revised and corrected ed. by G.Leyh (Wiesbaden 1957 seqq.); Repertoire des Bibliotheques de France, I: Bibliotheques de Paris (Paris 1950); II: Bibliotheques des Departements (Paris 1950); III: Centres et Services de Documentation (Paris 1951); K. Schottenloher, Bucher bewegten die Welt. Eine Kulturgeschichte des Buches, 2 vols. (Stuttgart 1951-2). Periodical: Zentralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen (Leipzig 1884 seqq.) [ZblB].

PARTICULAR FIELDS of study: T. Birt, Das antike Buchwesen in seinem Verhaltnis гиг Literatur (Berlin 1882, new imp. Aalen 1959); T.Gottlieb, Uber mittelalterliche Bibliotheken (Leipzig 1890, new imp. Graz 1955); К. Loffler, Deutsche Klosterbibliotheken (Bonn-Leipzig, 2nd ed. 1922); F. Ehrle, Historia bibliothecae Romanorum Pontificum tum Bonifatianae tum Avenionensis (Rome 1890); A. Pelzer, Addenda et emendanda ad Francisci Ehrle Historia, I (Vatican City 1947); E. Muntz and P. Fabre, La bibliotheque du Vatican au XV' siecle d'apres des documents inedits (Paris 1887). An important work for the study of medieval libraries is Mittelalterliche Bibliothekskataloge Deutschlands und der Schweiz cd. by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (1918 seqq.); P. O. Kristeller, Latin MS. Books before 1600. A list of the Printed Catalogues and Unpublished Inventories of Extant Collections (New York, 2nd ed. 1960): this first appeared in Tr 6 (1948), 227-317, 9 (1953), 393-418; R. Hale, Guide to Photocopied Historical Material in the United States and Canadfi (Ithaca 1961); P.Haner ed., A Guide to Archives and Manuscripts in the United States (New Haven 1961).

4. Study of Documents BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND PERIODICALS: H. Oesterley, Wegweiser durch die Literatur der Urkundensammlungen, 2 vols. (Berlin 1885-6); L. Santifaller, Neuere Editionen mittelalterlicher Konigs- und Papsturkunden (Vienna 1958), with details of editions of medieval papal documents. The oldest and most important periodical is the Bibliotheque de l'Ecole des Chartes (Paris 1839 seqq.) /BECh]; also Archiv fur Urkundenforschung 1-18 (Leipzig 1907-44) [AUF], which is specially devoted to the study of documents. A continuation, with a wider scope, is: Archiv fur Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde (Cologne-Graz 1955 seqq.) [ADiplJ.

TEXTBOOKS AND MANUALS: H. Bresslau, Handbuch der Urkundenlehre fur Deutschland und Italien, I (Berlin, 2nd ed. 1912), II/l (Berlin, 2nd ed. 1915), II/2, 2nd ed. by H.W. Klewitz (Berlin 1931, new imp. Berlin 1958), index by H. Schulze (Berlin 1960); A. de Bouard, Manuel de diplomatique francaise et pontificale, I: Diplomatique generale (Paris 1929); II: L'acte prive (Paris 1948); L. Paetow, A Guide to the Study of Medieval History (New York 1931) revised ed.

Textbooks for particular fields of study: O. Redlich, Allgemeine Einleitung zur Urkundenlehre; W. Erben, Die Kaiser- und Konigsurkunden des Mittelalters (Munich 1907) [Part I of Below-Meinecke, Handbuch der mittelalterlichen und neueren Geschichte]; O.Redlich, Die Privaturkunden des Mittelalters (Munich 1911) [Part III of Below-Meinecke, Handbuch]; R. Thommen, Grundbegriffe, Kaiser- und Konigsurkunden (Leipzig-Berlin 1913) [A. Meister, Grundri? der Geschichtswissenschaft, I] ; L. Schmitz-Kallenberg, Papsturkunden (Leipzig, 2nd ed. 1913) [Meister, Grundri?, Part II] ; H. Steinackcr, Die Lehre von den nichtkoniglichen Privaturkunden (Leipzig 1906) [Meister, Grundri?, Part III]; R. Heuberger, Allgemeine Urkundenlehre fur Deutschland und Italien (Leipzig 1921). For Byzantine diplomatics, see F. Dolger, Byzantinische Diplomatik (Munich 1956).

ILLUSTRATED WORKS. H. von Sybel and T. Sickel, Kaiserurkunden in Abbildungen, 11 parts (Munich 1889-91); A. Brackmann, Papsturkunden (Leipzig-Berlin 1914) [G.See- liger, Urkunden und Siegel in Nachbildungen fur den akademischen Unterricht, 2].

HISTORY OF DIPLOMATICS. The Benedictine J. Mabillon laid the foundation of the scientific criticism of documents in his work De re diplomatica libri VI (Paris 1681), vide infra. Enlightenment. Modern methods of research have been developed mainly by German and Austrian scholars:T.Sickel, Die Urkunden der Karolinger, 2 vols. (Vienna 1867); J.Ficker, Beitrage zur Urkundenlehre, 2 vols. (Innsbruck 1877-8); the various works of P.Kehr (vide infra) are excellent.
REGESTA. Collections of Regesta of papal documents: P. Jaffe, Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia ad annum post Christum natum 1198 (Berlin 1851), 2nd ed. by S. Loewen- feld, F.Kaltenbrunner, P.Ewald, 2 vols. (Leipzig 1885-8,new imp.Grazl958);A.Potthast, Regesta Pontificum Romanorum inde ab anno 1198 ad annum 1304, 2 vols. (Berlin 1874-5, new imp. Graz 1957). For the new ed. under the direction of P. Kehr commissioned by the Gottinger Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, cf. the work of L. Santifaller (p. 439). Regesta of papal documents are to be found in the various series published by the Bibliotheque des ecoles francaises d'Athenes et de Rome (see the bibliographies to vols. II-IV).

SIGILLOGRAPHY: W.Ewald, Siegelkunde (Munich 1914); P. Sella, I sigilli dell'Archivio Vaticano, 2 vols. (Rome 1937—46); V. Laurent, Documents de sigillographie byzantine (Paris 1954); R. Gandilhon, Sigillographie des universites de France (Paris 1952).

5. Archives
MANUALS: A. Brennecke, Archivstudien, ed. by W. Leesch (Leipzig 1953); H. O. Meissner, Archiv- und Aktenlehre der Neuzeit (Leipzig, 2nd ed. 1952); A. Mazzoleni, Lezioni di archivistica (Naples 1954).

PERIODICALS: Archivum. Revue internationale des archives (Paris 1951 seqq.); Archi- valische Zeitschrift (Stuttgart-Munich 1877 seqq.) [AZJ.

GUIDES TO ARCHIVES: D. H. Thomas and L. M. Case, Guide to the Diplomatie Archives of Western Europe (Philadelphia 1959); K.A.Fink, Das Vatikanische Archiv. Einfuhrung in die Bestande und ihre Erforschung (Rome, 2nd ed. 1951). A good example of a general catalogue of an important set of archives is: L. Bittner, Gesamtinventar des Wiener Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchivs, 5 vols. (Vienna 1936-40).

7. Heraldry
GENERAL: J. Siebacher, Grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Nuremberg, 1st ed. 1594, 8 new impressions (unaltered) since 1854. The best general accounts are D. L. Galbreath, Handbuchlein der Heraldik (Lausanne, 2nd ed., 1948) O. Hupp, Wappenkunst und Wappenkunde (Berlin 1928); H. Hussman, Deutsche Wappenkunst (Leipzig 1940); L. Fejerpataky, Magyar Czimeres Emlekek, 3 vols. (Budapest 1901-2); C. Fox-Davies, A Complete Guide to Heraldry (London-New York 1951); J.Burke, Britain's Genealogical and Heraldic History of Landed Gentry (London 1939); A.Wagner, Heralds and Heraldry in the Middle Ages (Oxford 1956); S. Konarski, Armorial de la noblesse polonaise titree (Paris 1958).

ECCLESIASTICAL HERALDRY: Baron du Rouve de Paulins, L'heraldique ecclesiastique (Paris 1911); B. B. Heim, Wappenbrauch und Wappenrecht in der Kirche (Olten 1947). For papal and cardinalitial arms see A. Ciaconius-Oldoin, Vitae et res gestae summorum Pontificum et S. R. E. cardinalium, 4 vols. (Rome 1677); D. L. Galbreath, A Treatise on Ecclesiastical Heraldry, Is Papal Heraldry (Cambridge 1930); C. Erdmann, "Das Wappen und die Fahne der Romischen Kirche" in QF1AB 22 (1930-1), 227-55; by the same, "Kaiserliche und papstliche Fahnen im hohen Mittelalter", ibid. 25 (1933-4), 1-48; O. Kirchberger, Die Wappen der religiosen Orden (Vienna 1895); M. Gorino, Titoli nobiliari e ordini equestri pontifici (Turin 1933); E. Zimmermann, Bayrische Klosterheraldik (Munich 1931); A. Walz, "Das Wappen des Predigerordens" in RQ 47 (1939), 111-47. There is no general account of the origin of the arms of the German bishoprics, but there are some good ones for individual sees, e.g. P. Bretschneider, "Das Breslauer Bistumswappen" in Zeitschrift des Vereins fur Gesch. Schlesiens 50 (1916), 225-56. For France: J. de Meurgey Armorial de l'Eglise de France (Macon 1938).

7. Geography and Cartography GENERAL: G. Franz, "Historische Kartographie, Forschung und Bibliographie" (Bremen- Horn 1955) in Veroffentlichungen der Akademie fur Raumforschung und Landesplanung, Report No. XXIX; H. Hassinger, Geographische Grundlagen der Geschichte (Freiburg i.Br., 2nd ed. 1953); L. Mirot, Manuel de geographie historique de la France (Paris 1930); M. Schmidt, "Probleme, Aufgaben u. Moglichkeiten kirchengeschichtlicher Kartographie" in Misc. Hist. Eccl.(Louvain 1961) 158-66; J.Prinz, "Eine Konfessionskarte Deutschlands", ibid. 147-57.

ATLASES. General historical atlases: G. Droysen, Allgemeiner historischer Handatlas (Bielefeld-Leipzig 1886); K. von Spruner and T.Menke, Handatlas fur die Geschichte des Mittelalters u. der neueren Zeit (Gotha 1880); Grosser historischer Weltatlas ed. by the Bayrischer Schulbuchverlag (Munich 1954 seqq.); F. W. Putzgcr, Historischer Schulatlas (Bielefeld-Leipzig, 65th ed. 1960); G. Niessen, Geschichtlicher Handatlas der deutschen Lander am Rhein (Bonn 1950). J. Horrabin, An Atlas of European History from the 2nd to the 20th Century (London 1935); F. van der Meer, Atlas de la civilisation occidentale (Paris 1952).For ecclesiastical history: O.Werner, Orbis terrarum catholicus (Freiburg i.Br. 1890); E. McClure, Historical Church Atlas (London 1897); K. Heussi and H. Mulert, Atlas zur Kirchengeschichte (Tubingen, 3rd ed. 1937); L. Grammatica, Testo e Atlante di Geografia ecclesiastica (Bergamo 1928); К. Pieper, Atlas orbis christiani antiqui (Dusseldorf 1931); С. Streit, Atlas Hierarchicus (Paderborn, 2nd ed. 1929); A. Freitag and J. M. Lory, Atlas du monde chretien (Brussels 1959); F. van der Meer and С. Mohrmann, An Atlas of the Early Christian World (London 1958); E. Gaustad, Historical Atlas of Religion in America (New York 1962).

Missionary History: C. Streit, Katholischer Missionsatlas (Steyl 1906); J. Thauren, Atlas der katholischen Missionsgeschichte (Modling bei Wien 1932); J Neuhausler, Atlas der katholischen Missionen (Munich 1932); Atlas Missionum a Sacra Congregatione de Propaganda Fide dependentium, ed. by H.Emmerich (Vatican City 1958); A.Freitag, Die Wege des Heils, Bildatlas zur Geschichte der Weltmissionen (Salzburg 1960).

TOPOGRAPHY: J. G. T. Graesse, Orbis latinus, 3rd ed. revised by F. Benedict (Berlin 1922); E. Forstemann, Die deutschen Ortsnamen (Nordhausen 1863); H. Oesterley, Historischgeographisches Worterbuch des deutschen Mittelalters (Gotha 1881-3); U. Chevalier, Repertoire des sources historiques du moyen age, II; Topo-bibliographie (Montbeliard 1894-1903); L. H. Cottineau, Repertoire topo-bibliographique des abbayes et prieures, 2 vols. (Macon 1935-9); Germania Sacra, ed. by the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut fur Deutsche Geschichte (Berlin 1929 seqq.). A basic work for the later Middle Ages (bishoprics and abbeys) is H.Hoberg, Taxae de communibus servitiis (Vatican City 1949). For ecclesiastical geography of the Byzantine Church see H. G. Beck, Kirche und theologische Literatur im byzantinischen Reich (Munich 1959) 148-229; R. Janin, La geographie ecclesiastique de l'empire byzantin III/l: Eglises et monasteres de Constantinople (Paris 1953).

8. Statistics

For general statistics of population: E.Kirsten, E.W. Buchholz, W. Kollmann, Raum und Bevolkerung in der Weltgeschichte, 2 vols. (Wurzburg, 2nd ed. 1956). Numbers of population, including clerics and monks in individual bishoprics and monasteries, are till the later Middle Ages based mainly on estimates. Only from the late Middle Ages onwards do church registers, tithe lists, records of visitations and other documents provide more reliable figures; cf. H. Jedin, "Das Konzil von Trient und die Anfange der Kirchenmatrikeln" in ZSavRGkan 32 (1943), 419-494; H. Borsting, Geschichte der Matrikeln von der Fruhkirche bis zur Gegenwart (Freiburg i.Br. 1959). Concerning the cardinals, the


papal court and the curial authorities, the annual Notizie per I'anno ... have given exact statistics since 1716, from 1850-70 under the title Annuario Pontificio. In the Gerarchia Cattolica, appearing since 1872 (which in 1912 became the official Annuario Pontificio), holders of bishoprics are listed alphabetically. Valuable and by no means fully exploited material for the statistics of bishoprics and orders is contained in the lists of personnel and property dating mostly from the 18th century. The Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith first issued missionary statistics in 1843: Notizia statistica delle Missioni cattoliche in tutto il mondo, reprinted in O. Mejer, Die Propaganda, I (Gottingen 1852), 473-562.

The first bureau of ecclesiastical statistics following scientific methods, the Zentralstelle fur kirchliche Statistik, was set up by the German bishops' conference at Cologne in 1915. It took over the Kirchliche Handbuch fur das katholische Deutschland, edited since 1908 by H. A. Krose, SJ. Only in quite recent times have other countries followed this example, such as France, Holland, and Spain among others. The Federal Republic of Western Germany has now two research institutes, at Konigstein and Essen, which are members of the International Federation of Catholic Research Institutes (FERES), whose headquarters are at Fribourg, Switzerland. The Official Catholic Directory published annually in the United States contains ecclesiastical statistics on America, Great Britain, and Commonwealth Nations, as well as the Philippine Islands and Mexico.


E. Goller, Die Periodisierung der Kirchengeschichte und die epochale Stellung des Mittelalters (Freiburg i.Br. 1919); K. Heussi, Altertum, Mittelalter und Neuzeit in der Kirchengeschichte (Tubingen 1921); O. E. Strasser, "Les periodes et les epoques de l'histoire de l'eglise" in RHPhR 30 (1950), 290-304; O. Halecki, The Limits and Divisions of European History (New York 1950); id., The Millennium of Europe (Notre Dame 1963). A general guide to the division of history: J. H. J. van der Pot, De Periodisering der der Geschiedenis. Een overzicht der Theorien (The Hague 1951); M. Tetz, "Uber Formengeschichte in der Kirchengeschichte" in ThZ 17 (1961), 413-31.


A. Knopfler, Wert und Bedeutung des Studiums der Kirchengeschichte (Munich 1893); cf. also: H. Schrors in H] 15 (1894), 133-45; A. M. Koeniger, Voraussetzungen und Voraus- setzungslosigkeit in Geschichte und Kirchengeschichte (Munich 1910); Y. Congar, Vraie et fausse reforme dans l'eglise (Paris 1950); M.Richards, "Is Church History Really Necessary?" in The Clergy Review (1964); H. F. May, "The Recovery of American Religious History" in The American Historical Review, 70 (1964), 79-92. For further bibliography see above under Subject Matter, Ecclesiology.

II. The Writing and Study of Church History

There is still no satisfactory account of ecclesiastical historiography and its development into a science. F. C. Baur's brilliant Die Epochen der Kirchengeschichtsschreibung (Tubingen 1852, new imp. Darmstadt 1962) was Hegelian in its inspiration; it confined itself, like W. Nigg's Die Kirchengeschichtsschreibung (Munich 1934) to the main types — in recent times Protestant — without inquiring into the reciprocal effects of research, narrative and instruction. The same applies to the concise survey by P. Brezzi, La storio- grafia ecclesiastica (Naples 1959).


The sources given in G. Loeschke's Zwei kirchengeschichtliche Entwurfe (Tiibingen 1913), excellent as far as they go, have now been superseded. Brief but excellent information about the Church historians of antiquity, with full bibliography, is to be found in B. Altaner, Patrology (London-New York, 2nd imp. 1960) 263-93. For the Latin Fathers' consciousness of the Church see P. T. Camelot, "Mysterium Ecclesiae" in Festschrift H.Rahner (Freiburg i.Br. 1961), 134-51.

EUSEBIUS AND HIS CONTINUATORS. The first ed. of Eusebius' Church History in the Greek text is that of R. Etienne (Paris 1544), with Socrates, Sozomen, and Theodoret; critical ed. by E. Schwartz and T. Mommsen, 3 vols. (Berlin 1903-9), Greek and Latin text; Greek and English text by H. J. Lawlor and J. E. L. Ulten (London, second edition 1952-3). R. Laqueur, Eusebius als Historiker seiner Zeit (Berlin 1929); cf. Altaner 265 ff. for further bibliography. For Socrates and Sozomen see PG 67, 29-1630; Sozomen alone, ed. by J. Bidez and G. C. Hausen (Berlin 1960) [GCS 50] ; Theodoret, ed. by L. Parmentier and F. Scheidweiler (Berlin, 2nd ed. 1954); F. Scheidweiler, "Die Bedeutung der Vita Mitrophanis et Alexandri fur die Quellenkritik bei den griechischen Kirchenhistorikern" in ByZ 50 (1957), 74-98. Historia Tripartita ed. by W. Jacob and R. Hanslik (Vienna 1952) [CSEL 71]; for bibliography see Altaner 275. The World Chronicle of Eusebius and Jerome ed. by R. Halm, 2 vols. (Berlin 1913-26) [GCS 24, 34], new ed. in 1 vol. (Berlin 1956). Lesser World Chronicles ed. by T. Mommsen in MGAuctant IX (Berlin 1892). For a brief survey of the Byzantine historians not here mentioned see H. G. Beck in LThK VI, 212 and General Bibliography to vols. I and II.

Of the extensive literature on Augustine's view of history (Altaner 504-5), only A. Wachtel, Beitrage zur Geschichtstheologie des Aurelius Augustinus (Bonn 1960) need be mentioned, especially for its full bibliographies; Paulus Orosius, Historiae advenus paganos, ed. with English translation by J.W.Raymond (New York 1936); bibliography, Altaner 280-1.

For schemata of sacred and profane history see van der Pot, Periodisering der Geschiedenis, 36-64, 76-84; J. Danielou, "La typologie millenariste de la semaine dans le christianisme primitif" in VigChr 2 (1946), 1-16; P. E. Hubinger, "Spatantike und fruhes Mittelalter" in DVfLG 26 (1952), 1-48; A. D. van den Brincken, "Weltaeren" in AKG 39 (1957), 133-49; B. Sticker, "Weltzeitalter und astronomische Perioden" in Saeculum 4 (1953) 241-49.


In addition to the still unfinished new edition of W. Wattenbach's standard work, Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter (1st ed. 1858) by W. Levison and H. Lowe (Weimar 1952-7) for the early and Carolingian period and by R. Holtzmann for the llth-13th centuries (Tubingen 1948) (referred to as Wattenbach- Levison and Wattenbach - Holtzmann respectively), consult also K. Jacob, Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte im Mittelalter, 5th ed. revised by H. Hohenleutner, I and II (Berlin 1959-61), III by F. Weden (Berlin 1952) [Sammlung Goschen 279, 280, 284] ; R. I. Poole, Chronicles and Annals (Oxford 1926); T. F. Tout, The Study of Medieval Chronicles (Manchester 1934); H. Grundmann, "Geschichtsschreibung im MA" in Deutsche Philologie im Aufri?, ed. by W. Stammler, III (Berlin 1957), 1273-336; M. Manitius, Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des MA, 3 vols. (Munich 1911, 1923, 1931, new imp. of I, 1959) (to the end of the 12th cent.); G. Misch, Geschichte der Autobiographie, II and III, in 4 parts (Frankfurt 1955-62), with detailed analyses; for interpretations of history, see Geschichtsdenken und

Geschichtsbild, ed. by W. Lammers (Darmstadt 1961), which contains sixteen essays by leading authors, already published elsewhere. Finally there is O. Brunner's study, Abendlandisches Geschichtsdenken (434-59) with extensive bibliographies.

For the medieval beginnings of ecclesiastical history in the strict sense, an important work is H. Zimmermann, Studien zur Kirchengeschichtsschreibung im MA (Vienna 1960) [S/4W, Phil.-Hist. Kl. 235, 4]; necessary for deeper study of the subject are the numerous modern works on medieval ecclesiology: J. Beumer, "Zur Ekklesiologie der Fruhscholastik" in Scholastik 26 (1951), 365-89; by the same, "Das Kirchenbild in den Schriftkommentaren Bedas der Ehrwurdigen", ibid. 28 (1953), 40-56; by the same, "Ekklesiologische Probleme der Fruhscholastik", ibid. 27 (1952), 183-209; H. Riedlinger, Die Makellosigkeit der Kirche in den lat. Hoheliedkommentaren des MA (Munster 1958); for the history of Joachimism and the Franciscan spirituals, see E.Benz, Ecclesia Spiritualis (Stuttgart 1934). For the late medieval idea of the Church, see F. Merzbacher, "Wandlungen des Kirchen- begriffs im Spatmittelalter" in ZSavRGkan 39 (1953), 274-361; H. Jedin, "Zur Entwicklung des Kirchenbegriffs im 16. Jh." in Relazioni del X" Congresso internazionale di Scienze Storiche IV (Florence 1955), 59-73; L. Buisson, Potestas und Caritas. Die papstliche Gewalt im Spatmittelalter (Cologne 1958).

SPECIAL SUBJECTS: H. Lowe, Von Theoderich zu Karl dem Gro?en (Darmstadt 1958); A. D. van den Brincken, Studien zur lateinischen Weltchronik bis in das Zeitalter Ottos von Freising (Dusseldorf 1957); J. Sporl, Grundformen hochmittelalterlicher Geschichtsanschauungen (Munich 1935). For the medieval Vita, see H. Vogt, Die literarische Personenschilderung des fruhen MA (Leipzig 1934); O.Kohler, Das Bild des geistlichen Fursten in den Viten des 10., 11. und 12. ]h. (Berlin 1934). P. van den Baar, Die kirchliche Lehre von der Translatio Imperii bis zur Mitte des 13. Jh.; W. Goez, Tfanslatio Imperii. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Geschichtsdenkens und der politischen Theorie im MA und der fruhen Neuzeit (Tubingen 1958); H. Beumann, "Der Schriftsteller und seine Kritiker im fruhen MA" in StudGen 12 (1959), 497-511.


The influence of humanism on attitudes towards the Church and Church history still needs closer study. The leading accounts of modern historiography may still be mentioned: E. Fueter, Geschichte der neueren Historiographie (Munich-Berlin 1911); H. von Srbik, Geist und Geschichte vom deutschen Humanismus bis zur Gegenwart, 2 vols. (Munich- Salzburg 1950); F. Meinecke, Die Entstehung des Historismus, 2 vols. (Munich, 3rd ed. 1959); W. Dilthey, Weltanschauung und Analyse des Menschen seit Renaissance und Reformation (Leipzig, 2nd ed. 1921). See also L. Spitz, The Religious Renaissance of the German Humanists (Cambridge 1963). For this subject, further reference may be made to the following surveys of sources: G. Wolf, Quellenkunde der deutschen Reformationsgeschichte, 2 vols. (Gotha 1915-22); F. Schnabel, Deutschlands geschichtliche Quellen und Darstellungen in der Neuzeit, I: Das Zeitalter der Reformation (Leipzig 1931); an excellent general survey of the literature, embracing the whole of Europe, is E. Hassinger, Das Werden des neuzeitlichen Europa (Brunswick 1959), 401-86. For the rise of a new view of history, see A. Klempf, Die Sakularisierung der universalhistorischen Auffassung (Gottingen 1960); cf. O. Kohler in Saeculum 12 (1961), 191; W Kaegi, Chronica Mundi. Grundformen der Geschichtsschreibung seit dem MA (Einsiedeln 1954). For an excellent survey of the Renaissance in its historical context: W. Ferguson, The Renaissance in Historical Thought (Cambridge 1948).

The only general account of the historiography of this period is E. Menke-Gluckert, Die Geschichtsschreibung der Reformation und Gegenreformation (Leipzig 1912), which is inadequate for developments on the Catholic side. For the attitude of the Reformers towards Church history, see W.Kohler, Luther und die Kirchengeschichte, I (Erlangen 1900); H. W. Muller-Krumweide, Glauben und Geschichte in der Theologie Luthers (Gottingen 1953); H. Berger, Calvins Geschichtsauffassung (Zurich 1955); K. Raber, Studien zur Geschichtsbibel Sebastian Francks (Basle 1952). For the separation of sacred from profane history in Melanchthon, see P. Meinhold, Ph. Melanchthon (Berlin 1960), 90 if. The effect of the controversial point of view on the development of Church history into a science is studied by P. Polman, L'element historique dans la controverse religieuse du XVI' siecle (Gembloux 1932). For the publication of sources and the rise of criticism, see H.Quentin, ).-D. Mansi et les grandes collections conciliaires (Paris 1900); also LThK VI, 534ff.; P. Peeters, L'Oeuvre des Bollandistes (Brussels, 2nd ed. 1961); E. Martene, Histoire de la Congregation de St Maur, ed. by G. Charvin, 9 vols. (Liguge 1928-43);

E. de Broglie, Bernard de Montfaucon et les Bernardins, 2 vols. (Paris 1891); H. Leclercq, J.Mabillon, 2 vols. (Paris 1953-7), on this M. D. Knowles in JEH 10 (1959), 153-73; J. De Ghellinck, "L'edition de St Augustin par les Mauristes" in NRTh 57 (1930), 746-74. Studies of particular subjects: A. Herte, Das katholische Lutherbild im Bann der Lutherkommentare des Cochlaeus, 3 vols. (Munster 1943); B. A. Vermaseren, De cath. Neder- landsche Geschiedsschrijving in de 16" en 17' eeuw (Maastricht 1941); H. Borak, "Theo- logia historiae in doctrina S. Laurentii a Brindisi" in Laurentiana 1 (Rome 1960), 31-97.

K.Volker, Die Kirchengeschichtsschreibung der Aufklarung (Tubingen 1921); E.C.Scherer, Geschichte und Kirchengeschichte an den deutschen Universitaten (Freiburg i. Br. 1927), a fundamental introduction to the subject; J. Engel, "Die deutschen Universitaten und die Geschichtswissenschaft" in HZ 189 (1959), 223-378; K.Zinke, Zustande und Stromungen in der katholischen Kirchengeschichtsschreibung des Aufklarungszeitalters im deutschen Sprachgebiet (Bernau 1933). A. Walz, Studi storiografici (Rome 1940), 40-72, on the introducing of Church history as a subject of instruction at the Roman universities in the 18th and 19th centuries; A.Perez Goyena, "Los origenes del estudio de la historia eclesiastica en Espana" in RF 79 (1927). Histories of the faculties of Church history have been written by S. Merkle for Wurzburg, E. Sager for Freiburg, E. Hegel for Trier, H. Jedin for Bonn, and A. P. Bruck for Mainz.


On the main currents in the science of history-writing during the 19th and 20th centuries:

G. Wagner, Geschichtswissenschaft (Freiburg i. Br. 1951), 169-377 (full bibliography); important for Church history is E. Troeltsch, Der Historismus und seine Probleme (Tubingen 1922); id., Der Historismus und seine Uberwindung (Berlin 1924); E. Laslowski, "Probleme des Historismus" in H] 62-9 (1949), 593-606; H. Butterfield, Man on his Past (Cambridge 1955), important here because it deals in some detail with Dollinger's pupil, Lord Acton. For the progress of historical research in the 19th century in which Church history also shared, the great works on published sources must be consulted (e.g. H. Bress- lau, Geschichte der MG [Hanover 1921], and H. Grundmann, Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, 2 [1951], 538-47), as well as the publications of the historical institutes (e.g. W. Friedensburg, Das Konigliche Preu?ische hist. Inst, in Rom 1888-1901 [Berlin 1903]; H.Kramer, Das osterreichische hist. Inst, in Rom 1881-1901 [Rome 1932]; for

other historical institutes in Rome, see K.A.Fink, Das Vatikanische Archiv [Rome, 2nd ed. 1951], 152-80), and their annual reports in their respective periodicals; and not least the correspondence and autobiographies of famous historical scholars: Die Geschichtswissenschaft in Selbstdarstellungen, ed. by S. Steinberg (Leipzig 1925); Die Religionswissenschaft in Selbstdarstellungen, ed. by E. Stange (Leipzig 1927), containing among others H. Grisar, H. Schrors and J. Schmidlin; P. M. Baumgarten, Romische und andere Erinnerungen (Dusseldorf 1927); T. von Sickel, Romische Erinnerungen, ed. by L. Santi- faller (Vienna 1947). The account in this section is an attempt to trace the reciprocal effects of research, historical writing and instruction in the field of Church history, as I have done in Das Konzil von Trient. Ein Uberblick uber die Erforschung seiner Geschichte (Rome 1948), 167-213.

MOHLER AND DOLLINGER: J. A. Mohler, Die Einheit der Kirche (1825), ed. by J. R. Geiselmann (Cologne 1957); Gesammelte Schriften und Aufsatze, ed. by J.J.I. Dollinger, 2 vols. (Regensburg 1939-40); S. Losch, }. A. Mohler, Gesammelte Aktenstucke und Briefe, I (Munich 1928); K. Bihlmeyer, "J.A.Mohler als Kirchenhistoriker" in ThQ 100 (1919), 134-98; H. Tuchle, Die eine Kirche. Zum Gedenken J. A. Mohlers (Paderborn 1939); J. R. Geiselmann, Lebendiger Glaube aus geheiligter Uberlieferung (Mainz 1942); id., L'ecclesiologie au XIX' siecle (Paris 1960), 141-95; B. D. Dufourcq, "Schisme et Primaute chez J. A. M." in RSR 34 (1960), 197-231. The biography of Dollinger by his pupil, the Old Catholic J. Friedrich, 3 vols. (Munich 1899-1901) can be superseded only when the edition of his letters begun by V. Conzemius is completed; cf. V. Conzemius in ZBLG 22 (1959), 154-60; S. Losch, Dollinger und Frankreich (Munich 1955). Discourse on the past and present of Catholic theology (1863) in Kleinere Schriften, ed. by F. H. Reusch (Stuttgart 1890), 161-96.


Containing the sources, historical accounts, periodicals, and other ancillary works of most importance for the study of the history of the ancient Church. The abbreviations are based on those employed in the Lexikon fur Theologie und Kirche I (Freiburg i. Br., 2nd ed. 1957), 16-48.


The works of the ancient Christian authors are certainly of primary importance. They exist for the most part in the form of collections of writings, an account of the origin of which has been given in the Introduction. For many of these authors the editions in J.-P. Migne's two great series of patristic texts have not yet been superseded: Patrologiae cursus completus. Series graeca, 161 vols. (Paris 1857-66) and Series latina, 221 vols., of which the four last contain indexes (Paris 1844-64, several vols, reprinted 1878-90). The indexes to the Series graeca were compiled by F. Cavallera (Paris 1912) and T. Hopf- ner, 2 vols. (Paris 1928-45). A Supplement to the Series latina in several vols, has been begun by A.Hamman (Paris 1958 seqq.); so far (1964) vols. I, II, and III, fase. 1 and 2 have appeared.

Critical editions of the Latin and Greek authors are still being produced by the Academies of Science of Vienna and Berlin respectively in: Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum (Vienna 1860 seqq.) and Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte (Leipzig 1897 seqq.). A parallel undertaking is: Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, in several series (Leipzig-Berlin 1882 seqq.). The Benedictine abbey of St Peter at Steenbrugge (Belgium) is planning a new edition of the writings of all the Latin, Greek, and Eastern Fathers: Corpus christianorum seu nova patrum collectio, of which the Latin series has already been begun (Turnhout-Paris 1953 seqq.). A very valuable aid to study is the following work, prepared for this series by E. Dekkers and A. Gaar: Clavis patrum latinorum (Steenbrugge, 2nd ed. 1961). This gives a critical survey of all existing editions of the Latin Fathers. Some late Latin ecclesiastical writers have been edited in: Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores antiquissimi (Hanover-Berlin 1826 seqq.). For the early Byzantine period of Church history a work to be consulted is: Corpus scriptorum htstoriae Byzantinae (Bonn 1828 seqq.). Greek and Latin texts of the Fathers (with French translation) are published in the collection edited by C. Mondesert known as: Sources chretiennes (Paris 1941 seqq.); 102 vols, have so far appeared.

For the study of Greek and Latin Christian authors, M. Vatasso's Initia patrum (latinorum), 2 vols. (Rome 1906-8) and C. Baur's Initia patrum graecorum, 2 vols. (Rome 1955) are important aids. All printed works of the Fathers are listed according to their opening words.

The following are collections of Eastern Christian writers: Patrologia Syriaca, ed. by R. Grafin, 3 vols. (Paris 1894-1926); Patrologia Orientalis, ed. by R. Grafin and F. Nau (Paris 1903 seqq.); Corpus scriptorum christianorum Orientalium (Paris 1903 seqq.), begun by J. B. Chabot and now edited by R. Draguet, Louvain.

The smaller collections of individual writings of the Fathers listed below are intended for students' use: Corpus scriptorum latinorum Paravianum (Turin): Florilegium patris- ticum, ed. by J. Zellinger and B. Geyer (Bonn 1904 seqq.); Kleine Texte, ed. by H. Lietz- mann (Berlin 1902 seqq.); Sammlung ausgewahlter Kirchen- und dogmengeschichtlicher Quellenschriften, ed. by G. Kruger (Tubingen 1891 seqq.); Scriptores christiani primaevi (The Hague 1946 seqq.); Stromata patristica et mediaevalia, ed. by C. Mohrmann and J. Quasten (Utrecht 1950 seqq.).

For students also the so-called enchiridia are to be recommended. They contain a selection of characteristic patristic texts: C. Kirch and L. Ueding, Enchiridion fontium historiae ecclesiasticae antiquae (Freiburg i. Br., 8th ed. 1960); M.-J. Rouet de Journel, Enchiridion patristicum (Freiburg i. Br., 21st ed. 1959); M.-J. Rouet de Journel and J. Dutilleul, Enchiridion asceticum (Freiburg i. Br., 5th ed. 1958); C. Silva-Tarouca, Fontes historiae ecclesiasticae medii aevi, I, saec. V-IX (Rome 1930; selections); H. M. Gwatkin, Selections from Early Christian Writers Illustrative of Church History to the Time of Constantine (London 1937).

The principal series of translations of the Fathers are: Bibliothek der Kirchenvater, ed. by O. Bardenhewer et alii, 1st series, 63 vols., 2nd series, 20 vols. (Kempten-Munich 1911-39); Sources chretiennes, the French translation mentioned above; Ancient Christian Writers, ed. by J. Quasten (Westminster, Md.-London 1946 seqq.); The Fathers of the Church, ed. by R. Deferrari (New York 1947 seqq.); Ante-Nicene Christian Library (Edinburgh Collection) 1866-72, 24 vols., and 1 supplement, vol by A. Menzies, 1897; Ante-Nicene Fathers (Buffalo Collection) 1884-6, supplemented by 28 vols, republished (Grand Rapids 1956); A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 28 vols. (Buffalo and New York 1886-90).

The actual Church historians among the ancient writers are of special importance: Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica (down to 324) ed. by E. Schwartz in GCS 9, 1-3 (Berlin 1908-9); Philostorgius, Historia Ecclesiastica (down to 425) ed. by J. Bidez in GCS 21 (Berlin 1913); Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica (305-439), ed by R. Hussey, 3 vols. (Oxford 1853); Sozomen, Historia Ecclesiastica (324-425), ed. by J. Bidez and G. C. Hansen in GCS 50 (Berlin 1960); Theodoret, Historia Ecclesiastica ed. by L. Parmentier, 2nd ed. by

F. Scheidweiler in GCS 44 (19) (Berlin 1954); Gelasius, Historia Ecclesiastica, ed. by
H. Loeschke and M. Heinemann in GCS 28 (Berlin 1918); Zacharias Rhetor, Historia Ecclesiastica (circa 450-540), preserved in a Syrian translation, ed. by E. W. Brooks in CSCO 83-4 (Paris 1919-21); Evagrius Scholasticus, Historia Ecclesiastica (431-594), ed. by J. Bidez and L. Parmentier (London 1898, republished Amsterdam 1964); Rufinus of Aquileia's translation of the Historia Ecclesiastica of Eusebius, with two supplementary books of his own, ed. by T. Mommsen in GCS 9, 1-3 (Berlin 1908-9); Sulpicius Severus, the World Chronicle or Historia Sacra (down to 400), ed. by C. Halm in CSEL 1 (Vienna 1866); Paulus Orosius, Historia adversus paganos, an outline of world history to the year 474, ed. by C. Zangmeister in CSEL 5 (Vienna 1882); The World Chronicles of Tiro Prosper of Aquitaine, Cassiodorus and Isidore of Seville, edited by T. Mommsen in MGAuctant 9 and 11 (Berlin 1892 and 1894).

The Acts of the martyrs and the Vitae of the early saints are valuable source-material for the first centuries of the history of the Church. They have been catalogued in three works ed. by the Bollandists: Bibliotheca hagiographica latirta, 2 vols. (Brussels 1898-1901, reprinted in 1949), a supplementary vol. appeared in 1911; Bibliotheca hagiographica


graeca, 3 vols. (Brussels, 3rd ed. 1957); Bibliotheca hagiographica orientalis (Brussels 1910). Acta Sanctorum, begun by J. Bolland at Antwerp in 1643, serves editors and commentators working on these sources. The vols, are arranged according to the saints' days of the Roman Calendar, beginning with January. The most recent vol., no. 65, contains the ninth and tenth days of November. Two important supplementary vols, are: Martyrologium Hieronymianum, ed. by H. Quentin and H. Delehaye (Brussels 1931) and Martyrologium Romanum, revised by H. Delehaye (Brussels 1940). A selection of the most important Acta is found in: T. Ruinart, Acta martyrum sincera (Paris 1689. Regensburg, 5th ed. 1859). The selection by R. Knopf and G. Kruger, Ausgewahlte Martyrerakten (Tubingen, 3rd ed. 1929), is intended for the use of students. A fundamental work for Byzantine hagiog- raphy is that of A. Ehrhard and J. M. Hoeck, Uberlieferung und Bestand der hagiographischen und homiletischen Literatur der griechischen Kirche, of which vols. I—I II have so far appeared (Leipzig 1937-52) (TU 50-2). The leading periodical for the whole field of hagiography is: Analecta Bollandiana (Brussels 1882 seqq.), with bibliography.


Source-works on ancient liturgies, creeds, acts of councils and papal decrees, important for our knowledge of the inner life of the Church, have been accorded separate treatment.

a) LITURGIES: Among collections of liturgical texts the following should be mentioned: J. A. Assemani, Codex liturgicus ecclesiae universalis, 13 vols. (Rome 1749-66, new imp. Paris 1922 seqq.); H.A.Daniel, Codex liturgicus ecclesiae universalis, 4 vols. (Leipzig 1847-53); N.Nilles, Kalendarium manuale utriusque ecclesiae orientalis et occidentalis, 2 vols. (Innsbruck 1896-7). The following contain only Oriental texts: J. Goar, Euchologion, sive Rituale Graecorum (Paris 1647, Venice 1730, latest imp. Graz 1959); E. Renaudot, Liturgiarum orientalium collectio, 2 vols. (Paris 1716, Frankfurt 1847); H. Denzinger, Ritus Orientalium, 2 vols. (Wurzburg 1863-4); F. E. Brightman, Liturgies Eastern and Western, I: Eastern Liturgies (Oxford 1896). There is new material in: H. Leclercq, Monumenta ecclesiae liturgica (Paris, I, 1902-13, V, 1904); W. Bulst, Hymni latini antiquissimi (Heidelberg 1956) contains early Latin hymns.

The recent collection Opuscula et textus, series liturgica (Munster 1933) publishes select liturgical texts, as does also: Liturgiegeschichtliche Quellen (Munster 1918 seqq.). Recent critical editions, especially of Latin texts, are named at the appropriate places in the present work; for them the following manuals on liturgy may be consulted: L. Eisenhofen Handbuch der katholischen Liturgik (Freiburg i.Br., 2 vols. 1932-3); M. Righetti, Manuale di storia liturgica, I-IV (Milan, 2nd ed. 1950-5); A.-G. Martimort (ed.), Introduction a la liturgie (Paris 1961).

Fundamental works for the study of ancient liturgies are: L. Duchesne, Origines du culte chretien (Paris, 5th ed. 1920), Eng. tr. Christian Worship. Its Origin and Evolution. A Study of the Latin Liturgy up to the Time of Charlemagne (New York, 2nd ed. 1954); J. M. Hanssens, Institutiones liturgicae de rebus orientalibus, 3 vols. (Rome 1930-2); A. Baumstark, Liturgie comparee (Chevetogne, 3rd ed. 1953).
b) THE CREEDS of the'ancient Church have been collected by A. Hahn, Bibliothek der Symbole und Glaubensregeln (Hildesheim 1962). There is a selection in H. Lietzmann, Ausgewahlte Symbole der alten Kirche, KIT 17-18 (Berlin, 3rd ed. 1931). Other collections are: H. Denzinger, Enchiridion symbolorum (Freiburg i.Br., 31st ed. 1960), Eng. tr. The Sources of Catholic Dogma (St. Louis 1957); F. Cavallera, Thesaurus doctrinae catholicae ex documentis magisterii ecclesiastici (Paris, 2nd ed. 1937). For the early Byzantine period: J. N. Karmiris, Ta 8o-y?XAT«ia xal <ru(?(3o>,ixa (ivrj^sta -rijc ' Op9oS6Co'j KaGoXiXT,c 'ExxXrjoiac (Athens, 2 vols. 1952-3, 2nd ed. 1960). See also: H. Lietzmann. "Symbolstudien" in 2NW 21 (1922), 22 (1923), 24 (1925), 26 (1927), now contained in H. Lietzmann, Kleine Schriften, III (Berlin 1962), 189-281; F. Kattenbusch, Das apostolische Symbol, 2 vols. (Leipzig 1894-1900, new impression Darmstadt 1964); J. de Ghellinck, Patristique et Moyen Age, I: Les recherches depuis cinq siecles sur les origines du symbole des apotres (Brussels, 2nd ed. 1949); F. J. Badcock, History of the Creeds (London, 2nd ed. 1938); J. N. D. Kelly, Early Christian Creeds (London, 2nd ed. 1960).

c) THE ACTS OF THE EARLY CHRISTIAN COUNCILS are to be found in the great collections of J. Hardouin, Acta conciliorum et epistolae decretales ac constitutions summorum pontificum (Paris, 12 vols., 1714 seq.), and J. D. Mansi, Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio (Florence-Venice 1759-98, new imp. and continuation, Lyons-Paris 1899-1927, new imp. Graz 1960-1). The Acts of the councils of Ephesus and Chalcedon have been published in critical editions by E. Schwartz, Acta conciliorum oecumenicorum (Berlin 1914 seqq.). Smaller editions of texts are: F. Lauchert, Die Kanones der wichtigsten altkirchlichen Konzilien (Freiburg i.Br. 1896, new imp. Frankfurt 1961); E. J. Jonkcrs, Acta et symbola conciliorum quae saeculo quarto habita sunt (Leiden 1954). The decrees and canons of the early Christian Councils may now be conveniently found in Conciliorum oecumenicorum decreta, ed. J. Alberigo et alii (Freiburg i. Br. 1962).
A basic work for the history of the ancient councils is: C. J. von Hefele, Concilien- geschichte I—III (Freiburg i. Br., 2nd ed. 1873-7), and the French translation (with supplementary matter by H. Leclerq, Histoire des Conciles d'apres les documents originaux, I—III (Paris 1907-10). On the council of Chalcedon: Das Konzil von Chaldekon, ed. by A. Grillmeier and H. Bacht, 3 vols. (Wurzburg 1951-4).

d) THE PRINCIPAL PAPAL DECREES of the early period have been published in P. Coustant, Pontificum Romanorum a s. Clemente usque ad s. Leonem epistulae genuinae (Paris 1721, Gottingen 1796), and A. Thiel, Epistulae Romanorum pontificum genuinae a s. Hilaro usque ad Pelagium II, vol. I (Braunsberg 1867). A collection of the earliest Vitae of the popes is contained in: Liber Pontificalis, ed. by L. Duchesne, 2 vols. (Paris 1907-15); new ed. by C. Vogel in 3 vols. (ibid. 1955-7) The history of the early popes is related in E. Caspar, Geschichte des Papsttums von den Anfangen bis zur Hohe der Weltherrschaft, 2 vols. (Tubingen 1930-3); J. Haller, Das Papsttum. Idee und Wirklichkeit, I: Die Grundlagen (Urach-Stuttgart, 2nd ed. 1950); F. X. Seppelt, Geschichte der Papste, I: Der Aufstieg des Papsttums (Munich, 2nd ed. 1954).

Early Christian papyri form a body of source-material that is constantly increasing in importance. Collections of papyri are being published, either in separate series or in special periodicals. The following may be mentioned: Berliner griechische Urkunden (Berlin 1895 seqq.); The Oxyrhynchos Papyri (London 1898 seqq.); Papiri greci e latini della Societa ltaliana (Florence 1912 seqq.); Select Papyri, 3 vols, in the Loeb Classical Library, ed. by A. S. Hunt, C. C. Edgar, and D. L. Page (London 1932-41).

Christian Texts only: C. Wessely, Les plus anciens monuments du christianisme ecrits sur papyrus, POR 4, 2; 18, 3 (Paris 1907, 1924); G. Ghedini, Lettere Christiane dai papiri del III" e IV° secolo (Milan 1923). Other letters: Aegyptus 34 (1954), 266-82. Liturgical texts: C. del Grande, Liturgiae, preces hymni Christianorum e papyris collecti (Naples, 2nd ed. 1934); Aegyptus 36 (1956), 247-53, 37 (1957), 23-31.

Periodicals and ancillary studies: Archiv fur Papyrusforschung, ed. by U. Wilcken (Leipzig 1901 seqq.); Aegyptus, Rivista Italiana di Egittologia e Papirologia (Milan 1920 seqq.), with valuable bibliography and specializing in Christian texts. W. Schubert, Einfuhrung in die Papyruskunde (Berlin 1918); K. Preisendanz, Papyrusfunde und Papyrusforschung (Leipzig 1933) ; A. Calderini, Manuale di papirologia antica greca e romana (Milan 1938, with bibliography, 176-92); F. Preisigke and E. Kiessling, Worterbuch der griechischen Papyrusurkunden (Berlin 1925 seqq.); E. Mayser, Grammatik der griechischen Papyri aus der Ptolemaerzeit (Berlin 1923-38); W.Schubert, Papyri Graecae Berolinenses (Bonn 1911), (= Tabulae in usum scholarum, ed. J. Lietzmann, No. 2).


For work on the written sources of early Church history, a knowledge of certain branches of Classical studies, especially of philology, is indispensable. A. Gercke and E. Norden, Einleitung in die klassische Altertumswissenschaft give an introduction to this subject (3 vols., Leipzig, 3rd ed. 1921 seqq.). More comprehensive are the relevant volumes of the Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft latest revised editions, now ed. by H. Bengtson (Munich 1955 seqq.).

A work of reference to be constantly consulted is: Paulys Realencyclopadie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft in the revised version of G. Wissowa, W. Kroll and K. Mittelhaus (Stuttgart 1893 seqq.).

The most important Latin dictionaries are: C. du Cange, Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae latinitatis, first published in 3 vols. (Paris 1678), many times reprinted and enlarged, most recently by L. Favre, 10 vols. (Niort 1883-7); Thesaurus linguae latinae (Leipzig 1900 seqq.); A. Souter, A Glossary of Later Latin to A.D. 600 (Oxford 1949); A. Blaise, Dictionnaire latin-francais des auteurs chretiens (Strasbourg 1954). See also C. Mohrmann, Etudes sur le latin des chretiens, I (Rome 1961), II (Rome 1961); H. Nunn, An Introduction to Ecclesiastical Latin (New York 1928); M. O'Brien, Titles of Address in Christian Latin Epistolography (Washington 1930).

The most important Greek dictionaries are: H. Stephanus, Thesaurus graecae linguae, latest ed. in 8 vols. (Paris 1831-55); H. G. Liddell and R. Scott, Greek-English Lexikon, ed. by H. S. Jones and R. McKenzie (Oxford 1940); W. F. Arndt and F. W. Gingrich, Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and other Early Christian Literature (Chicago, 4th ed. 1957); Theologisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament, ed. by G. Kittel and G. Friedrich (Stuttgart 1933 seqq.), Eng. tr. Theological Dictionary of the New Test., vol. I (Grand Rapids 1964); G. W. H. Lampe, A Greek Patristic Lexicon (Oxford 1961 seqq.); E. A. Sophocles, Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine Periods (A.D. 146 to 1100) (New York, 3rd ed. 1888). See also S. B. Psaltes, Grammatik der byzantinischen Chroniken (Gottingen 1913); F. Blass and H. Debrunner, Grammatik des neutestament- lichen Griechisch (Gottingen, llth ed. 1961).

PALAEOGRAPHY: V. Gardthausen, Griechische Palaographie, 2 vols. (Leipzig, 2nd ed. 1911-13); B. A. van Groningen, Short Manual of Greek Palaeography (Leiden 1940); R. Devreesse, Introduction a l'etude des manuscripts grecs (Paris 1954); H. Hunger, Studien zur griechischen Palaographie (Vienna 1954); F. Steffens, Lateinische Palaographie (Trier, 2nd ed. 1907-9); B. Bretholz, Lateinische Palaographie (Leipzig-Berlin, 3rd ed. 1926); G. Battelli, Lezioni di paleografia (Vatican City, 3rd ed. 1949); B. Bischoff, Palaographie (Berlin, 2nd ed. 1957). To these may be added the vols, of facsimiles ed. by H. Lietzmann: Specimina codicum graecorum Vaticanorum (Berlin, 2nd ed. 1929) and Specimina codicum latinorum Vaticanorum (Berlin, 2nd ed. 1927), as well as the periodical Scriptorium (Antwerp 1948 seqq.).

The above-mentioned sources are all systematically treated in the histories of early Christian literature and in the manuals and textbooks of patrology, as follows: A. von Harnack, Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, 3 vols. (Leipzig 1893-1904); new impression of the 4th ed. with supplementary matter by K.Aland (Leipzig 1958); O. Bardenhewer, Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, 5 vols. (Freiburg i. Br., I—III, 1913-23; IV, 1924; V, 1932; repr. Darmstadt 1962). On Syriac writers: O. de Urbina, Patrologia Syriaca, I (Rome 1958); M. Moricca, Storia della letteratura latina cristiana, 3 vols. (Turin 1924-34); A. Puech, Histoire de la litterature grecque chretienne, 3 vols. (Paris 1928-9); F.Cayre, Patrologie et histoire de la theologie, I: Precis de patrologie (Paris, 3rd ed. 1958), Eng. tr. A Manual of Patrology and the History of Theology (Paris 1936), several new editions have appeared; P. de Labriolle, Eng. tr. History and Literature of Christianity from Tertullian to Boethius (London-New York, 2nd ed. 1947); F.Cross, The Early Christian Fathers (London 1960); J. Quasten, Patrology, 3 vols, so far (Utrecht 1950-60); B. Altaner, Patrology (Freiburg-London-New York, 2nd imp. 1960) from the fifth German edition 1958.

Certain sections of patristic studies are dealt with in the following works: M. Manitius, Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters, I (Munich 1911, new imp. Graz 1959); F. J. E. Raby, A History of Christian Latin Poetry (Oxford, 3rd ed. 1953); H. G. Beck, Kirche und theologische Literatur im byzantinischen Reich (Munich 1959, HAW); P. Nautin, Lettres et ecrivains chretiens des II' et III" siecles (Paris 1961); A. Siegmund, Die Uberlieferung der griechisch-christlichen Literatur in der lateinischen Kirche (Munich 1939).

The works of the Eastern Christian writers are treated of in: A. Baumstark, Geschichte der syrischen Literatur (Bonn 1922), with additions by A. Baumstark and A. Rucker in the Handbuch der Orientalistik, III (Leiden 1954), 169-204; J. Chabot, La litterature syriaque (Paris 1935); F.N.Fink, "Geschichte der armenischen Literatur" in Geschichte der christlichen Literatur des Orients (Leipzig 1907); K. Kiparian, Geschichte der armenischen Literatur, I (Venice 1944) ; H. Thorossian, Histoire de la litterature armenienne (Paris 1951); G. Peradze, Die altchristliche Literatur in georgischer Uberlieferung, OrChr 3-8 (Wiesbaden 1930-3); J. Karst, Litterature georgienne chretienne (Paris 1934); M. Tarchnisvili and J. Assfalg, Geschichte der kirchlichen georgischen Literatur (Rome 1955); O'Leary, "Litterature copte" in DACL 9 (1930), 1599-635; S. Morenz, "Die koptische Literatur" in Handbuch der Orientalistik, I (Leiden 1952), 207-19; W.Till, "Coptic and its Value" in BJRL 40 (1957), 229-58, with bibliography; G.Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, 5 vols. (Rome 1944-53).

The chief bibliographical aid for the whole field is now the Bibliographia Patristica, ed. by W. Schneemelcher (Berlin 1956 seqq.). The Bulletin d'ancienne litterature chretienne latine, since 1921 associated with the Revue Benedictine (Maredsous), is concerned only with Christian Latin literature.



Early Christian life, in so far as it has left "monuments" of itself (taking the term in its widest sense), is the subject of Christian archaeology. One of this science's most important branches is early Christian epigraphy, which is the study of Latin and Greek Christian inscriptions. These have mostly been collected according to localities; and among such collections, that of the city of Rome is of particular significance: J. B. de Rossi, Inscrip- tiones christianae urbis Romae, 2 vols. (Rome 1864—80), enlarged by J. Gatti with a Supplement to vol. I (Rome 1915). The continuation of this work has been undertaken by A. Silvagni, Inscriptiones christianae urbis Romae, Nova Series, 3 vols. (Rome 1934-56). See also H. Zilliacus, Sylloge inscriptionum christianarum veterum Musei Vaticani, I—II (Helsinki 1963); I. Kajanto, Onomastic Studies in the Early Christian Inscriptions of Rome and Carthage (Helsinki 1963).

Next come the collections for separate countries: E. le Blant, Inscriptions chretiennes de la Gaule, 3 vols. (Paris 1856-92, new imp. Paris 1923); A. Hubner, Inscriptiones Britanniae christianae (Berlin-London 1876); E. Egli, Die christlichen Inschriften der Schweiz (Zurich 1895); S. Gsell, Inscriptions latines d'Algerie, I—II (Paris 1922-57); A. L. Delattre, L'epigraphie funeraire chretienne a Carthage (Tunis 1926); J. Vives, Inscripciones cristianas de la Espana romana y visigoda (Barcelona 1942, supplement Barcelona 1942); F. X. Kraus, Die christlichen Inschriften der Rheinlande, 2 vols. (Freiburg i. Br. 1890-4), now superseded by F. Gose, Katalog der fruhchristlichen Inschriften in Trier (Berlin 1958); G.Behrens, Das fruhchristliche und merowingische Mainz (Mainz 1950); J. B. Ward Perkins and J. M. Reynolds, Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania (Rome 1952).

The principal early Christian Latin inscriptions from all areas where discoveries have been made have been collected and explained by E. Diehl in Inscriptiones latinae christianae veteres, 3 vols. (Berlin 1925-31).

Greek-Christian inscriptions have been published in: L. Jalabert, R. Mouterde and C. Mondesert, Inscriptions grecques (et latines) de la Syrie, 4 vols. (Paris 1929-55); W. H. Buckler, W. M. Calder and W. K. C. Guthrie, Monuments and Documents from Eastern Asia and Western Galatia, Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, IV (Manchester 1933); W. H. Buckler and W. M. Calder, Monuments and Documents from Phrygia and Caria, ibid. VI (Manchester 1939); H. Lietzmann, N. A. Bees, and G. Sotiriu, Die griechisch-christlichen Inschriften des Peloponnes-Isthmos-Korinth (Athens 1941); J. S. Creaghan and A. E. Raubitschek, Early Christian Epitaphs from Athens (Woodstock 1947). New discoveries are reported in the Supplementum epigraphicum graecum (Leiden 1923 seqq.).

AIDS to the study of Christian epigraphy: the following articles give a general account of the subject: L. Jalabert and R. Mouterde, "Inscriptions grecques chretiennes" in DACL VII, 623-94; H. Leclerq, "Inscriptions latines chretiennes", ibid. 694-850. On the growth of the great collections of inscriptions, see 850-1089. Manuals and textbooks: R. Cagnat, Cours d'epigraphie latine (Paris, 4th ed. 1914); W. Larfeld, Griechische Epigraphik (Munich, 3rd ed. 1914); C.M.Kaufmann, Handbuch der altchristlichen Epigraphik (Freiburg i. Br. 1917); P. Testini, "Epigrafia" in Archeologia cristiana (Rome 1959), 327-543. Two volumes of the Tabulae in usum scholarum ed. by H. Lietzmann, give specimens: No. 4, Inscriptiones latinae, compiled by E. Diehl (Bonn 1912), and No. 7, Inscriptiones graecae, compiled by O. Kern (Bonn 1913). For the bibliography of the subject, see: Rivista di archeologia cristiana (Rome 1924 seqq.); Fasti archeologici (Florence 1948 seqq.).

In recent times the ancillary science of numismatics has made a considerable contribution to our understanding of the history of the Church under the Christian emperors. The older bibliography is to be found in H. Leclercq, "Monnaie" in DACL XI, 2260-350. Further bibliographies in J. Babclon, "Monnaie" in DBS V (1957), 1346-75, and P. Grierson, Coins and Medals, A Select Bibliography (London 1954). The coins of imperial times have been collected and described by H. Mattingly and E. A. Sydenham, The Roman Imperial Coinage (London 1923 seqq.), of which vol. IX contains the coins of Valentinian I to those of Theodosius I; that containing those of Constantine is in preparation. Until it appears, consult J. Maurice, Numismatique constantinienne, 3 vols. (Paris 19C6-13). Other important works: A. Alfoldi, Die Kontorniaten (Budapest 1943); M. Bernhard, Handbuch zur Munzkunde der romischen Kaiserzeit, 2 vols. (Halle 1926). For a critical evaluation see V. Schultze, "Christliche Munzpragung unter Constantin" in ZKG 44 (1925), 321-7; K.Kraft, "Silbermedaillen Constantins des Gro?en mit dem Christusmonogramm auf dem Helm" in Jahrbuch fur Numismatik 5-6 (1954-5), 151-78; G. Bruck, "Die Verwendung christlicher Symbole auf Munzen von Constantin I bis Magncntius" in Numismatische Zeitschrift 6 (1955), 26-32.


Early Christian methods of burial are also an important subject of archaeological study, centred largely on Rome. See: J. B. de Rossi, La Roma sotterranea cristiana, 3 vols. (Rome 1864-77); P. Styger, Altchristliche Grabeskunst (Augsburg 1927); idem, Die romischen Katakomben (Berlin 1933); idem, Romische Martyrergrufte (Berlin 1935); L. Hertling and E. Kirschbaum, Die romischen Katakomben und ihre Martyrer (Vienna, 2nd ed. 1955); J. Wilpert, Die Malereien der Katakomben Roms, 2 vols. (Freiburg i. Br. 1903); F. Wirth, Romische Wandmalerei (Berlin 1934); S. Bettini, Fruhchristliche Malerei (Vienna 1942); J. Wilpert, 1 sareofagi cristiani antichi, 3 vols. (Rome 1929-36); F. Gerke, Die christlichen Sarkophage der vorkonstantinischen Zeit (Berlin 1940); G. Bovini, I sareofagi paleocristiani (Rome 1949); C. Cecchelli, Monumenti cristiano-eretici di Roma (Rome 1944).


Manuals and periodicals concerning Christian archaeology and accounts of early Christian art: C. M. Kaufmann, Handbuch der christlichen Archaologie (Paderborn, 3rd ed. 1922); R. Krautheimer, Corpus basilicarum christianarum Romae (Rome 1937 seqq.); C. Cecchelli, Iconografia dei papi (Rome 1938 seqq.); B.Ladner, Papstbildnisse des Altertums und des Mittelalters, I (Rome 1941); P.Testini, Archaeologia cristiana (Rome 1959); O.Wulff, Altchristliche und byzantinische Kunst (Berlin, 2nd ed. 1919, supplement Berlin 1939); O. M. Dalton, Eastern Christian Art (Oxford 1925); C. R. Morey, Early Christian Art (Princeton, 2nd ed. 1953); D.T.Rice, The Beginnings of Christian Art (London 1957); W. F. Volbach and M. Hirmer, Eng. tr. Early Christian Art (London 1961); F. van der Meer and C. Mohrmann, Eng. tr. Atlas of the Early Christian World (London 1958); Bollettino di archeologia cristiana (Rome 1863-94) and Nuovo Bollettino di archeologia cristiana (Rome 1895-1923); Rivista di archeologia cristiana (Rome 1924 seqq.) with bibliography; Romische Quartalschrift fur christliche Altertumskunde und fur Kirchengeschichte (Freiburg i. Br. 1837 seqq.); Cahiers archeologiques (Paris 1945 seqq.); Jahrbuch fur Antike und Christentum (Munster 1958 seqq.); Atti del 111° congresso inter- nazionale di archeologia cristiana (Rome 1934); Atti del IV" congresso, 2 vols. (Rome 1940-8); Actes du V* congres (Paris 1957); F. X. Kraus, Realencyclopadie der christlichen Altertumer, 2 vols. (Freiburg i. Br. 1882-6); Dictionnaire d'archeologie chretienne et de liturgie, 15 vols. (Paris 1907-53).



P. Batiffol, Le catholicisme des origines a s. Leon, 4 vols. (Paris, 3rd to 5th cd. 1911-30), many times reprinted; B. J. Kidd, A History of the Church to A.D. 461 (Oxford 1922); L.Duchesne, Histoire ancienne de l'eglise, 3 vols. (Paris, 3rd to 5th ed. 1923-9), Eng. tr. Early History of the Christian Church (New York 1924) from the 1st French edition; idem, L'eglise au VI' siecle (Paris 1925); G.Kruger, Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte, I (Tubingen, 2nd ed. 1923); J. Zeiller, L'empire romain et l'eglise (Paris 1928); J.P.Kirsch, Kirchengeschichte, I (Freiburg i.Br. 1930); C. Poulet, Eng. tr. History of the Primitive Church, 4 vols. (New York 1942-8); A. Ehrhard, Die Kirche der Martyrer (Munich 1932); idem, Die katholische Kirche im Wandel der leiten und Volker, 2 vols. (Bonn 1935-7); A. Fliehe and V.Martin, Histoire de l'eglise, I-V (Paris 1935-8), Eng. tr. A History of the Catholic Church, 2 vols. (London-St Louis, 2nd ed. 1956); F. Heiler, Die katholische Kirche des Ostens und Westens, I (Munich 1937); H. Lother, Geschichte des Christentums, I (Leipzig 1939); J. von Walter, Die Geschichte des Christentums, I (Gutersloh, 2nd ed. 1939); K.Muller, Kirchengeschichte, 1/1 (Tubingen, 3rd ed. 1941); P.Hughes, A History of the Church, I (London, 2nd ed. 1948); E. Buonaiuti, Geschichte des Christentums, I (Berne 1948); C.Schneider, Geistesgeschichie des antiken Christentums, 2 vols. (Munich 1954); P. Carrington, The Early Church (1st and 2nd centuries), 2 vols. (Cambridge 1957); H. Lietzmann, Geschichte der Alten Kirche, 4 vols. (Berlin, 3rd-4th edd. 1961), Eng. tr. A History of the Early Church, 4 vols. (London 1937-51); K.Bihlmeyer and H. Tuchle, Kirchengeschichte, I (Paderborn, 13th ed. 1962), Eng. tr. Church History, I (Westminster, Md. 1958); K. D. Schmidt and E. Wolf (ed.). Die Kirche in ihrer Geschichte Gottingen 1962 seqq., in parts); The Christian Centuries, edd. L. J. Rogier et alii, vol. I, J.Danielou and H.Marrou, The First Six Hundred Years (London-New York 1964).


A. von Harnack, Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte, 3 vols. (Tubingen, 5th ed. 1931, new imp. in preparation), Eng. tr. History of Dogma, 7 vols. (New York 1962); idem, Dogmengeschichte (Grundri?) (Tubingen, 7th ed. 1931), Eng. tr. Outline of the History of Dogma (London 1962); R. Seeberg, Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte, I—II (Leipzig, 2nd ed. 1922, new imp. Darmstadt 1960), Eng. tr. Textbook of the History of Doctrines (Grand Rapids 1956); idem, Grundri? der Dogmengeschichte (Leipzig, 7th ed. 1936); J. Tixeront, Histoire des dogmes dans l'antiquite chretienne, 3 vols. (I, llth ed. Paris 1930, II, 9th ed. 1931; III, 8th ed. 1928), Eng. tr. History of Dogmas, from the 5th French ed. (St Louis-London 1928-32); F. Loofs, Leitfaden zum Studium der Dogmengeschichte (Tubingen, 6th ed. 1959); K. Prumm, Der christliche Glaube und die altheidnische Welt, 2 vols. (Leipzig 1935); idem, Christentum als Neuheitserlebnis (Freiburg i.Br. 1939). W. Koehler, Dogmengeschichte als Geschichte des christlichen Selbstbewu?tseins (Leipzig, 2nd ed. 1951); H. von Campenhausen, Kirchliches Amt und geistliche Vollmacht in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten (Tubingen 1953); M.Werner, Die Entstehung des christlichen Dogmas (Tubingen, 2nd ed. 1954), Eng. tr. The Formation of Christian Dogma (New York 1957); A. E. W. Turner, The Pattern of Christian Truth (London 1954); M. Schmaus, J. R. Geiselmann and A. Grillmeier, Handbuch der Dogmengeschichte (Freiburg i. Br. 1951 seqq.), Eng. tr. The Herder History of Dogma: B. Poschmann, Penance and the Anointing of the Sick (Freiburg-London-New York-Montreal 1964) and B. Neunheuser, Baptism and Confirmation (Freiburg-London-New York-Montreal 1964); J.N. D.Kelly,

Early Christian Doctrines (London 1958); J. Danielou, Histoire des doctrines chretiennes avant Nicee, 2 vols. (Tournai 1958-61); A. Grillmeier, "Hellenisierung-Judaisierung des Christentums als Deutungsprinzipien der Geschichte des kirchlichen Dogmas" in Scholastik 33 (1958), 321-55 528-58.


J. Stelzenberger, Die Beziehungen der fruhchristlichen Sittenlehre zur Ethik der Stoa (Munich 1933); M. Viller and K. Rahner, Aszese und Mystik der Vaterzeit (Freiburg i. Br. 1939); P. Pourrat, La spiritualite chretienne, I (Paris, 3rd ed. 1943), Eng. tr. Christian Spirituality (Westminster 1954); L. Bouyer, La spiritualite du Nouveau Testament et des Peres (Paris 1960), Eng. tr. The Spirituality of the New Testament and the Fathers (New York 1963); A. von Harnack, Die Mission und Ausbreitung des Christentums in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten (Leipzig, 4th ed. 1924; a new imp. is projected), Eng. tr. The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries (New York 1937); K. S. Latourette, A History of the Expansion of Christianity, I: The First Five Centuries (New York 1937); G. Schnurer, Kirche und Kultur im Mittelalter, I (Paderborn, 3rd ed. 1936), Eng. tr. Church and Culture in the Middle Ages (Patterson 1956); J.H. Waszink et alii, Het oudste Christendom en de antieke cultuur (down to Irenaeus), 2 vols. (Haarlem 1951); C.N.Cochrane, Christianity and Classical Culture (New York, second edition 1944, new impression 1957); W. Durant, Caesar and Christ. A History of Roman Civilization and of Christianity from the Beginnings to A.D. 32i (New York 1944); W. Jaeger, Early Christianity and Greek Paideia (Cambridge, Mass. 1961); H. Eibl, Augustin und die Patristik, Geschichte der Philosophie in Einzeldarstellungen, III, 10/11 (Munich 1923); B.Geyer, Die patristische und scholastische Philosophie in F.Ueberweg, Grundri? der Geschichte der Philosophie, II (Berlin, 1 Ith ed. 1928, new imp. in preparation); K. Prumm, Religionsgeschichtliches Handbuch fur den Raum der altchrist- liehen Welt (Freiburg i.Br. 1943, new imp. Rome 1954); E. Kornemann, Weltgeschichte des Mittelmeerraumes, II: Von Augustus bis zum Sieg der Araber (Munich 1949); F.Lot, La fin du monde antique (Paris 1951), Eng. tr. The End of the Ancient World (New York, 2nd ed. 1961); E.Stein, Histoire du Bas-Empire, I (A.D. 284-476) (Paris, 2nd ed. 1959), H (A.D. 475-565) (Paris 1949); L. Brehier, Le monde byzantin, 3 vols. (Paris 1947-50); G. Ostrogorsky, Geschichte des byzantinischen Staates (Munich, 3rd ed. 1963), Eng tr. History of the Byzantine State (New Brunswick, 2nd ed. 1957).



Besides the special lexica already mentioned, the following are important: The Catholic Encyclopedia, 15 vols. (New York 1907-12; supplementary volume, 1922), new encyclopedia in preparation; Catholicisme, Hier-Aujourd'hui-Demain, ed. by G. Jacquement (Paris 1928 seqq.); Dictionnaire de la Bible, Supplement, ed. by L. Pirot and A. Robert (Paris 1928 seqq.); Dictionnaire de droit canonique, ed. by R. Naz (Paris 1935 seqq.); Dictionnaire d'histoire et de geographie ecclesiastique, ed. by A. Baudrillart, A. de Meyer, E. van Cauwenbergh and R. Aubert (Paris 1912 seqq.); Dictionnaire de spiritualite ascetique et mystique, ed. by M. Villier, M. Olphe Gailliard, A. Rayez, and C. Baumgartner (Paris 1932 seqq.); Dictionnaire de theologie catholique, ed. by A. Vacant, E. Mangenot, and E. Amann (Paris 1930 seqq.); Enciclopedia cattolica, 12 vols. (Vatican City 1949-54); Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon, ed. by H. Brunotte and O. Weber (Got- ringen 1955 seqq.); Lexikon fur Theologie und Kirche, ed. by J. Hofer and K. Rabner, (Freiburg, 2nd ed. 1957 seqq.); Reallexikon fur Antike und Christentum, ed. by T. Klauser (Stuttgart 1950 seqq.); Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, ed. by K. Galling (Tubingen, 3rd. ed. 1957 seqq.); P. Garns, Series episcoporum ecclesiae catholicae (Regensburg 1873; supplements 1879-86; new imp. Graz 1957); E.Bayer, Worterbuch zur Geschichte (Stuttgart 1960); The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, F. L. Cross ed. (London 1957); K. Pieper, Atlas orbis antiqui (Dusseldorf 1931); K. Heussi and H. Mulert, Atlas zur Kirchengeschichte (Tubingen, 3rd ed. 1937); B. Llorca, Atlas y cuadros sincronicos de historia eclesiastica (Barcelona 1950); R.S.Dell, An Atlas of Christian History (London 1960); J. G. T. Graesse, Orbis latinus. Verzeichnis der wichtigsten Ortsund Landernamen (Berlin, 3rd ed. 1922).


Periodicals, most of which contain extensive book reviews, specially devoted to the study of early Christianity: Antike und Christentum, by F. J. Dolger, I-VI (Munster 1929-50); Biblica (Rome 1920 seqq.) with bibliography of primitive Christianity; Jahrbuch fur Antike und Christentum (Munster 1958 seqq.); Jahrbuch fur Liturgiewissenschaft, I-XV (Munster 1921-41); Archiv fur Liturgiewissenschaft (Regensburg 1950 seqq.); Liturgisches Jahrbuch (Munster 1951 seqq.); Revue des Etudes Augustiniennes (Paris 1955 seqq.); Vtgiliae Chrislianae (Amsterdam 1947 seqq.); Zeitschrift fur neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der alteren Kirche (Giessen-Berlin 1900 seqq.).

Among the theological periodicals which give considerable space to matters concerning the early Church, the following are worthy of special mention: Analecta Sacra Tarra- gonensia (Barcelona 1925 seqq.); Bulletin of the John Rylands Library (Manchester 1903 seqq.); Bulletin de litterature ecclesiastique (Toulouse 1899 seqq.); Byzantion (Brussels 1924 seqq.); Biblische Zeitschrift (Freiburg 1903-29, Paderborn 1931-39, 1957 seqq.); Church History (New York-Chicago 1932 seqq.); The Catholic Historical Review (Washington 1915 seqq.); Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Cambridge, Mass. 1941 seqq.); Estudios eclesiasticos (Madrid 1922-36, 1942 seqq.); Echos d'Orient (Paris 1892-1942); Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses (Bruges 1924 seqq.); Evangelische Theologie (Munich 1934 seqq.); Gregorianum (Rome 1920 seqq.); Geist und Leben (Wurzburg 1947 seqq.); Historisches Jahrbuch (Cologne 1880 seqq., Munich 1950 seqq.); The Harvard Theological Review (Cambridge, Mass. 1908 seqq.); Irenikon (Amay-Chevetogne, Belgium 1926 seqq.); Journal of Ecclesiastical History (London 1950 seqq.); Jahrbuch fur Liturgik und Hymnologie (Cassel 1955 seqq.); Journal of Theological Studies (London 1899 seqq.); Melanges de science religieuse (Lille 1944 seqq.); Munchener Theologische Zeitschrift (Munich 1950 seqq.); Nouvelle RevueTheologique (Tournai 1879 seqq.); Orlens Christianus (Wiesbaden 1901 seqq.); Orientalia Christiana Periodica (Rome 1935 seqq.); L'Orient syrien (Paris 1956 seqq.); Ostkirchliche Studien (Wurzburg 1951 seqq.); Le Proche-Orient Chretien (Jerusalem 1951 seqq.); Revue d'ascetique et de mystique (Toulouse 1920 seqq.); Revue Benedictine (Maredsous 1884 seqq.); Revue des Etudes byzantines (Paris 1946 seqq.); Revue des Etudes Grecques (Paris 1888 seqq.); Revue des Etudes latines (Paris 1923 seqq.); Revue des Sciences Religieuses (Strasbourg 1921 seqq.); Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses (Strasbourg 1921 seqq.); Revue de l'histoire des religions (Paris 1880 seqq.); Revue de l'Orient chretien (Paris 1896 seqq.); Revue de Qumran (Paris 1958 seqq.); Revue des sciences philosophiques et theologiques (Paris 1907 seqq.); Recherche de science religieuse (Paris 1910 seqq.); Rivista di storia della chiesa in Italia (Rome 1947 seqq.); Studia Anselmiana (Rome 1933 seqq.); Sacris erudiri (Bruges 1948 seqq.); Studia Catholica (Roermond 1924 seqq.); Theologische Literaturzeitung (Leipzig-Berlin 1878 seqq.); Theologische Quartalschrift (Tubingen 1819 seqq., Stuttgart 1946 seqq.); Theological Studies (Baltimore 1940 seqq.); Theologische Zeitschrift (Basle 1945 seqq.); Traditio (New York 1943 seqq.); Trierer Theologische Zeitschrift (Trier 1888 seqq.); Zeitschrift fur Askese und Mystik (Innsbruck-Munich 1926 seqq.); Zeitschrift fur Kirchengeschichte (Stuttgart 1876 seqq.); Zeitschrift fur Katholische Theologie (Innsbruck-Vienna 1877 seqq.); Zeitschrift fur Theologie und Kirche (Tubingen 1891 seqq.).


The most comprehensive periodical bibliography for the whole field of ecclesiastical history is contained in Revue d'histoire ecclesiastique (Louvain 1900 seqq.) Another important publication is Bulletin de theologie ancienne et medievale, which is published in association with Recherches de theologie ancienne et medievale (Louvain 1929 seqq.). The following also contain critical reviews of works on the early history of the Church: Theologische Rundschau (Tubingen 1897 seqq.) and Theologische Revue (Munster 1902 seqq.), section 5, in the bibliographical appendix.



Jewish Christianity

1. Judaism in the Time of Jesus GENERAL

C. K. Barret, The New Testament Background: Selected Documents (London-New York 1957), H. Strack and P. Billerbeck, Kommentar zum Neuen Testament aus Talmud und Midrasch, 5 vols. (Munich 1922-56); R.A.Pfeiffer, History of New Testament Times (New York 1948); R. Grant, A Historical Introduction to the New Testament (London- New York 1963); R. Bultmann, Primitive Christianity in its Contemporary Setting (London-New York 1957); W. O. E. Oesterley, The Jews and Judaism during the Greek Period (London 1941); J. Parkes, The Foundations of Judaism and Christianity .(London 1960); H. J. Schoeps, Theologie und Geschichte des Judenchristentums (Tubingen 1949); idem, Aus fruhchristlicher Zeit (Tubingen 1950); idem, Urgemeinde, Judenchristentum, Gnosis (Tubingen 1956); J. Danielou, The Theology of Jewish Christianity (London 1964); K.Schubert, Die Religion des Nachbiblischen Judentums (Freiburg-Vienna 1955); W. Bousset, Die Religion des Judentums im spathellenischen Zeitalter (Tubingen, 3rd ed. 1926); N. Levison, The Jewish Background of Christianity (Edinburgh 1932); P. Riessler, Altjudisches Schrifttum au?erhalb der Bibel (Augsburg 1928); J.Jeremias, Jerusalem zur Zeit Jesu (Gottingen, 2nd ed. 1962); F. Notscher, Vom Alten zum Neuen Testament (Bonn 1962); B. Gerhardsson, Memory and Manuscript: Oral Tradition in Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity (Uppsala 1961).


E. Schurer, A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ, 3 vols. (Edinburgh 1886-90, abridged ed. New York 1961); W. O. E. Oesterley and T. A. Robinson, A History of Israel, 2 vols. (Oxford 1932); F.-M. Abel, Histoire de la Palestine, 2 vols. (Paris 1952); M. Noth, The History of Israel (London, 2nd rev. ed. 1960). G. F. Moore, Judaism in the First Centuries of the Christian Era, 3 vols. (2nd ed. Cambridge, Mass. 1946-8); J. Bonsirven, Palestinian Judaism in the Time of Christ (New York 1963); P. Demann, Judaisme (New York 1961); L. Finkelstein, The Jews, their History, Culture and Religion, 2 vols. (New York, 3rd ed. 1960); M. Hengel, Die Zeloten, Untersuchungen zur judischen Freiheitsbewegung in der Zeit von Herodes I bis 70 v.Chr. (Leiden-Cologne 1961); R. Travers Herford, The Pharisees (Boston, 2nd ed. 1962); M. Simon, Die judischen Sekten zur Zeit Jesu (Cologne, 2nd ed. 1962).


Bibliography in the Revue de Qumran (Paris 1958 seqq.), earlier see C. Burchard, Bibliographie zu den Handschriften vom Toten Meer (Berlin 1957, vol. II, 1964); W. S. Lasor,

Bibliography of the Dead Sea Scrolls 1948-1957 (Pasadena 1958); H. Bardtke, Die Handschriften vom Toten Meer, 2 vols. (Berlin 1952-8); idem, Qumran-Probleme (Berlin 1963); M. Burrows, The Dead Sea Scrolls (New York 1955); idem, More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls (New York 1958); J. T. Milik, Ten Years of Discovery in the Wilderness of Judaea (London 1959); F.M.Cross, The Ancient Library of Qumran (New York 1958); J. P. M. van der Ploeg, The Excavations at Qumran (London 1958); F. Bruce, Biblical Exegesis in the Qumran Texts (Grand Rapids 1959); K. H. Rengstorf, Hirbet Qumran und die Bibliothek vom Toten Meer (Stuttgart 1960); J. Schreiden, Les enigmes des manuscripts de la mer morte (Wetteren 1961); A. Dupont-Sommer, The Essene Writings from Qumran (Oxford 1961); J. Maier, Die Texte vom Toten Meer, 2 vols. (Munich 1961); G. Vennes, The Dead Sea Scrolls in English (London 1962); J. Carmignac, Christ and the Teacher of Righteousness (Baltimore 1962); H. Ringgren, The Faith of Qumran (Philadelphia 1963); F. Bruce, Second Thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls (London, 2nd ed. 1961); L. Mowry, The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Early Church (Chicago 1962); A. N. Gilkes, The Impact of the Dead Sea Scrolls (London 1963); M. Baillet-J. T. Milik-R. de Vaux, Les petites grottes de Qumran (2Q, 3Q, JQ-10Q). Le rouleau de cuivre (Oxford 1962); E. Lohse, Die Texte aus Qumran hebraisch und deutsch (Munich 1964); A. Braun, "Research reports on Qumran and N. T." in ThR 28 (1962); 29 (1963); 30 (1964); F. Notscher, Zur theologischen Terminologie der Qumran-Texte (Bonn 1956); D. Howlett, The Essenes and Christianity (New York 1957); H.Braun, Spatjudischer und fruhchristlicher Radikalismus, I, Das Spatjudentum (Tubingen 1957); K. Schubert, Die Gemeinde von Qumran (Munich 1958); H.E.Del Medico, Le mythe des esseniens (Paris 1958); H. Kosmala, Hebraer, Essener, Christen (Leiden 1959); O. Betz, Offenbarung und Schriftforschung in den Qumrantexten (Tubingen 1960); E. F. Sutcliffe, The Monks of Qumran (London 1960); K. H. Schelkle, Die Gemeinde von Qumran und die Kirche des Neuen Testamentes (Dusseldorf 1960); A. Adam, Antike Berichte uber die Essener (Berlin 1961); H. H. Rowley, "The Qumran Sect and Christian Origins" in BJRL 44 (1961), 119-56; M. Black, The Scrolls and Christian Origins (New York 1961).


J. Juster, Les juifs dans l'empire romain, 2 vols. (Paris 1914); W. Bousset, Judisch-christ- licher Schulbetrieb in Alexandrien und Rom (Gottingen 1915); H. J. Bell, Jews and Christians in Egypt (Oxford 1924); H.Leon, The Jews of Ancient Rome (Philadelphia 1960); J. Leipoldt, Antisemitismus in der alten Welt (Leipzig 1933); V. Tscherikover, Hellenistic Civilization and the Jews (Philadelphia 1959); W. Maurer, Kirche und Synagoge (Stuttgart 1953); L.Toombs, The Threshold of Christianity (Philadelphia 1960).


Critical collected ed. by L.Cohn, P. Wendland, S.Reiter, and J. Leisegang, 8 vols. (Berlin 1896-1930); text with English trans, by F.-H. Colson, G. Whitaker (London 1928-52); text with French trans, by R. Arnaldez, C. Mondescrt et alii (Paris 1961); general account by H. Leisegang in Pauly-Wissowa 19, 1-50; E. Brehier, Les idees philosophiques et religieuses de Philon (Paris, 2nd ed. 1925); E. Stein, Die allegorische Exegese des Philo aus Alex. (Gie?en 1929); J.Pascher, Der Konigsweg der Wiedergeburt und Vergottung bei Philo von Alex. (Paderborn 1931); I. Heinemann, Philons griechische und judische Bildung (Breslau 1932); W. Volker, Fortschritt und Vollendung bei Philo von Alex. (Leipzig 1938); E. R. Goodenough, The Politics of Philo Judaeus (New Haven 1938); P. Katz, Philo's Bible (Cambridge 1950); H. A. Wolfson, Philo, 2 vols. (Cambridge, Mass., 2nd ed. 1948); S. Sandmel, Philo's Place in Judaism (Cincinnati-New York 1956); H. Thyen, "Die Probleme der neueren Philoforschung" in ThR 23 (1955), 230-46; J. Danielou,

Philon d'Alexandrie (Paris 1958); S. Jellicose , "Philo and the Septuagint Vorlage" in JThS XII (1961), 261-71; R. Marcus, "Philo, Josephus and the Dead See Yahod (meaning community)" in JBL 71 (1952), 207-9; S. Lauer, "Philo's Concept of Time" in Journal of Jewish Studies 9 (1959), 39-46; H. Wolfson, "Philonic God and his latter-day deniers" in HThR 53 (1960), 101-24; J. de Savignac, "Le messianisme de Philon d'Alexandrie" in NovT 4 (1960), 318-24.

2. Jesus of Nazareth and the Church

General Accounts by A. Conzelmann in RGG, 3rd ed. Ill, 619-53; and A. Vogtle in LThK V, 922-32; A.Schweitzer, The Quest for the Historical Jesus (Oxford 1954). L. de Grandmaison, Jesus Christ, 3 vols. (New York 1930-4); J. Lebreton, The Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ (New York, new imp. 1957); A. Goodier, The Public Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ (New York, new imp. 1950); G. Ricciotti, Life of Jesus (Milwaukee 1950); R. Guardini, The Lord (London 1956); J. Klausner, Jesus of Nazareth (1925); M. Dibelius, Jesus (Oxford-Philadelphia 1949); R. Bultmann, Jesus (New York 1958); G. Bornkamm, Jesus of Nazareth (London 1960, New York 1963); M. Goguel, Jesus and the Origins of Christianity (New York 1963); E. Stauffer, Jesus and his Story (London 1960).

J. Aufhauser, Antike Jesus-Zeugnisse (Berlin, 2nd ed. 1925); J.Moreau, Les plus anciens temoignages profanes sur Jesus (Brussels 1944); W. Bousset, Kyrios Christos (Gottingen, 4th ed. 1935); R. Bultmann, History of the Synoptic Tradition (New York-Oxford 1963); J. M. Robinson, A New Quest for the Historical Jesus (1959); H. Zabrut, The Historical Jesus (London 1963); F.-M. Braun, Jesus, histoire et critique (Paris 1947); B. Rigaux, "Historicite de Jesus devant l'exegese recente" in RB 65 (1958), 482-522; R.Schubert (ed.), Der historische Jesus und der kerygmatische Christus (Freiburg i. Br. 1960); J. Blinzler, The Trial of Jesus (Westminster, Md., 1959).

R. Schnackenburg, New Testament Theology Today (London-New York 1963); R. Bultmann, The Theology of the New Testament, 2 vols. (London 1952-6); E. Stauffer, New Testament Theology (London 1957); R. Schnackenburg, God's Rule and Kingdom (Freiburg-London-New York-Montreal 1963); J. Bonsirven, Theology of the New Testament (Westminster, Md. 1964).

3. The Primitive Church at Jerusalem

F. F. Bruce, The Acts of the Apostles, Greek Text and Commentary (London 1951); F. J. Foakes-Jackson, Acts of the Apostles, 5 vols. (London 1920-33); E. Haenchen, Die Apostelgeschichte (Gottingen 1959); A. Wikenhauser, Die Apostelgeschichte (Regensburg, 3rd ed. 1956); M. Dibelius, Studies in the Acts of the Apostles (New York 1956); J. Dupont, The Sources of Acts (New York-London 1962); A. Ehrhardt, "The Construction and Purpose of the Acts of the Apostles" in StTh 12 (1958), 45-79. E.Meyer, Ursprung und Anfange des Christentums (Berlin 1923); A. Loisy, The Birth of Christian Religion and the Origins of the New Testament (New York 1962); M. Goguel, The Primitive Church (New York-London 1964); O. Cullmann, The Early Church (London 1956); P. Carrington, The Early Christian Church, 2 vols. (Cambridge 1957); E. Ehrhardt, "Christianity before the Apostles' Creed" in HThR 55 (1962) 73-119; O. Cullmann, Early Christian Worship (London 1953); W. D. Da vies, Christian Origins and Judaism (Philadelphia 1962).


The Way into the Pagan World

4. The Religious Situation in the Graeco-Roman World at the Time of its Encounter with Christianity


A.Fairbanks, A Handbook of Greek Religion (New York 1910); M.Nilsson, Greek Folk Religion (New York 1961); K. Latte, Die Religion der Romer und der Synkretismus der Kaiserzeit (Tubingen 1927); H. Kleinknecht, Pantheion (Tubingen 1929); N. Turchi, Fontes mysteriorum aevi hellenistici (Rome, 4th ed. 1930); A. D. Nock and A.-J. Festugikc, Corpus Hermeticum, 4 vols. (Paris 1945-54); F.C.Grant, Hellenistic Religions, 2 vols. (New York 1953-4); idem, Ancient Roman Religion (New York 1957); H.Haas and J.Leipoldt, Die Religionen in der Umwelt des Christentums: Bilderatlas zur Religionsgeschichte (Leipzig 1926-30).


See the histories of New Testament times already mentioned in addition to the following: P. Wendland, Die hellenistisch-romische Kultur in ihren Beziehungen zum Judentum und Christentum (Tubingen, 3rd ed. 1912); L. Friedlaender, Roman Life and Manners under the Early Empire, 4 vols. (London 1928-36); W. R. Halliday, The Pagan Background of Early Christianity (Liverpool 1926); R. Heinze, Die augusteische Kultur (Leipzig 1930, new imp. Darmstadt 1960); W. Kroll, Die Kultur der ciceronianischen Zeit, 2 vols. (Leipzig 1933); A.-J. Festugi^re and P. Fabre, Le monde greco-romain au temps de Notre- Seigneur, 2 vols. (Paris 1935); J. Carcopino, Daily Life in Ancient Rome (New Haven 1945); W. W. Tarn, Hellenistic Civilization (London, 3rd ed. 1952); M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World, 2 vols. (Oxford 1941); U. Kahr- stedt, Kulturgeschichte der romischen Kaiserzeit (Berne, 2nd ed. 1958); U. Paoli, Rome: its People, Life and Customs... (London 1963); A. A. M. van der Heyden and H. E. Stier, Bildatlas der klassischen Welt (Gutersloh 1960).


A. D. Nock, Conversion. The Old and New in Religion from Alexander the Great to Augustinus of Hippo (Oxford 1933); K. Prumm, Der christliche Glaube und die altheidnische Welt, 2 vols. (Leipzig 1935); K. Ker^nyi, Die Religion der Griechen und Romer (Munich 1963); R. Bultmann, Die Religionen im Umkreis des Christentums (Zurich, 2nd ed. 1954).

(a) Greek religion.

E. Rohde, Psyche: The Cult of Souls and Belief in Immortality among the Greeks (New York 1925); O.Kern, Die Religion der Griechen, 3 vols. (Berlin, 1926-38); W. Nestle, Griechische Religiositat, III (Berlin 1934); M. Nilsson, A History of Greek Religion (Oxford 1949); W. Guthrie, The Greeks and their Gods (Boston-London 1950); K. Prumm, "Die Religion des Hellenismus" in Konig H II (Freiburg i.Br., 2nd ed. 1961), 169-244; J.Harrison, Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion (New York 1957); J. Festugiere, Personal Religion Among the Greeks (Berkeley 1960); U. von Wilamowitz- Moellendorff, Der Glaube der Hellenen, 2 vols. (Darmstadt, 3rd ed. 1960).
(b) Roman religion.
J. Geffcken, Der Ausgang des griechisch-romischen Heidentums (Heidelberg, 2nd ed. 1929); F. Altheim, Romische Religionsgeschichte, III: Die Kaiserzeit (Berlin 1933);

F. Cumont, The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism (New York 1956); idem, Lux Perpetua (Paris 1949); F.Grant (ed.), Ancient Roman Religion (New York 1957); H.Rose, Ancient Roman Religion (New York 1957); C.Koch, Religio, Studien zu Kult und Glauben der Romer (Nuremberg 1960); T. Glover, Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire (Boston 1960); K. Latte, Die Religion der Romer (Munich 1960); M. Vermaseren, Mithra, ce dieu mysterieux (Paris 1960).
(d) The Emperor Cult.
G. Herzog-Hauser, Pauly-Wissowa, Suppl. IV 806-853. E. Lohmeyer, Christuskult und Kaiserkult (Tubingen 1919); S. Losch, Deltas Jesu und antike Apotheose (Rottenburg 1933); E. Stauffer, Rom und die Casaren (Hamburg 1952); L. Cerfaux and J. Tondriau, Un concurrent du Christianisme. Le culte des souverains romains (Tournai 1957); E. Norden, Die Geburt des Kindes (Darmstadt, 3rd ed. 1958); R. Etienne, Le culte imperial dans la peninsule iberique d'Auguste a Diocletien (Paris 1959); F. Taeger, Charisma, 2 vols. (Stuttgart 1960); H. Schlier, Die Zeit der Kirche (Freiburg i. Br., 3rd ed. 1962), 14 ff.; M. Nelsson, "The High God and the Mediator" in HThR 55 (1963), 101-20; B. Parsi, Designation et investiture de l'empereur romain. 1er et Ile siecles apres J.-C. (Paris 1963).
(d) Mystery religions.
F. Cumont, The Mysteries of Mithra (New York 1957); R. Reizenstein, Die hellenistischen Mysterienreligionen (Leipzig, 3rd ed. 1927); H. Gressmann, Die orientalischen Religionen im hellenistischen Zeitalter (Berlin 1930); F. Saxl, Mithra (Berlin 1931); B. Heigl, Antike Mysterienreligionen und das Christentum (Munster 1932); S. Eitrem, Orakel und Mysterien am Ausgang der Antike (Zurich 1947); N. Turchi, Le religioni misteriche del mondo antico (Milan 1948); V. Magnien, Les mysteres d'Eleusis (Paris 1950); H. Idris, Cults and Creeds in Graeco-Roman Egypt (Liverpool 1953); E. Wallis, Osiris: The Egyptian Religion of Resurrection (New York 1961); A.Schutze, Mithras-Mysterien und das Urchristentum (Stuttgart 1948); G. Mylonas, Eleusis and the Eleunisian Mysteries (Princeton 1961); B. Metygee, "Considerations of Methodology in the Study of the Mystery Religions and Early Christianity" in HThR 48 (1955), 1-20; Corpus inscriptionum et monumentorum religionis Mithriacae, I—II (Hagae Comitis 1956-60); M. Vermaseren, Mithra, ce dieu mysterieux (Paris 1960); A. Alvarez de Miranda, Religiones mistericas (Madrid 1961); R. Merkelbach, Isisfeste in griechisch-romischer Zeit (Meisenheim 1963); H. Hepding, Attis, seine Mythen und sein Kult (Berlin, 2nd ed. 1964).

(f) Popular religion.
K. Preisendanz, Papyri graecae magicae (Leipzig 1928); F. R. Herzog, Die Wunderheilungen von Epidaurus (Leipzig 1931); F.Boll, Sternglaube und Sterndeutung (Leipzig, 4th ed. 1931); E. Massonneau, La magie dans l'Antiquite romaine (Paris 1934); E. Stemp- linger, Antiker Volksglaube (Stuttgart 1948); R. Ehnmark, "Religion and Magic" in Ethnos 21 (1956), Iff.; W. Gundel, "Astrologie" in RAC I, 817-31. For a survey of literature on Roman Religion see H.Rose, "Roman Religion 1910-1960" in JRS 50 (1960), 161-72.

(h) Philosophy in late Classical times.
P. E. More, Hellenistic Philosophies (Princeton 1923); K. Praechter, Das Altertum in Ueberweg-Heinze, Geschichte der Philosophie, I (Berlin, 12th ed. 1926); L. Robin, Greek Thought and the Origins of the Scientific Spirit (New York 1928); E. Zeller, Grundri? der Geschichte der Philosophie der Griechen (Leipzig, 13th ed. 1928); K. Reinhardt, Poseidonios (Munich 1921); E. Brehier, Histoire de la philosophie, II (Paris 1948);

A.-J. Festugiere, Epicurus and his Gods (Oxford 1955); M. Pohlenz, Die Stoa, 2 vols. (Gottingen 1948-9); M. Spanneut, Le stoicisme des peres de l'eglise de Clement de Rome a Clement d'Alexandrie (Paris 1957); R. Harder, Plotin (Frankfurt 1958).

5. The Apostle Paul and the Structure of the Pauline Congregations SOURCES

The sources are the letters of Paul and the Acts of the Apostles. See also the apocryphal Acts of Paul, L. Vouaux, Les actes de Paul et ses lettres apocryphes (Paris 1913); R. A. Lipsius, Acta apostolorum apocrypha, I (Darmstadt, new imp. 1959); C.Schmidt, IlpaCstc n<xuXoo./4ct«> Pauli (Hamburg 1936); R. Kasser, "Acta Pauli" in RHPhR 40 (1960), 45-7.


Commentaries on the Acts of the Apostles, cf. above; commentaries on the letters of Paul cf. A. Wikenhauser, New Testament Introduction (Freiburg-London-New York 1958). For an extensive survey of Pauline literature see: B. Metzger ed., Index to Periodical Literature on the Apostle Paul (Grand Rapids 1960); A.Schweitzer, Paul and his Interpreters: A Critical History (Oxford 1948); E.Ellis, Paul and his Recent Interpreters (Grand Rapids 1961).

GENERAL ACCOUNTS of Paul's Life: A. Deissmann, Paul. A Study in Social and Religious History (New York, new imp. 1963); A.O.Nock, St Paul (London 1960); J.S.Stewart, A Man in Christ (New York 1944); E.-B. Alio, Paul, apotre de Jesus-Christ (Paris, 2nd ed. 1956); W. von Loewenich, Paul: His Life and Work (Edinburgh 1960); M. Dibelius, Paul, edited and completed by W.G.Kummel (London 1953); J.Klausner, From Jesus to Paul (Boston 1961); C. Tresmontant, St Paul and the Mystery of Christ (New York 1957); S. Sandmel, The Genius of Paul (New York 1958).

BIOGRAPHY OF PAUL: H. Bohlig, Die Geisteskultur von Tarsos (Gottingen 1913); A. Steinmann, Der Werdegang des Paulus (Freiburg i. Br. 1928); O. Kietzig, Die Bekehrung des Paulus (Leipzig 1932); E.Kirschbaum, "Das Grab des Volkerapostels" in Die Graber der Apostelfursten (Frankfurt a. M., 2nd ed. 1959), 166-97; U.Wilckens, "Die Bekehrung des Paulus als religionsgeschichtliches Problem" in ZThK 56 (1959), 273-93; J. Dauvillier, "A propos de la venue de S. Paul a Rome" in BLE 61 (1960), 3-26.

PAUL'S MISSIONARY ACTIVITY: W.M.Ramsay, St Paul the Traveller and the Roman Citizen (London, 7th ed. 1907); A. Oepke, Die Missionspredigt des Apostels Paulus (Leipzig 1920); J.Richter, Die Briefe des Apostels Paulus als missionarische Sendschreiben (Gutersloh 1929); K.Pieper, Paulus, seine missionarische Personlichkeit und Wirksamkeit (Munster, 3rd ed. 1929); W. L. Knox, St Paul and the Church of the Gentiles (Cambridge 1939); M. Dibelius, Paulus auf dem Areopag (Heidelberg 1939); R. Liechtenhan, Die ur- christliche Mission (Zurich 1946); H. Metzger, Saint Paul's Journeys in the Greek Orient (New York 1955); C. Maurer, "Paulus als der Apostel der Volker" in EvTh 19 (1959), 28-40; J. Cambier, "Paul, apotre du Christ et predicateur de l'evangile" in NRTh 81 (1959), 1009-28; M. Meinertz, "Zum Ursprung der Heidenmission" in Biblica 40 (1959), 762-77.; E. Lerle, Proselytenwerbung und Urchristentum (Berlin 1961); F. Maier, Paulus als Kirchengrunder und kirchlicher Organisator (Wurzburg 1961); V. N. Sevenster, Paul and Seneca (Leiden 1961).

THEOLOGY AND PIETY: B. Bartmann, Paulus. Die Grundzuge seiner Lehre (Paderborn 1914); W. Mundle, Das religiose Leben des Apostels Paulus (Leipzig 1923); J.Schneider,
Die Passionsmystik des Apostels Paulus (Leipzig 1929); H. Windisch, Paulus und Christus (Leipzig 1934); W. Schmauch, In Christus. Eine Untersuchung zur Sprache und Theologie des Paulus (Gutersloh 1935); J. Leipoldt, Jesus und Paulus—Jesus oder Paulus (Leipzig 1936); G.Harder, Paulus und das Gebet (Gutersloh 1936); A.Roder, Die Geschichtstheologie des Apostels Paulus (Speyer 1938); J.Bonsirven, Exegese rabbinique et exegese paulinienne (Paris 1939); F. Amiot, L'enseignement de S. Paul (Paris, 2 vols. 1946); F. Prat, The Theology of St Paul, 2 vols. (Westminster, Md. 1952); J.Dupont, Gnosis. La connaissance religieuse dans les epltres de S.Paul (Louvain 1949); R. Schnackenburg, Baptism in the Thought of St Paul (London-New York 1964); G. Bornkamm, Das Ende des Gesetzes. Paulusstudien (Munich 1952); A. Schweitzer, The Mysticism of Paul the Apostle (New York 1955); A. Wikenhauser, Pauline Mysticism. Christ in the Mystical Teaching of St Paul (Freiburg-London-New York 1960); E. Lohmeyer, Probleme pauli- nischer Theologie (Tubingen 1954); W. D. Davies, Paul and Rabbinic Judaism (London, 2nd ed. 1955); P. Demann, "Moise et la Loi dans la pensee de S. Paul" in Moise, l'homme de l'alliance (Paris 1955); K. H. Schelkle, Paulus, Lehrer der Vater (Rom 1-11) (Dusseldorf 1956); L. Cerfaux, Christ in the Theology of St Paul (Freiburg-London-New York 1959); J. Munck, Paul and the Salvation of Mankind (London 1959); O. Kuss, Enthusiasmus und Realismus bei Paulus" in Festschrift Th. Kampmann (Paderborn 1959) 23-27; D. Whiteley, The Theology of St Paul (Oxford 1964); C. K. Barret, From First Adam to Last. A Study in Pauline Theology (London 1962); L. Cerfaux, Le chretien dans la theologie paulinienne (Paris 1962); J. Dupont, Le discours de Milet. Testament spirituel de Paul (Paris 1962); O. Kuss, "Die Rolle des Apostels Paulus in der theologischen Entwicklung der Urkirche" in MThZ 14 (1963), 1-59, 109-87.

THE PAULINE CONGREGATIONS: B. Weiss, Paulus und seine Gemeinden (Berlin 1914); W. L. Knox, St Paul and the Church of Jerusalem (London 1925); B. Bartmann, Paulus als Seelsorger (Paderborn 1921); K.Holl, "Der Kirchenbegriff des Paulus" in Ges. Aufsatze, II (Tubingen 1928), 44-67; J. Wagemann, Die Stellung des Paulus neben den Zwolf (Giessen 1926); W.Koster, Die Idee der Kirche beim hl. Paulus (Freiburg i. Br. 1929); K.Pieper, Paulus und die Kirche (Paderborn 1932); A. Wikenhauser, Die Kirche als der mystische Leib Christi nach dem Apostel Paulus (Munster, 2nd ed. 1940); L. Cerfaux, The Church in the Theology of St Paul (Freiburg-New York-London 1959); H. Greeven, "Propheten, Lehrer, Vorsteher bei Paulus" in ZNW 44 (1952), 1-53; J. Colson, Les fonctions ecclesiales aux deux premiers siecles (Paris 1956); K. H. Schelkle, "Romische Kirche im Romerbrief" in ZKTh 81 (1959) 393^04; R. Schnackenburg, The Church in the New Testament (Freiburg - London -New York- Montreal 1965); E. Schweizer, Church Order in the New Testament (London-Naperville, III. 1961); M. Guerra y Gomez, Diaconos helenicos y biblicos (Burgos 1962); G. Dix, Jew and Greek (London, 2nd ed. 1955).

SPECIAL STUDIES: E. von Dobschutz, Der Apostel Paulus. Seine Stellung in der Kunst (Halle 1937); W. Straub, Die Bildersprache des Apostels Paulus (Tubingen 1937); E. Aleith, Das Paulusverstandnis der alten Kirche (Berlin 1937).

6. Peter's Missionary Activity and his Sojourn and Death in Rome

EXTRA-PAULINE CHRISTIANITY: F. X. Polzl, Die Mitarbeiter des Weltapostels Paulus (Regensburg 1911); A. Ruegg, Die Mission in der alten Kirche, ihre Wege und Erfolge (Basle 1912); K. Pieper, "Etappen und Eigenart der altchristlichen Mission" in RQ 34 (1926), 111-27; F. J. Foakes-Jackson, The Rise of Gentile Christianity (London 1927); R. Liechtenhan, Die urchristliche Mission (Zurich 1946) ; R. A. Lipsius, Acta apostolorum apocrypha, I (Leipzig 1891, new imp. Darmstadt 1959); J. Hervieux, The New Testament Apocrypha (New York 1960); Hennecke-Schneemelcher, II (Tubingen 1964); R.Soder,

Die apokryphen Apostelgeschichten und die romanhafte Literatur der Antike (Stuttgart 1932); P.M.Peterson, Andrew, Brother of Simon Peter, his History and his Legend (Leiden 1958).

MISSION OF THE APOSTLE PETER. Sources: the Acts of the Apostles and the two letters of Peter. Commentaries on the letters of Peter: J. W. C. Wand, I and II Peter (London 1934); F.W.Beare, The First Epistle of Peter (London 1958); C. Cranfield, The First Epistle of Peter (London 1958); idem, I and II Peter and Jude (London 1960); K. H. Schelkle, Die Petrusbriefe. Der Judasbrief (Freiburg i. Br. 1961), with extensive bibliography on pp. xi-xvi.

On the apocryphal Acts of Peter: L. Vouaux, Les actes de Pierre (Paris 1922), and C.Schmidt in ZKG 43 (1924), 321-438; 45 (1926), 481-513. See also G. Stuhlfauth, Die apokryphe Petrusgeschichte in der altchristlichen Kunst (Berlin 1925); E. Dinkier, Die ersten Petrusdarstellungen (Marburg 1937); C. Cecchelli, Iconografia dei papi, I: S. Pietro (Rome 1938).

F. J. Foakes-Jackson, Peter Prince of Apostles (New York 1927); E. T. Robertson, Epochs in the Life of Simon Peter (New York 1933). R. Aigrain, St Pierre (Paris 1939); O. Cull- mann, Peter: Disciple, Apostle, Martyr (Philadelphia, 2nd ed. 1962), on which see also P. Gaechter in ZKTh 75 (1953), 331-7; J.Schmitt in RevSR 28 (1954), 58-71; A. Vogtle in MThZ 5 (1954), 1-47; O. Karrer, Peter and the Church. An Examination of Cullmann's Thesis (Freiburg-London-New York-Montreal 1963); P. Gaechter, Petrus und seine Zeit (Innsbruck 1958); J. Perez de Urbel, San Pedro, principe de los apostoles (Burgos 1959).

SOJOURN AND DEATH IN ROME: For the older literature down to 1934 see U. Holzmeister, Commentarium in epitulas ss. Petri et Judae I (Paris 1937), 37—40; H. Lietzmann, Petrus und Paulus in Rom (Berlin, 2nd ed. 1927); H. Dannenbauer, "Die romische Petruslegende" in HZ 146 (1932), 239-62; 159 (1939), 81-88; H. Lietzmann, Petrus, romischer Martyrer (Berlin 1936); J. Haller, Das Papsttum, I (Stuttgart 1950), 475-85; K. Heussi, Die romische Petrustradition in kritischer Sicht (Tubingen 1955); K.Aland, "Der Tod des Petrus in Rom", Kirchengeschichtliche Entwurfe (Gutersloh 1960), 35 104.

THE TOMB OF PETER: On the problem of the apostles' tombs in S. Sebastiano, see P. Styger, Romische Martyrergrufte (Berlin 1935); A. Prandi, La memoria apostolorum in catacumbas (Rome 1936); C. Mohlberg, "Historisch-kritische Bemerkungen zum Ursprung der sogenannten memoria apostolorum an der Appischen Stra?e" in Colligere Fragmenta, Festschrift A. Dold (Beuron 1952), 52-74; F. Tolotti, Memorie degli apostoli in Catacumbas (Vatican City 1953); P. Testini, "Le presume reliquie dell'apostolo Pietro e la traslazione 'ad catacumbas'" in Actes du Ve congres international d'archeologie chretienne (Vatican City 1957), 529-38; J. Ruysschaert, "Les documents litteraires de la double tradition romaine des tombes apostoliques" in RHE 52 (1957), 791-831.

The excavations under the Basilica of St Peter. The official report on the excavations is Esplorazioni sotto la confessione di Pietro in Vaticano eseguite negli anni 1940-1949, 2 vols. (Vatican City 1951). Further discoveries in M. Guarducci, I graffiti sotto la confessione di S. Pietro in Vaticano, 3 vols. (Rome 1958); idem, The Tomb of St Peter: The New Discoveries in the Secret Grottos of the Vatican (New York 1960). Literature which has appeared since the official report is listed in Biblica 34 (1953) 96*f.; and see especially J. Ruysschaert, "Recherches et etudes autour de la Confession de la basilique Vaticane (1940-58). Etat de la question et bibliographie" in Triplice omaggio a S.S.PioXII, vol. 2 (Vatican City 1958), 3-47, and E. Dinkier, "Die Petrus-Rom-Frage, ein Forschungsbericht" in ThR 25 (1959), 189-230, 289-335; 27 (1961), 33-64, whose standpoint is more critical. Worthy of special mention are: A.M.Schneider, "Das Petrusgrab am Vatikan" in ThLZ 77 (1952), 321-6; E. Schafer, "Das Apostelgrab unter St.Peter in Rom" in EvTh 12 (1953), 304-20; J. Carcopino, "Les fouilles de S. Pierre" in Etudes d'histoire chretienne (Paris, 2nd ed. 1963), 93-286. R. O'Callaghan, "Vatican Excavations and the Tomb of Peter" in BA 16 (1953), 70-87; J. Ruysschaert, "Reflexions sur les fouilles Vaticanes, le rapport officiel et la critique" in RHE 48 (1953), 573-631, 49 (1954), 5-58; A. von Gerkan, "Kritische Studien zu den Ausgrabungen unter der Peterskirche in Rom" in Trierische Zeitschrift 22 (1954), 26-55; J.Fink, "Archaologie des Petrusgrabes" in ThRv 50 (1954), 81-102; C. Mohrmann, "A propos de deux mots controverses . . . tropeum-nomen" in VigChr 8 (1954), 154-73; J. Toynbee and J. Ward Perkins, The Shrine of St Peter and the Vatican Excavations (London 1956); E. Smothers, "The Excavations under St Peter's" in ThSt 17

(1956) , 293-321; T. Klausner, Die romische Petrustradition im Lichte der neuen Ausgrabungen unter der Peterskirche (Cologne-Opladen 1956), on which see also E.Kirschbaum in RQ 51 (1956), 247-54; H. Chadwick, "St Peter and St Paul in Rome" in JThS 8
(1958) , 31-52; E.Kirschbaum, The Roman Catacombs and Their Martyrs (Milwaukee 1950); A. von Gerkan, "Basso et Tusco consulibus" in Bonner Jahrbuch 158 (1958) 89-105; idem, "Zu den Problemen des Petrusgrabes" in JbAC 1 (1959), 79-93; H.-D. Altendorf, "Die romischen Apostelgraber" in ThLZ 84 (1959), 731-40; R. Ruysschaert, "Trois campagnes de fouilles au Vatican et la tombe de Pierre" in Sacra Pagina II (Paris 1939), 88-97; D. O'Conner, Peter in Rome (diss. Columbia University 1960; A. von Gerkan in JbAC 5 (1962), 23-32, 39-42; also T. Klauser, ibid. 33-38; R. Eggers, "Zu den neuesten Graffiti des Coemeteriums in Vaticano" in RQ 57 (1962), 74-77; E. Kirschbaum, The Tombs of St Peter and St Paul (London 1959); J. Carcopino, "Les fouilles de S. Pierre" in Etudes d'histoire chretienne (Paris 1963), 93-286.
7. The Christianity of the Johannine Writings COMMENTARIES

General accounts in A. Wikenhauser, New Testament Indroduction (Freiburg-London- New York 1958); P.-H. Menoud, "Les etudes johanniques de Bultmann a Barrett" in L'evangile de Jean (Paris 1958), 11-40.

JOHN'S GOSPEL: C. K. Barret, The Gospel according to St John. A Commentary on the Greek Text (London 1957); C. H. Dodd, Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel (Cambridge 1953); B. F. Westcott, The Gospel according to St John (London 1958); R. Bultmann, Das Evangelium des Johannes (Gottingen, 4th ed. 1953; supplement 1957); M.-J. Lagrange, L'evangile de Saint Jean (Paris, 6th ed. 1936).

REVELATION: E.-B. Alio, St Jean, L'Apocalypse (Paris, 3rd ed. 1933); J. Bonsirven, L'Apocalypse de S. Jean (Paris 1951); E. Lohmeyer, Die Offenbarung des Johannes (Tubingen 2nd ed. 1933); R.A.Charles, Revelation, 2 vols. (Edinburgh 1920).

LETTERS or JOHN: C. A. Dodd, Johannine Epistles (London 1946); R. Schnackenburg, Die Johannesbriefe (Freiburg i.Br. 1963).


A. C. Headlam, The Fourth Gospel as History (Oxford 1948); C. Dodd, The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel (Cambridge 1955); D. Lamont, Studies in the Johannine Writings (London 1956); F. L. Cross, Studies in the Fourth Gospel (London 1957); G. Quispel, "L'evangile de Jean et la gnose" in L'evangile de Jean (Paris 1958), 197-208;

R. Schnackenburg, "Logos-Hymnus und johanneischer Prolog" in BZ 1 (1957), 69-109; idem, "Die Sakramente im Johannesevangelium" in Sacra Pagina II (Paris 1959), 235-54; W. C. van Unnik, "The Purpose of St John's Gospel" in Studia Evangelica (Berlin 1959), 382-411; E.Schweizer, "Der Kirchenbegriff im Evangelium und den Briefen des Johannes", ibid. 363-81 ; E. Haenchen, "Johanneische Probleme" in ZThK 56 (1959) 19-54; E. M. Sidebottom, The Christ of the Fourth Gospel in the Light of First-Century Thought (London 1961); J.N.Sanders, The Fourth Gospel in the Early Church (Cambridge 1943); F.-M. Braun, Jean le theologien et son evangile dans l'eglise ancienne (Paris 1959); H. M. Feret, Die Geheime Offenbarung des hl. Johannes, eine christliche Schau der Geschichte (Dusseldorf 1955); S. Giet, L'apocalypse et l'histoire (Paris 1957); P. K. Smith, "The Apocalypse of St John and the Early Church" in JBL 25 (1957), 187-95; A. Feuillet, L'apocalypse: etat de question (Bruges 1963); J. Bonsirven, Le temoin du Verbe, le disciple bien-aime (Toulouse 1956); K. L. Carroll, "The Fourth Gospel and the Exclusion of Christians from the Synagogue" in BJRL 40 (1957), 334-49; E. Kasemann, "Die Johannesjunger in Ephesus" in ZThK 49 (1952), 144-54; R. Schnackenburg, "Das vierte Evangelium und die Johannesjunger" in H J 77 (1958), 21-38; G. MacGregor and A. Morton, The Structure of the Fourth Gospel (Edinburgh 1961) ; S. Temple, "A Key to the Composition of the Fourth Gospel" in JBL 30 (1961), 220-32; T. Holtz, Die Christologie der Apokalypse des Johannes (Berlin 1962); C. Dodd, Historical Tradition in the Fourth Gospel (Cambridge 1963); L. Bouyer, The Fourth Gospel (Westminster, Md. 1964); J. Sanders, "Saint John on Patmos" in NTS 9 (1963), 75-85; M. E. Boismard, "La tradition joannique concernant le baptiste" in RB 70 (1963), 5-42; P. Lamarche, "Le prologue de Jean" in RSR 52 (1964), 497-538.


The Post-Apostolic Age


R.Knopf, Das nachapostolische Zeitalter (Tubingen 1905); P. Batiffol, Primitive Catholicism (New York-London 1911); W. Bauer, Rechtglaubigkeit und Ketzerei im altesten Christentum (Tubingen 1934); G. Bardy, La theologie de l'eglise de S. Clement de Rome a S.Irenee (Paris 1945); M.Simon, Verus Israel (Paris 1948); K. Hormann, Leben in Christus. Zusammenhange zwischen Dogma und Sitte bei den apostolischen Vatern (Vienna 1952); L. Goppelt, Christentum und Judentum im 1. und 2. Jahrhundert (Gutersloh 1954); P. Carrington, The Early Christian Church, 2 vols. (Cambridge 1957); J. Danielou, La theologie du judeo-christianisme (Paris 1958), Eng. tr. The Theology of Jewish Christianity (London 1964); L. Goppelt, "Die apostolische und nachapostolische Zeit" in Die Kirche in ihrer Geschichte, ed. K. D. Schmidt and E. Wolf, vol. I, part A (Gottingen 1962).

8. The Conflict between Christianity and the Roman State Power SOURCES

The writers of the first and second centuries, especially the early apologists; editions: J. C. T. de Otto, Corpus Apologetarum, I-IX (Jena, 3rd ed. 1876-81); E. J. Goodspeed, Die altesten Apologeten (Gottingen 1914; omitting Theophilus).

ACTS OP THE MARTYRS: general survey in Altaner 246-52; G. Lazzati, Gli sviluppi delta letteratura sui martiri nci primi quattro secoli (Turin 1956); M. Simonetti, "Qualche osservationi a proposito dell'origine degli atti dei martiri" in RevEAug 2 (1956), 39-57; for current bibliography, the reader is referred to Archivum Historiae Pontificae, vol. I (Rome 1963).


Principal editions: Acta Sanctorum ed. J. Bolland et socii (from 1643, with supplementary matter in the Analecta Bollandiana from 1882) (Brussels); also, T. Ruinart, Acta primorum martyrum (1689, new imp. Regensburg 1859), with supplementary vol. by E. Blant, Les actes des martyrs (Paris 1882); R.Knopf and G.Kruger, Ausgewahlte Martyrerakten (Tubingen, 3rd ed. 1929).

Translations: G.Rauschen, BKV 14 (Kempten 1913); O.Braun, BKV 22 (1915); L.Homo, Les empereurs romains et le christianisme (Paris 1931); H. Rahner (Freiburg i. Br. 1941); A. Hamman, La geste du sang (Paris 1953); O. Hagemeyer, Ich hin Christ. Fruhchristliche Martyrerakten (Dusseldorf 1961).


GENERAL: P. Allard, Histoire des persecutions (Paris, 3rded. 1903-8); P.Allard, Dix lecons sur le martyre (Paris, 8th ed. 1930); Z. Zeiler, L'empire romain et l'eglise (Paris 1928); A. Ehrhard, Die Kirche der Martyrer (Munich 1932); P. Brezzi, Christianesimo e impero Romano (Rome, 2nd ed. 1944); H. Gregoire, Les persecutions dans l'empire romain (Brussels, 2nd ed. 1963), on which see E. Griffe in BLE 53 (1952), 129-60; E. Stauffer, Christ and the Caesars (London); G. Ricciotti, The Age of Martyrs (Milwaukee 1959); J. Moreau, La persecution du christianisme dans l'empire romain (Paris 1956); H. Leclercq, "Persecutions" in DACL XIV (1939), 523-94; J. Vogt, "Christenverfolgungen" in RAC II (1954), 1159-208; L.Dieu, "La persecution au II* siecle. Une loi fantome" in RHE 38 (1942), 5-19.

THE TRIAL OF CHRISTIANS: H.Last, "The Study of the Persecutions" in JRS 27 (1937), 80-92; E.Griffe, "Le christianisme en face de l'etat romain" in BLE 50 (1949), 129-45; A. N. Sherwin-White, "The Early Persecutions and Roman Law again" in JThS NS 3 (1952), 199-213; J. W. P. Borleffs, "Institutum Neronianum" in VigChr 6 (1952), 129-45; E. Griffe, "Les actes du martyr Apollonius et le probleme de la base juridique des persecutions" in BLE 53 (1952), 65-76; V. Monachino, "Il fondamento giuridico delie per- secuzioni nci primi due secoli" in SC 81 (1953), 3-32; A.Ehrhardt, "Das corpus Christia- norum und die Korporationen im spatromischen Recht" in ZSavRGrom 70 (1953), 299 to 347; 71 (1954), 25-40; H.Last, "ChristenVerfolgungen" (legal aspect) in RAC II (1954), 1208-28; C. Cecchelli, "Il nome e la 'setta' dei cristiani" in RivAC 31 (1955), 55-73; P. de Mouxy, "Nomen Christianorum" in Atti AccadScienze Torino 91 (1956-7), 204-36; A. Wlosok, "Die Rechtsgrundlagen der Christenverfolgungen der ersten zwei Jahrhunderte" in Gymnasium 66 (1959), 14-32; C. Saumagne, "Tertullien et l'Institutum Neronianum" in ThZ 17 (1961), 334-57.

THE PERSECUTION OF NERO: H. Fuchs in VigChr 4 (1950), 65-93; H. Hommel, Theologia Viatorum 3 (1951), 1-30; E.Griffe in BLE 53 (1952), 158-60; B.Doer, Das Altertum 2 (1956), 15-28; K.Buchner, Humanitas Romana (Heidelberg 1957), 229-39; C. Saumagne, "Les incendiaires de Rome et les lois penales des Romains" in RH 227 (1962)/ 337-60; J. Beaujeu, Latomus (Brussels), 19 (1960), 65-80, 291-311; L.Herrmann, Latomus 20 (1961), 817-20; H. Capocci, "Per il testo di Tacito, Annales 15, 44" in Stadia et Documenta hist, et juris 28 (1962), 65-99; G. Roux, Neron (Paris 1962); E. Griffe in BLE 65 (1964), 1-16.

DOMITIAN: M.Dibelius, "Rom und die Christen im 1. Jahrhundert" in SAH 1941-2, part 2; M. Sordi in RSTI 14 (1960), 1-26; L. W. Bernard in NTSt 10 (1964), 251-60.

TRAJAN AND HADRIAN: W. Weber, Festgabe K. Muller (Tubingen 1922), 24-45; A. Kurfess in ZNW 36 (1937), 295-8 and Mnemosyne 7 (1939), 237-40; L. Dieu in RHE 38 (1942), 5-19; T. Mayer-Maly, Studia et Documenta Hist. Juris (R), 22 (1956), 311-28; W. Schmid in Maja 7 (1955), 5-13; M. Sordi in RSTI 14 (1960), 344-70; L.Vidman, Etude sur la correspondance de Pline le Jeune avec Trajan (Praha 1960), 87-106.

VARIOUS: G. Lopuszanzki, "La police romaine et les chretiens" in Antiquite classique 20 (1951), 5-46; J. Zeiller, "Nouvelles observations sut" l'origine des persecutions contre les chretiens aux deux premiers siecles" in RHE 46 (1951), 521-33; S. Giet, "Le temoignage de Clement de Rome sur la cause des persecutions romaines" in RevSR 29 (1955), 333-45; V. Grumel, "Du nombre des persecutions paiennes dans les anciens chroniques" in RevEAug 2 (1956), 59-66; W. H. Frend, "Some Links between Judaism and the Early Church" in JEH 9 (1958), 141-58; H. Meerhing, "Persecution of the Jews and Adherents of the Isis Cult at Rome A.D. 19" in NovT 3 (1959), 293-304; A. Fuks, "Aspects of the Jewish Revolt in A.D. 115-17" in JRS 51 (1961), 98-104; P. Brown, "Aspects of the Chrisrianization of the Roman Aristocracy" in JRS 51 (1961), 1-11.

9. The Religions World of the Post-Apostolic Age as Mirrored in its Writings


The writings of the Apostolic Fathers. For the term, see J. A. Fischer in his edition (Munich 1956), IX-XII and G. Jouassard in MSR 14 (1957), 129-34. Collected editions: K. Bihlmeyer, Die apostolischen Vater (Tubingen 1924, new imp. 1957); J.A.Fischer, First Epistle of Clement, Letters of Ignatius, Letter of Polycarp (Munich and Darmstadt 1956). Other editions by K. Lake (London and New York 1930); S. Colombo (Turin 1930); D.Ruiz Bueno (Madrid 1950).

Translations: F. Zeller in BKV 35 (Munich 1918); by W.Bauer, M.Dibelius, R.Knopf, H. Windisch (with conmmentary), Erganzungsband zum Handbuch zum N.T.; by J. A. Kleist (English, with commentary) in ACW 1 and 6 (Westminster, Md. and London 1946-8). On the language of the Apostolic Fathers: G. J. M. Bartelink, Lexicologisch- semantische Studie over de Taal van de Apostolische Vaders (Nijmegen 1952); H.Kraft, Clavis Patrum Apostolicorum (Darmstadt 1963).


General accounts in the textbooks of patrology by Quasten P I 29-157; Altaner 47-113. GENERAL INTRODUCTIONS: A. Casamassa, I padri apostolici (Rome 1938); J. Lawson, A Theological and Historical Introduction to the Apostolic Fathers (New York 1961); K. Aland, "The Problem of Anonymity and Pseudoanonymity in Christian Literature of the First Two Centuries" in JThS NS 12 (1961) 39-49.

SPECIAL STUDIES: H. Schumacher, Kraft der Urkirche (Freiburg i. Br. 1934); A. Heitmann, Imitatio Dei (Rome 1940); I. Giordani, The Social Message of the Early Church (Paterson,
N.J. 1944); J. Klevinghaus, Die theologische Stellung der Apostolischen Vater zur alt- testamentlichen Offenbarung (Gutersloh 1948); T. F. Torrance, The Doctrine of Grace in the Apostolic Fathers (Edinburgh 1948); A.Benoit, Le bapteme au deuxieme siecle (Paris 1953); M. Spanneut, Le stoicisme des peres de l'eglise de Clement de Rome a Clement d'Alexandrie (Paris 1957); A. O'Hagan, The Concept of Material Re-Creation in the Apostolic Fathers (diss. Munich 1960); E. A. Judge, The Social Pattern of the Christian Groups in the 1st Century (London 1960); G. Bruni, Fonti religiose e riflessione filosofica nella Bibbia e nei Padri Apostolici (Rome 1960); P. G. Verweijs, Evangelium und neues Gesetz in der altesten Christenheit bis auf Marcion (Utrecht 1961); K.Lake, The Apostolic Fathers, 2 vols. (New York 1925); C.Richardson, Early Christian Fathers (London 1953), which ist the first volume of a new Protestant collection: The Library of Christian Classics; D. Barsotti, La dottrina dell'amore nei Padri della chiesa fino a Ireneo (Milan 1963).

SPECIAL EDITIONS and literature on individual texts:

(a) Clement of Rome: K.T.Schafer in FlorPatr 44 (1941); A. Stuiber, "Clemens" in RAC III (1957), 188-97; J. Lebreton, "La trinite chez S. Clement de Rome" in Gr 6 (1925), 369-404; A. Harnack, Einfuhrung in die alte Kirchengeschichte (Leipzig 1929); F. Gerke, Die Stellung des 1. Klemensbriefs innerhalb der altchristlichen Gemeindeverfassung (Leipzig 1931); E. Barnikol in ThJ 4 (1936), 61-80 (Christology, baptism, and the Lord's supper); P. Meinhold, "Geschehen und Deutung im 1. Klemensbrief" in ZKG 58 (1939), 82-126; L. Sanders, L'hellenisme de S. Clement de Rome et le Paulinisme (Louvain 1934); M. Smith, "Report about Peter in 1 Clement 5:4" in NTS 7 (1960), 86-8; W. C. van Unnik, "1 Clem. 34" in VigChr 5 (1951), 204-48; idem, "Le nombre des elus dans la premiere epitre de Clement" in RHPhR 42 (1962), 237-46; C. Eggenberger, Die Quelle der politischen Ethik des 1. Clemensbriefes (Zurich 1951); A.W. Ziegler, Neue Studien zum 1. Klemensbrief (Munich 1958); J. Colson, Clement de Rome (Paris 1960); C.Nielsen, "Clement of Rome and Moralism" in CH 31 (1962), 131-50.
(c) Ignatius of Antioch: P. G. Crone (Munster, 2nd ed. 1958); T. Camelot in SourcesChr 10 (3rd ed. 1958); M. Rackl, Die Christologie des hl. Ignatius von Antiochien (Freiburg i. Br. 1914); J. Lebreton, "La theologie de la Trinite d'apres S. Ignace d'Antioche" in RSR 25 (1925), 97-126, 393-419; H. Schlier, Religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu den Ignatiusbriefen (Giessen 1929); C. P. S. Clarke, St Ignatius and St Poly- carp (London 1930); C.C.Richardson, The Christianity of Ignatius of Antioch (New York 1935); J. Moffat, "An Approach to Ignatius" in HThR 29 (1936), 1-38; T.Preiss, "La mystique de l'imitation du Christ et l'unite chez Ignace d'Antioche" in RHPhR 18 (1938), 197-241; H.B.Bartsch, Gnostisches Gut und Gemeindetradition bei Ignatius von Antiochien (Gutersloh 1940) ;R. Bultmann, "Ignatius und Paulus" in Festschrift j .deZwaan (Haarlem 1952-3), 37-51); W. Bieder, "Zur Deutung des kirchl. Schweigens bei Ignatius" in ThZ 12 (1956), 28-43; J. Hannah, "Setting of the Ignarian long recension" in JBL 79 (1960), 221-38; V.Corwin, St Ignatius and Christianity in Antioch (New Haven 1960); H.Musurillo, "Ignatius of Antioch: Gnostic or Essene" in ThSt 22 (1961), 103-9; R. Grant, "Scripture and Tradition in St Ignatius of Antioch" in CBQ 25 (1963), 322-35; J. Colson, Agape chez St Ignace d'Antioch (Paris 1961).
(e) Polycarp of Smyrna: Letter to the Philippians in T. Camelot, SourcesChr 10 (3rd ed. 1958); P. N. Harrison, Polycarp's Two Epistles to the Philippians (Cambridge 1936); H.Katzenmayer, "Polykarp" in IKZ 59 (1951), 146-56; H. von Campenhausen, Polykarp von Smyrna und die Pastoralbriefe (Heidelberg 1951); P. Meinhold, "Polykarp von Smyrna" in Pauly-Wissowa 21 (1952), 1662-93; L.Barnard, "Problem of Saint Polycarp's Epistle to the Philippians" in ChQR 163 (1962), 421-30.
(g) Didache: H. Lietzmann, KIT 6 (Berlin 1936); T.Klausner, FlorPatr 1 (1940); J.-P. Audet (Paris 1957) (with commentary), on which see H. deRiedmatten in Angelicum 36 (1959), 410-29; J. Schmid, "Didache" in RAC III, 1009-13; F.E. Vokes, The Riddle of the Didache (London 1938); E.Peterson, "Uber einige Probleme der Didache-Uber- lieferung" in RivAC 27 (1952), 37-68; E.Stommel, "Did. 16, 6" in RQ 48 (1953), 21-42; A.Adam, "Erwagungen zur Herkunft der Didache" in ZKG 68 (1957), 1-47; P.Nautin, "La composition de la Didache et son titre" in RHR 155 (1959), 191-214; A. Agnoletto, "Motivi etico-escatologici nella Didache" in Convivium Dominicum (Catania 1959), 259-76; B. Butler, "The 'Two Ways' in the Didache" in JThS 12 (1961), 27-38.
On the liturgy of the Didache: H. Lietzmann, Messe und Herrenmahl (Bonn 1926), 230-8; A. Greiff, Das alteste Pascharitual der Kirche (Paderborn 1929); R.H.Connolly in DR 55 (1937), 477-89; A. Arnold, Der Ursprung des christlichen Abendmahls (Freiburg i.Br 1937); G. Dix in Theology 37 (London 1938), 261-83; E. Peterson in ELit 58 (1944), 3-13.

(i) Pseudo-Barnabas: T. Klauser in FlorPatr 1 (1940); J. Schmid in RAC I (1950), 1207-17; A. Williams, "The Date of the Epistle of Barnabas" in JThS 34 (1933), 337-46; P. Meinhold, "Geschichte und Exegese im Barnabas-Brief" in ZKG 59 (1940), 255-303; K.Thieme, Kirche und Synagoge (Olten 1945), on which see ZKTh 74 (1952), 63-70; A.Hermans, "Le Ps.-Barnabas est-il millenariste?" in EThL 35 (1959), 849-76; L. W. Barnard, "The Epistle of Barnabas —a Paschal Homily?" in VigChr 15 (1961), 8-22; P. Prigent, L'epitre de Bamabe et ses sources (Paris 1961).
(k) Epistula Apostolorum: C.Schmidt, Gesprache Jesu mit seinen Jungern (Leipzig 1919); H. Duensing, KIT 152 (Bonn 1925); Hennecke and Schneemelcher, Neutestament- liche Apokryphen, I (Tubingen 1959), 126-55.
Its origins: J. Delazer in Antonianum 4 (1929), 257-92, 387-430; J. de Zwaan, Essays presented to R.Harris (London 1933), 344-55; L.Gry, "La date de la parousie d'apres l'epistula apostolorum" in RB 49 (1949), 86-97.

(m) Shepherd of Hermas: M. Whittaker, GCS 48 (Berlin 1956); English trans. C.Taylor, The Shepherd of Hermas, 2 vols. (London 1903-6); R. Joly, SourcesChr 53 (1958); Coptic fragments, ed. by T.Lefort in Museon 51 (1938), 239-76; 52 (1939), 223-8; W.J.Wilson, "The Career of the Prophet Hermas" in HThR 20 (1927), 21-60; C.Bonner, "A Codex of the Shepherd of Hermas in the Papyri of the University of Michigan" in HThR 18 (1925), 115-27; A.V.Strom, Allegorie und Wirklichkeit im Hirten des Hermas (Leipzig 1936); E. Peterson, "Beitrage zur Interpretation der Visionen des Hermas" in OrChrP 13 (1947), 624-35; idem in VigCbr 8 (1954), 52-71; A. O'Hagan, "The Great Tribulation to Come in the Pastor of Hermas" in TU 79 (1961), 305-11; R. Joly, "Judaisme, christianisme et hellenisme dans le Pasteur d'Hermas" in La Nouvelle Clio 5 (1953), 356-76; S. Giet, Hermas et les Pasteurs. Les trois auteurs du Pasteur d'Hermas (Paris 1963). On penance: B. Poschmann, Poenitentia secunda (Bonn 1939); R. Mortimer, The Origins of Private Penance in the Western Church (Oxford 1939); R. Joly in RHR 147 (1955), 32-49; K.Rahner in ZKTh 77 (1955), 385-431.
10. The Development of the Church's Organization

SOURCES As for Chapter 9.


As for Chapter 9 with the addition of the following: H.Bruders, Die Verfassung der Kirche his 17 S n. Christus (Mainz 1904); P. Batiffol, Primitive Catholicism (New York- London 1911); R. Sohm, Wesen und Ursprung des Katholizismus (Leipzig, 2nd ed. 1912); H. Lietzmann, "Zur altchristlichen Verfassungsgeschichte" in ZWTh 55 (1913), 97-153; H.Dieckmann, Die Verfassung der Urkirche (Berlin 1923); A. J.Maclean, the Position of Clergy and Laity in the Early Church (London 1930); O.Linton, "Das Problem der Urkirche in der neuesten Forschung" (diss. Uppsala 1932); N. Lammle, Beitrage zum Problem des Kirchenrechtes (Rottenburg 1933); J.V. Bartlet, Church Life and Order during the First Four Centuries (Oxford 1943); K. E. Kirk, The Apostolic Ministry (London 1947, new imp. 1957); G. Bardy, La theologie de l'eglise de S.Clement de Rome a S.Irenee (Paris 1947); J.Ebers, Grundri? des katholischen Kirchenrechts (Vienna 1950); H. E. Feine, Kirchliche Rechtsgeschichte I: Die katholische Kirche (Weimar 1950); H. von Campenhausen, Kirchliches Amt und geistliche Vollmacht (Tubingen 1952); S. L. Greenslade, Schism in the Early Church (London 1953); J.Colson, Les fonctions ecclesiales aux deux premiers siecles (Bruges 1956); P. Nautin, Lettres et ecrivains chretiens des II' et III' siecles (Paris 1961); A.Ehrhardt, "Christianity Before the Apostles' Creed" in HThR 55 (1962), 73-119.

ON THE DIFFERENT OFFICES IN THE CHURCH: G. Sass, Apostelamt und Kirche (Munich 1939); G. Sa?, "Die Apostel in der Didache" in Festschrift E. Lohmeyer (Stuttgart 1951), 233-9; K. H. Rengstorf, a7t6aToXoc in ThW I, 406-46; A.Michel, "Ordre, Ordination" in DThC XI, 1193-1405; L. Marechal, "Eveque" in DBS II, 1297-1333; H.W.Beyer, S7tiffX07r0C in ThW II, 604-17; J. Colson, L'eveque dans les communautes primitives (Paris 1951); J. Munck, "Presbyters and Disciples of the Lord in Papias. Exegetic Comments on Eusebius, Hist. 3, 39" in HThR 52 (1959), 223-43; J. Colson, La fonction diaconale aux origines de l'eglise (Bruges 1960).

ON THE POSITION OF THE ROMAN CONGREGATION: F. R. van Cauwelaert, "L'intervention de l'eglise de Rome a Corinthe vers l'an 96" in RHE 31 (1935), 267-306, 765 f.; O. Perler, "Ignatius von Antiochien und die romische Christengemeinde" in DTh 22 (1944), 413-51; H. Katzenmayer, "Zur Frage des Primats und der kirchlichen Verfassungszustandigkeit in der Didache" in IKZ 55 (1947), 31-43; K. H. Schelkle, "Romische Kirche im Romerbrief" in ZKTh 81 (1959), 393-404; F.Dvornik,The Idea of the Apostolicity in Byzantium and the Legend of the Apostle Andrew (Cambridge, Mass. 1959); O. Knoch, "Die Ausfuhrungen des ersten Clemensbriefes uber die kirchliche Verfassung im Spiegel der neueren Deutungen" in 7Q 141 (1961), 385-407; N. Afanassieff et alii, The Primacy of Peter in the Orthodox Church (Westminster, Md. 1963); B. Hemmerdinger, "La preponderance de l'eglise de Rome en 95" in RSPhTh 47 (1963), 58-60.

11. Heterodox Jewish-Christian Currents

GENERAL: H.-J. Schoeps, Theologie und Geschichte des Judenchristentums (Tubingen 1949); B.Reicke, Diakonie, Festfreude und Zelos (Uppsala-Wiesbaden 1951); J.Danielou, La theologie du Judeo-Christianisme (Paris 1958), Eng. tr. The Theology of Jewish Christianity (London 1964); M.Black, "The Patristic Accounts of Jewish Sectarianism"
lllllUUVjKAl'n I

in BJRL 41 (1959), 285-303; J. Munck, "Jewish Christianity in post-Apostolic Times" in NTS 6 (1959-60), 103-16.

ON THE EBIONITES: general survey with bibliography by G. Strecker in RAC IV (1959), 487-500; H.-J. Schoeps, "Ebionite Christianity" in JThS NS 4 (1953), 219-24; L. Goppelt, Christentum und Judentum im 1. und 2. Jahrhundert (Gutersloh 1954); J. A. Fitzmyer, "The Qu m ran Scrolls, the Ebionites and their Literature" in ThSt 16 (1955), 335-72; S. G. F. Brandon, The Fall of Jerusalem and the Christian Church (London, 2nd ed. 1957); P. Vielhauer, "Judenchristliche Evangelien" in Hennecke-Schneemelcherl (Tubingen 1959), 75-108; H.-J. Schoeps, "Apokalyptik im Neuen Testament" in ZNW 51 (1960), 101-11; idem, Das Judenchristentum (Bern 1964).

ON THE PSEUDO-CLEMENTINES: general survey with bibliography by B. Rehm in RAC III (1957), 197-206 and K. Baus in LThK VI (1961), 334-5; B. Rehm, Die Pseudo- Klementinen I: Die Homilien, GCS 42 (Berlin 1953), II: Die Recognitionen, ed. by B. Rehm and F. Paschke (ibid., in preparation), at present only in PG I; W. Frankenberg, "Die syrischen Clementinen mit griechischem Paralleltext" in TU 48, 3 (Berlin 1937); H.-J. Schoeps, Aus friichristlicher Zeit (Tubingen 1950), 38-81; idem, Urgemeinde, Judenchristentum, Gnosis (Tubingen 1956), 68-86; G. Strecker, Das Judenchristentum in den Ps.-Klementinen, TU 70 (Berlin 1958); H.-J. Schoeps, "Iranisches in den Ps.- Klementinen" in ZNW 51 (1960), 1-10; W. Ulimann, "The Significance of the Epistula Clementis in the Pseudo-Clementines" in JThS 11 (1960), 295-317.

ON THE ELCHASAITES: general account by G. Strecker in RAC IV (1959), 1171-86 (with bibliography); H. Waitz, "Das Buch des Elchasai" in Harnack-Ehrung (Leipzig 1921), 87-104.

ON THE MANDAEANS: general account by C. Colpe in RGG 3rd ed. IV, 709-12; K. Rudolf, Die Mandaer, 2 vols. (Gottingen 1960-1) (with sources and bibliography); J. Behm, Die mandaische Religion und das Urchristentum (Leipzig 1927); R. Reitzenstein, Die Vorgeschichte der christlichen Taufe (Leipzig 1929); E. S. Drower, The Mandaeans of Iraq and Iran (Oxford 1937); T. Save-Soderbergh, Studies in the Gnostic Manichaean Psalm-Book (Uppsala 1949); W. Baumgartner, "Der heutige Stand der Mandaerfrage" in ThZ 6 (1950), 401-10; E.Bammel, "Zur Fruhgeschichte der Mandaer" in Orientalia 32 (1963), 220-5; M. Simon, Recherches d'histoire judeo-chretienne (Paris 1963).

SECTION FOUR The Church in the Second Century

12. 7'he Position of the Church under the Emperors Marcus Aurelius and Commodus. Martyrdom of the Congregations of Lyons and Vienne

SOURCES As for Chapter 9.


As for Chapter 9, with the following additions: H. Eberlein, Mark Aurel und die Christen (Breslau 1914); A. S. L. Ferqharson, Marcus Aurelius, his Life and his World (Oxford 1951); W. Gorlitz, Mark Aurel, Kaiser und Philosoph (Stuttgart 1954); J. Beaujeu, La politique romaine a l'apogee de l'empire, I: La politique religieuse des Antonins (Paris 1955);

J. Straub, "Commodus und die Christen" in RAC III, 262-5; A. Charny, Les martyrs de Lyon de 177 (Lyons 1936); E.Griffe, La Gaule chretienne a l'epoque romaine, I (Paris 1947), 17-33; H. Delehaye, "Les actes des martyrs de Pergame" in AnBoll 58 (1940), 142-76; E. Griffe, "Les actes du martyre Apollonius et le probleme de la base juridique des persecutions" in BLE 53 (1952), 65-76; F. Corsari, "Note sugli Acta martyrum Scillitano- rum" in Nuovo Didaskaleion 6 (Catania 1956), 5-51; H. Karpp, "Die Zahl der scilitani- schen Martyrer" in VigChr 15 (1961), 165-72; M. Sordi, "l'nuovi decreti' di Marco Aurelio contro i cristiani" in Studi Romani 9 (1961), 365-78; J. Colin, L'empire des Antonins et les martyrs Gaulois de 177 (Bonn 1964).

13. Literary Polemic against Christianity
GENERAL: J. Geffcken, Das Christentum im Kampf und Ausgleich mit der griechischromischen Welt (Berlin, 3rd ed. 1920); J. Geffcken, Der Ausgang des griechisch-romischen Heidentums (Heidelberg, 2nd ed. 1929); P. de Labriolle, La reaction paienne (Paris 1934); W. Nestle, "Die Haupteinwande des antiken Denkens gegen das Christentum" in ARW 37 (1941), 51-100; M. Sordi in RSCI 16 (1962), 1-28; J. Jungkuntz, "Christian Approval of Epicurism" in CH (1962) 279-93.

ON FRONTO: Labriolle, op.cit. 87-94; M. Brock, Studies in Fronto and his Age (Cambridge 1911).

ON LUCIAN: K. Mras, in Pauly-Wtssowa XIII 2, 1725—77; A. Lesky, Griechische Literaturgeschichte (Bern 1958), 759-63, 765. Editions of De morte Peregrini: C. Jacobitz, Luciani Opera, III (Leipzig 1904), 271-87; K. Mras, Die Hauptwerke des Lukian griechischdeutsch (Munich 1954), 470-505. Other works: J. Schwartz, Lucien de Samosate. Philopseudes et De morte Peregrini (Paris 1951, with commentary); M.Caster, Lucien et la pensee religieuse de son temps (Paris 1936); C. Curti, "Luciano di Samosata ed i cristiani" in Mise, di Studi di letteratura cristiana antica (Catania 1954), 86-109;

G. Bagnani, "Peregrinus Proteus and the Christians" in Historia 4 (1955), 107-12;
I. D. Betz, "Lukian von Samosata und das Christentum" in NovT 3 (1959) 226-37; idem, Lukian von Samosata und das Neue Testament (Berlin 1961).
ON CELSUS: P. Merlan, "Celsus" in RAC II, 954-65 (bibliography to 1953). Editions of the fragments of 'AATJ07)C Xeyoc: O. Glockner in KIT 151 (Bonn 1924); R. Bader (Tubingen 1940); English translation with commentary by H. Chadwick, Origen, Contra Celsum (Cambridge 1953); W. de Boer, Scripta paganorum I-IV saec. de Christianis testimonia (Leiden 1948); A. Miura-Stange, Celsus und Origenes (Giessen 1926); W. Volker, Das Bild vom nichtgnostischen Christentum bei Celsus (Halle 1928) ; A. Wifstrand, Die wahre Lehre des Kelsos (Lund 1942); W. de Boer, De eerste bestrijder van het Christendom (Groningen 1950); C. Andresen, Logos u. Nomos. Polemik des Kelsos wider das Christentum (Berlin 1955, with bibliography); H. O. Schroeder, "Celsus und Porphyrius als Christengegner" in Die Welt als Geschichte 17 (1957), 190-202.

15. The Early Christian Apologists of the Second Century
COLLECTED EDITIONS of the apologists: J. C. T. de Otto, Corpus apologetarum (Jena, 3rd ed. 1876-81); E. J. Goodspeed, Die altesten Apologeten (omitting Theophilus) (Gottingen 1914) with idem, Index apologeticus (Leipzig 1912). A new edition for the GCS is planned.

GENERAL LITERATURE: see Bardenhewer I, 181 ff. and Quasten P, I, 189 f.; J. Geffcken, Zwei griechische Apologeten (Leipzig 1907), IX-XLIII and 239-322; A.Puech, Les apologistes grecs du deuxieme siecle de notre ere (Paris 1912); A. Hauck, Apologetik in der alten Kirche (Leipzig 1918); I. Giordani, La prima polemica cristiana, gl i apologetici del 11° secolo (Turin 1930; Brescia, 2nd ed. 1943); M. Pellegrino, Gli apologetici greci (Rome 1947); idem, Studi sull'antica apologetica (Rome 1947); E. Benz, "Christus und Sokrates in der alten Kirche" in ZNW 43 (1950-1), 195-224.

V. Monachino, "Intento pratico e propagandistico nell'apologetica greca del secondo secolo" in Gr 32 (1951), 5-49, 187-222; R.M. Grant, "The Chronology of the Greek Apologists" in VigChr 9 (1955), 25-33; idem, "The Fragments of the Greek Apologists and Irenaeus" in Festschrift R. P. Casey (Freiburg i. Br. 1963), 179-218.

SPECIAL STUDIES: F.Andres, Die Engellehre der griechischen Apologeten des 2. Jahrhunderts (Paderborn 1914); K. Gronau, Das Theodizeeprohlem in der altchristlichen Auffassung (Tubingen 1922); J.Lortz, "Das Christentum als Monotheismus in den Apologien des 2. Jahrhunderts" in Festschrift A. Ehrhard (Bonn 1922), 301-27; V. A. S. Little, The Christology of the Apologists (London 1934); F. J. Dolger, "Sacramentum Infanticidii" in AuC, IV (1934), 188-228; H. Rossbacher, Die Apologeten als politisch-wissenschaftliche Schriftsteller (Halberstadt 1937); M. Pellegrino, Ii cristianesimo di fronte alia cultura classica (Turin 1954); H. Hommel, Schopfer und Erhalter, Studien zum Problem Christentum und Antike (Berlin 1956); H.Wey, Die Funktionen der bosen Geister bei den griechischen Apologeten des 2. Jahrhunderts (Winterthur 1957); J. Danielou, Message evangelique et culture hellenistique aux II" et IIP siecles (Tournai 1961), 11-80; A. Wif- strand, L'eglise ancienne et la culture grecque (Paris 1962); J. H. Waszink, "Some Observations on the appreciation of the Philosophy of the Barbarians" in Melanges Chr. Mohs- mann (Utrecht 1963), 41-56.

ARISTIDES: Syrian and Greek text in R.Harris and J. A. Robinson, The Apology of Aristides (Cambridge 1893); Greek text in J. Geffcken, op. cit. 3-27, with commentary, ibid. 28-96; Goodspeed, op. cit. 3-23.

JUSTIN: The Apologies, ed. by A.W. F. Blunt (Cambridge 1911); G.Rauschen (Bonn, 2nd ed. 1911); G. Kruger (Tubingen 1915); M. Pfattisch (Munster 1933); S. Frasca (Turin 1938); Dialogus cum Tryphone, ed. by G. Archambauld (Paris 1909) and Goodspeed, op.cit. 90-265. A new fragment of the Dialogus may be found in G. Mercati, Biblica 22 (1941), 339-66. On the text of the Apology see W. Schmid in ZNW 40 (1941), 87-138. General appreciation in M.-J. Lagrange, S. Justin (Paris, 3rd ed. 1914); G. Bardy in DThC VIII, 2228-77; M.S. Enslin in JQR 34 (1943), 179-205. Sec also: E. R. Goodenough, The Theology of Justinus Martyr (Jena 1923); K. Thieme, Kirche und Synagoge (Olten 1945); W. H. Shotwell, The Exegesis of Justin (Chicago 1955); R. Holte, 'Togos Spermatikos: Christianity and Ancient Philosophy according to St Justin's Apologies" in StTh 12 (1958), 106-68; O. Piper, "The Nature of the Gospel according to Justin Martyr" in The Journal of Religion 41 (1961), 155-68; J. Romanides, "Justin Martyr and the Fourth Gospel" in The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 4 (1959), 115-34. Cullen, "I. K. Story" in VigChr 16 (1962), 172-8 (Justin on baptism); O. Giordano, "S. Giustino e il millenarismo" in Asprenas 10 (1963), 155-71. On the influence of Justin on Irenaeus, see F. Loofs, Theophilus von Antiochien adversus Marcionem (Leipzig 1930), 339-74.

TATIAN: E.Schwartz (Leipzig 1888), TU A, 1; translation, BKV 12 (1913), 177-257. On the dating, see R. M. Grant in HThR 46 (1953), 99-101. Earlier literature in Quasten P, 1, 220-8. The basic work at present is M. Elze, Tatian und seine Theologie (Gottingen 1960), with full bibliography, 130-4.

ATHENAGORAS: E.Schwartz (Leipzig 1891), TU 4, 2; P. Ubaldi and M. Pellegrino (Turin 1947); Geffcken, op.cit. 120-54, with commentary 155-238; English translation with commentary in ACW 23 (London 1956); H. A. Lucks, The Philosophy of Athenagoras

(Washington 1936); R. M. Grant, "Athenagoras or Pseudo-Athenagoras" in HThR 47 (1954), 121-9; idem, "Some Errors in the Legatio of Athenagoras" in VigChr (1958), 145-56.

THEOPHILUS: ed. by S. Frasca (Turin 1938); G.Bardy and J. Sender in SourcesChr 20 (1948); history of the text, R. M. Grant in VigChr 6 (1952), 146-59. General appreciation: E. Rapisarda, Studi Ubaldi (Milan 1937), 381-400; F.Loofs, Theophilus von Antiochien adversus Marcionem (Leipzig 1930), TU 46, 2, on which see J. Lebon, in RHE 26 (1930), 675-9, and R. M. Grant in HThR 40 (1947), 227-56; idem, "The Problem of Theophilus" in HThR 43 (1950), 179-96; A. Ziegler, Festschrift G. Sohngen (Freiburg i.Br. 1962), 332-6.

MELITO OF SARDES : the Fragments are in Routh, Reliquiae Sacrae (Oxford 1846), 111-53. Editions of the Homily: C.Bonner (London 1940); B. Lohse (Leiden 1958); M. Testuz (Cologne-Geneva 1960). On the text of the Homily see A. Wifstrand in VigChr 2 (1948), 211-23 and P. Nautin, in RHE 44 (1949), 429-38 (also against the authenticity); for its authenticity see esp. E. Peterson in VigChr 6 (1952), 33-43, and B. Lohse in the foreword to his edition; H.Chadwick, "A Latin Epitome of Melito's Homily on the Pascha" in JThS NS 11 (1960), 76-82. On his theology see A. Grillmeier in ZKTh 71 (1948), 5-14; idem in Scholastik 20-24 (1949), 481-502 (Descensus Christi and doctrine of original sin). On his doctrine of baptism see R. M. Grant in VigChr 4 (1950), 733-6. On his christology see R. Cantalamessa in RSR 37 (1963), 1-26.

LETTER TO DIOGNETUS: ed. by J.Geffcken (Heidelberg 1928); H.-I. Marrou in SourcesChr 33 (1951); English translation with commentary by A. Kleist in ACW 6 (1948); literature on the question of authorship in Altaner 136. On the contents see J. G. O'Neill in 1ER 85 (1956), 92-106.

HERMIAS: Text in PG 6, 1169-80, and H. Diels, Doxographi graeci (Berlin, 2nd ed. 1929); A. di Pauli, Die Irrisio des Hermias (Paderborn 1907); L. Alfonsi, Ermia filosofo (Brescia 1947).

15. The Dispute with Gnosticism SOURCES

W.Volker, Quellen zur Geschichte der christlichen Gnosis (Tubingen 1932); H. Leisegang, Die Gnosis (Stuttgart, 4th ed. 1955); F. Sagnard, "Extraits de Theodote" in SourcesChr 23 (1948); G. Quispel, "Lettre de Ptolemee a Flora", ibid. 24 (1949); Coptic Gnostic Writings, I, ed. by C. Schmidt, GCS 13 (1905), new ed. by W. Till, GCS 45 (1959) (Contents: P ist is Sophia, the 2 Books of Jeu, the Apocryphon of John); W. Till, Die Gnostischen Schriften des Papyrus Berolinensis 8502, TU, 60 (Berlin 1955) (Contents: Gospel according to Mary, Apocryphon of John, Sophia Jesu Christi); P. Labib, Coptic Gnostic Papyri in the Coptic Museum at Old Cairo I (Cairo 1950) (Photocopies of Sermon on the Resurrection, Apocryphon of John, Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Philip, On the Nature of Archons); M. Malinine, H.-C. Puech, and G. Quispel, Evangelium veritatis (Zurich 1956); A. Guillaumont, H.-C. Puech..., L'Evangile selon Thomas (Leiden 1959) (Coptic text); J. Doresse, L'evangile selon Thomas ou les paroles secretes de Jesus (Paris 1959); W.C.van Unnik, Newly Discovered Gnostic Writings (Naperville, 111. 1960); J. Leipoldt and H. M. Schenke, Koptisch-gnostische Schriften aus den Papyruscodices von Nag Hammadi (Hamburg-Bergstadt 1960) (Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Philip, On the Nature of Archons, with commentary); R.M.Grant and D. N. Freedman, The Secret Sayings of Jesus (London, 2nd ed. 1960) ; R. Grant, Gnosticism: A Source Book of Heretical


Writings from the Early Christian Period (New York 1961); K. Grobel, The Gospel of Truth. A Valentinian Meditation on the Gospel, trans, from the Coptic (Nashville 1960); A. Klijn, The Acts of Thomas (Leiden 1962); W. C. Till, Das Evangelium nach Philippos (Berlin 1963).


General accounts in RGG 3rd. ed. Ill, 1652-61; LThK IV, 1021-30; and Altaner 138-147. See further E. de Fa ye, Gnostiques et Gnosticisme (Paris, 2nd ed. 1925); F. C. Burkitt, Church and Gnosis (Cambridge 1932); G. Quispel, Gnosis als Weltreligion (Zurich 1951); H. Leisegang, Die Gnosis (Stuttgart 1955) ; H. Jonas, Gnosis und spatantiker Geist, I (Gottingen, 2nd ed. 1954), II/l (Gottingen 1954); A.-J. Festugiere, La revelation d'Hermas Trismegiste, IV: Le Dieu inconnu et la gnose (Paris 1954); G. van Moorsel, The Mysteries of Hermas Trismegistus (Utrecht 1955); H.-J. Schoeps, Urgemeinde, Judenchristentum, Gnosis (Tiibingen 1956); W. Schmithals, Die Gnosis in Korinth (Gottingen 1956); W. Frei, Geschichte und Idee der Gnosis (Bern 1958); R. McL. Wilson, The Gnostic Problem (London 1958); R. Ambelais, La notion gnostique du demiurge dans les ecritures et les traditions judeo-chretiennes (Paris 1959); R. M. Grant, Gnosticism and Early Christianity (New York-London 1959); E.Peterson, Friihkirche, Judentum und Gnosis (Freiburg i.Br. 1959); C. Colpe, Die religionsgeschichtliche Schule I (Gottingen 1961).

H.-C. Puech, "Les nouveaux ecrits gnostiques decouverts en Haute-Egypte" in Coptic Studies in Honour of W. E. Crum (Boston 1950), 91-154; M. Schenke in ZRGG 14 (1962). On the Jung Codex: H. C. Puech and G. Quispel in VigChr 8 (1954), 1-51; 9 (1955), 65-102; F. L. Cross, The Codex Jung (London 1955); J. Doresse, The Secret Books of the Egyptian Gnostics (New York 1960).

On the Gospel of Thomas: G. Quispel, "L'evangile selon Thomas et les Clementines" in VigChr 12 (1958), 181-96; R.M.Grant, ibid. 13 (1959), 170-80; G. Quispel, "L'evangile selon Thomas et le Diatessaron", ibid. 13 (1959), 87-117; J. A. Fitzmyer, "TheOxyrhynchos Logoi of Jesus and the Coptic Gospel according to Thomas" in ThSt 20 (1959), 505-60; K.T.Schafer, Bibel und Leben, 1 (1960), 62-74; O.Cullmann in ThLZ 85 (1960), 321-34; H. Montefiore, "A Comparison of the Parables of the Gospel according to Thomas and the Synoptic Gospels" in NTS 7 (1960), 220-48; C. H. Hunziger in ZNW suppl. 26 (1960), 209-30; R. Roques in RHR 157 (1960), 187-218; G. Scholem, Jewish Gnosticism (New York 1960); B. Gartner, The Theology of the Gospel of Thomas (London 1961); R. Kasser, L'evangile selon Thomas (Neuchatel 1961); R. Wilson, The Gospel of Philip (London 1962).

W. C. Till, "Die Gnosis in Agypten" in Parola del passato 4 (1949), 230-49; G. Widen-, gren, "Der iranische Hintergrund der Gnosis" in ZRGG 4 (1952), 97-114; E. Haenchen, "Gab es eine vorchristliche Gnosis?" in ZThK 49 (1952), 316-49; H. C. Puech, "La gnose et le temps" in Eranos 20 (1952), 57-113; W. H. C. Frend, "The Gnostic-Manichaean Tradition in Roman North Africa" in JEH 4 (1953), 13-26; idem, "The Gnostic Sects and the Roman Empire", ibid. 5 (1954), 25-37; R. McL. Wilson, "Gnostic Origins" in VigChr 9 (1955), 193-211; 11 (1957), 93-110; E. Segelberg, "The Coptic-Gnostic Gospel according to Philip and its Sacramental System" in Numen 7 (1960) 182-200; W. C. van Unnik, "Die judische Komponente in der Entstehung der Gnosis", ibid. 15 (1961), 65-82; G. Mead, Fragments of Faith Forgotten (Toronto 1960); J. G. Davies, "The Origins of Docetism" in Studia Patristica 6 (TU 81, Berlin 1962), 13-35; J. Maier, "Judentum und Gnosis" in Kairos 5 (1963), 18-40.
The Principal Manifestations of Gnosticism

1. BASILIDES: H. Waszink, "Basilides" in RAC I, 1217-25; G. Quispel, "L'homme gnostique. La doctrine de Basilide" in Eranos 16 (1948), 89-139; R.M.Grant, "Gnostic Origins and the Basilidians of Irenaeus" in VigChr 13 (1959), 121-5; W. Foerster, "Das System des Basilides" in NTS 9 (1962-3), 233-55.
3. VALENTINIAN GNOSIS: F.-M.-M. Sagnard, La gnose Valentinienne et le temoignage de s. Irenee (Paris 1947); G. Quispel, "La conception de l'homme dans la gnose Valentinienne" in Eranos 15 (1947), 249-86; idem, "The Original Doctrine of Valentine" in VigChr 1 (1947), 48-73; idem, "Neue Funde zur Valentinianischen Gnosis" in ZRGG 6 (1954), 289-305; O. Reimhers, "Irenaeus and the Valentinians" in The Lutheran Quarterly 12
(1960) , 55-59; A. Orbe, "Estudios Valentinianos" in AnGr (1955), 113 (1961).
5. MARCION: A. von Harnack, Marcion (Leipzig, 2nd ed. 1924; new imp. Darmstadt 1961);
E. Barnikol, Die Entstehung der Kirche im 2. Jahrhundert und die Zeit Marcions (Kiel, 2nd ed. 1933); R.S.Wilson, Marcion (London 1933); J. Knox, Marcion and the New Testament (Chicago 1942); E. C. Blackman, Marcion and his Influence (London 1949);
G. M. Braun, "Marcion et la gnose Simonienne" in Byz(B) 25-7 (1955-7), 631-48; A. Salles, "Simon le magicien ou Marcion?" in VigChr 12 (1958), 197-224.
4. CHRISTIAN GNOSIS: E. Haenchen, "Das Buch Baruch und die christliche Gnosis" in ZThK 48 (1953), 123-58; C. Grant, "Earliest Christian Gnosticism" in CH 22 (1953), 81-98; L. Bouyer, "Gnosis, le sens orthodoxe de l'expression jusqu'aux peres Alexandrins" in JThS NS 4 (1953), 188-203; G. Quispel, "Christliche Gnosis und judische Heterodoxie" in EvTh 14 (1954), 474-84; H.Schlier, "Das Denken der fruhchristlichen Gnosis" in Neutestamentliche Studien fur R. Bultmann (Berlin 1954), 67-82.
The Church's Self-Defence and the Importance of the Christian Victory

TRADITION: J.Ranft, Der Ursprung des katholischen Traditionsbegriffes (Wurzburg 1931); A. Deneffe, Der Traditionsbegriff (Munster 1931); B.Reynders, "Paradosis" in RThAM 5 (1933), 155-91; O. Cullmann, Tradition (Zurich 1954). For Irenaeus's idea of tradition, see the following articles: H. Holstein in RSR 36 (1949), 229-70; 41 (1953), 410-20; E. Molland in JEH 1 (1950), 12-28; E. Lanne in Irenikon 25 (1952), 113-41; A.Benoit in RHPhR 40 (1960), 32-43; M. Thurian, "La tradition" in Verbum Caro 57 (1961), 49-98. — Y. Congar, La tradition et les traditions (Paris 1960); G. Hanson, Tradition in the Early Church (London 1962); G. Widengren, "Tradition and Literature in Early Judaism and the Early Church" in Numen 10 (1963), 42-83.

APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION: C. H. Turner, Apostolic Succession: Essays on the Early History of the Church and the Ministry, ed. H. B. Swete (London, 2nd ed. 1921), 93-214; A. Ehrhardt, The Apostolic Succession in the First Two Centuries of the Church (London 1953); H. von Campenhausen, Kirchliches Amt und geistliche Vollmacht in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten (Tubingen 1953); H. E. W. Turner, The Pattern of Truth (London 1954);

I. Dix, "The Ministry in the Early Church" in K. E. Kirk, The Apostolic Ministry (London, 2nd ed. 1957) 183-303; J. Colson, "La succession apostolique au niveau du I" siecle" in Verbum Caro 54 (1960), 138-72; E.Schlink, "Die apostolische Sukzession" in KuD 7 (1961), 79-114; A.Benoit, "L'apostolicite au second siecle" in Verbum Caro 58
(1961) , 173-84; G.Blum, Tradition and Sukzession (Berlin 1963).
THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CANON: A. Wikenhauser, New Testament Introduction (Freiburg-London-New York, 4th imp. 1963), 18-35; M.-J. Lagrange, Histoire ancienne du canon du N.T. (Paris 1933); R.M.Grant, "The Bible of Theophilus of Antioch" in JBL 66 (1947), 173-96. For Marcion, see the works by J.Knox and E. C. Blackraan mentioned at the beginning of the bibliography to this chapter. W. L. Duliere, "Le canon neotestamentaire et les ecrits chretiens approuves par Irenee" in NC 6 (1954), 199-234; R.Harris, Inspiration and Canonicity of the Bible (Grand Rapids 1957); H. Bacht, "Die Rolle der Tradition in der Kanonbildung" in Catholica 12 (1958), 16-37; W. Marxsen and C.H.Ratschow in NZSTh 2 (1960), 137-50, 150-60; Y. Congar, "Inspiration des ecritures canoniques et apostolicite de l'eglise" in RSPhTh 45 (1961), 32-42; W. van Unnik, 'H xaivi) SiaOVo, TU 79 (1961), 212-27; K.Aland, The Problem of the N.T. Canon (London 1962).

THE CREED: H.Lietzmann, "Symbolstudien" in ZNW 2 (1922); 26 (1927) repr. in Kleine Schriften III (Berlin 1962), 189-281; J. Lebreton, Histoire du dogme de la trinite, I (Paris 1928), 141-73; J. de Ghellinck, "Les recherches sur l'origine du symbole" in RHE 38 (1942), 91-142, 361-410; O. Cullmann, Les premieres confessions de la foi chretienne (Paris, 2nd ed. 1948); J. N. D. Kelly, Early Christian Creeds (London 1950); W.Trillhaas, Die apostolischen Glaubensbekenntnisse (Witten 1953).

HEGESIPPUS: K. Mras, "Die Hegesippfrage" in AnzAW 95 (1958), 143-53; W. Telfer, "Was Hegesippus a Jew?" in HThR 53 (1960), 134-53; N. Hyldahl, "Hegesipps Hypo- mnemoneumata" in StTh 14 (1960), 70-113.

IRENAEUS: W. W. Harvey's ed. (Cambridge 1857) was reprinted unaltered in 1949; J. Keble, Five Books of St Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, Against Heresies (Oxford 1872). A new critical ed. by F. Sagnard is appearing in SourcesChr.; Book III has already been published, 34 (Paris 1952), on this see P. Nautin RThAM 20 (1953), 185-202, B. Botte, ibid. 21 (1954), 165-78 and ACW 16 (1952), Proof of the Apostolic Preaching. A new French translation of the Demonstratio evangelica with commentary by L.-M. Froide- vaux in SourcesChr 62 (Paris 1959). Other works on Irenaeus: A. Benoit, S. Irenee. Introduction a l'etude de sa theologie (Paris 1960; with bibliography 257-62); J. Lawson, The Biblical Theology of Saint Irenaeus (London 1948); W. Leuthold, Das Wesen der Haresie nach Irenaus (diss. Zurich 1954); L. Thornton, "St Irenaeus and Contemporary Theology", TU 64 (1957), 317-30. G. Wingren, Man and the Incarnation (Philadelphia 1959); E. Lanne, "La vision de Dieu dans l'?uvre de s. Irenee" in Irenikon 33 (1960), 311-20; V.Hahn, "Schrift, Tradition und Primat bei Irenaeus", in TThZ 70 (1961), 233-43, 292-302; B. Reynders, "Premieres reactions de l'eglise devant les falsifications du depot apostolique" in L'infallibilite de l'eglise (Chevetogne 1963), 27-52; H. Dorries, "Urteil und Verurteilung - Ein Beitrag zum Umgang der alten Kirche mit Haretikern" in ZNW 55 (1964), 78-94.

16. The Rise of Montanism and the Church's Defence SOURCES

P. de Labriolle, Les sources de l'histoire du Montanisme (Paris 1913); N. Bonwetsch, Texte zur Geschichte des Montanismus (Bonn 1914), KIT 129.


P. de Labriolle, La crise Montaniste (Paris 1913); W. M. Calder, "Philadelphia and Montanism" in BJRL 7 (1923), 309-54; W. M. Ramsey, "Phrygian Orthodox and Heretics" in ByZ 6 (1931), 1-35; J. Zeiller, "Le Montanisme a-t-il penetre en Illyricum?" in RHE 30 (1934), 847-51; H. Bacht, "Die prophetische Inspiration in der kirchlichen


Reflexion der vormontanistischen Zeit" in ThQ 125 (1944), 1-18; G. Freeman, "Montanism and the Phrygian cults" in DomSt 3 (1950), 297-316; S. S. P. Freeman-Grenville, "The Date of the Outbreak of Montanism" in JEH 5 (1954), 7-15; K.Aland, "Der Montanis- mus und die kleinasiatische Theologie" in ZNW 46 (1955), 109-16, Kirchengeschichtliche Entwurfe (Gutersloh 1960), 105-11; idem, "Augustin und der Montanismus"; ibidem, 149-64.

17. The Expansion of Christianity down to the End of the Second Century GENERAL

W. M. Ramsey, The Church in the Roman Empire before 170 (London, 13th ed. 1913); A. von Harnack, Die Mission und Ausbreitung des Christentums in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten (2 vols. Leipzig, 4th ed. 1924), Eng. tr. The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries, I (New York, 2nd ed. 1962); F. J. Foakes-Jackson, The Rise of Gentile Christianity (to 150) (London 1927); K. S. Latourette, A History of the Expansion of Christianity, I (New York 1937); G. Bardy, La conversion au christianisme durant les premiers siecles (Paris 1949); B. Kotting, "Christentum (Ausbreitung)" in RAC II (1954), 1138-59; P. Carrington, The Early Christian Church, Iis The Second Century (Cambridge 1957); F. van der Meer and C. Mohrmann, Atlas of the Early Christian World (London 1958).


K. Pieper, Die Kirche Palastinas bis zum Jahre 135 (Cologne 1938); C. Korolevsky, "Antioche" in DHGE III, 563-72; V. Schultze, Altchristliche Stadte und Landschaften, III: Antiochien (Gutersloh 1930); J. Kollwitz, "Antiochien" in RAC I, 461-9; I. Ortiz de Urbina, "Le origini del cristianesimo in Edessa" in Gr 15 (1934), 82-91; H. Leclercq, "Edesse" in DACL IV, 2055-110; E. Kirsten, "Edessa" in RAC IV, 568-72; M. Hofner, "Arabien" in RAC I, 579-85; R. Devreesse, "Le christianisme dans la province d'Arabie" in Vivre et Penser 2 (1942), 110-46; N. Edelby, "La Transjordanie chretienne des origines aux croisades" in PrOrChr 6 (1956), 97-117; A. Bohlig, "Agypten" in RAC I, 128-38; E.R.Hardy, Christian Egypt (New York 1952); H. I.Bell, Cuits and Creeds in Greco- Roman Egypt (Liverpool 1954); H. Leclercq, "Rome" in DACL XIV/2, 2546-67; G. delaPiana, "The Roman Church at the End of the Second Century" in HThR 18 (1925), 201 if.; A. Audollent, "Afrique" DHGE I, 706-12; A.M.Schneider, "Afrika" in RAC I, 173-9; J. Mesnage, L'Afrique chretienne (Paris 1912); C. Cecchelli, Africa Christiana — Africa Romana (Rome 1936); J. Ferron, "Carthage chretienne" in DHGE XI, 1178-87; W.H.C. Frend, "The 'seniores Laici' and the Origins of the Church of North Africa" in JThS NS 12 (1961), 280-4; E. Griffe, La Gaule chretienne, I (Paris 1947), 7-50; R. Kasser, "Les origines du christianisme egyptien" in RThPh 12 (1962), 11-28; L.W.Barnard, "The Background of Early Egyptian Christianity" in ChQR 164 (1963), 300-10, 428-41; W. H. C. Frend, "A Note on the Influence of Greek Immigrants on the Spread of Christianity in (he West" in Festschrift T. Klauser (Munster 1964), 125-9.

Part Two:

The Great Church of Early Christian Times

(c. A.D. 180-324)


A. Ehrhard, Die Kirche der Martyrer (Munich 1932); Fliehe-Martin II; Lietzmann II, 219-329, III, 1-67.

ON THE ROMAN EMPIRE IN THE THIRD CENTURY: M. Besnier, L'empire romain de l'avenement des Severes au concile de Nicee (Paris 1937); The Cambridge Ancient History, XII (Cambridge 1939); E. Kornemann, Weltgeschichte des Mittelmeerraumes, II (Munich 1949), 174-288; F. Altheim, Niedergang der alten Welt, II: Imperium Roma- num (Frankfurt a. M. 1952); J. Geffcken, Der Ausgang des griechisch-romischen Heidentums (Heidelberg, 2nd ed. 1929); L. Pareti, Storia di Roma e del mondo Romano, vol. VI: Da Decio a Costantino (Turin 1961).

SECTION ONE The Inner Consolidation of the Church in the Third Century

18. The Attack of the Pagan State on the Church SOURCES

As for Chapter 9 above. The acta of the martyrs are referred to in the footnotes. New critical edition of Tertullian's Ad martyras by A. Quacquarelli (Rome 1963).


K. Bihlmeyer, Die syrischen Kaiser zu Rom und das Christentum (Rottenburg 1916); L. Homo, Les empereurs romains et le christianisme (Paris 1931); A. Quacquarelli, "La persecuzione secondo Tertulliano" in Gr 31 (1950), 562-89; L. Koep, "Antikes" Kaisertum und Christusbekenntnis im Widerspruch" in JbAC 4 (1961) 58-76; G. de Ste Croix, "Why were the Early Christians Persecuted?" in Past and Present (1963), 6-38.
SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS: A. Calderini, I Severi (Bologna 1949); M. Fluss in Pauly-Wissowa A 2 (1923), 1940-2002; M. Platnauer, Life and Reign of Septimius Severus (Oxford 1918); U. Instinsky, "Studien zu Septimius Severus" in Klio 35 (1942), 200-19; J. Straub, "Caracalla" in RAC II, 893-901 (with bibliography); K. Gross, "Elagabal" in RAC IV, 998-1000; J. Straub, "Alexander Severus" in LThK I, 312ff.; A. Alfoldi, "Der Rechtsstreit zwischen der romischen Kirche und dem Verein der popinarii" in Klio 31 (1938), 249-53; A. A. Schwarte, "Das angebliche Christengesetz des Septimius Severus" in Historia 12 (1963), 185-208.

DECIUS: K. Gross in RAC III, 611-29. As sources the following are important: Cyprian, De lapsis, and Epist. 5-43, 55-6, 65-7; Dionysius of Alexandria in Euseb. HE 6, 39 to 42, and cf. H. Delehaye in AnBoll 40 (1922), 9-17.

E. Liesering, Untersuchungen zur Christenverfolgung des Kaisers Decius (diss. Wurzburg 1933); A. Alfoldi in Klio 31 (1938), 323-48; C. Saumagne, "La persecution de Dece a Carthage d'apres la correspondance de s. Cyprien" in Bulletin soc. nat. antiquaires de France (1957), 23-42; idem, "La persecution de Dece en Afrique" in Byz 32 (1962), 1-29.

Texts of the libelli: POr IV, 2; XVIII, 3; RB 54 (1947), 365-9, and cf. R. Knipfing in HThR 16 (1923), 345-90; also DACL 9 (1930), 81-5; A. Bludau in RQ Supplement 27 (1927).

THE VALERIAN PERSECUTION: P. Franchi de' Cavalieri in SteT 9 (1902), 39-51; 27 (1915), 65-82; 33 (1920), 147-78; 65 (1935), 129-99; P. Healy, The Valerian Persecution (Boston 1905); P. Paschini, "La persecuzione di Valeriano" in Studi Romani 6 (Rome 1958), 130-7.

19. Further Development of Christian Literature in the East in the Third Century


Bardenhewer II; Quasten P, II; Altaner 212ff.; D. van den Eynde, Les normes de l'enseignement chretien dans la litterature patristique des trois premiers siecles (Gembloux 1933); J. Danielou, Message evangelique et culture hellenistique aux II' et III' siecles (Tournai 1961); P. Nautin, Lettres et ecrivains chretiens des II' et III' siecles (Paris 1961).


W. Bousset, Judisch-christlicher Schulbetrieb in Alexandrien und Rom (Gottingen 1915); G. Bardy, "Les ecoles romaines au second siecle" in RHE 28 (1932), 501-32; idem, "L'eglise et l'enseignement pendant les trois premiers siecles" in RevSR 12 (1932), 1-28; L. Allevi, Ellenismo e cristianesimo (Milan 1934); G. Bardy, "Pour l'histoire de l'ecole d'Alexandrie" in Vivre et penser 2 (Paris 1942), 80-109; L. Lopez Oreja, "Alejandria, su escueala, un maestro" in Helmantica I (1950), 402-52; A. Knauber, "Katechetenschule oder Schulkatechumetat? Um die rechte Deutung des 'Unternehmens' der ersten gro?en Alexandriner" in TThZ 60 (1951), 243-66; P. Brezzi, La gnosi cristiana e le antiche scuole cristiane (Rome 1950); E. A. Parsons, The Alexandrian Library, Glory of the Hellenic World (London 1952).

R. Cadiou, La jeunesse d'Origene. Histoire de l'ecole d'Alessandrie au debut du III' siecle (Paris 1936); G. Bardy, "Aux origines de l'ecole d'Alexandrie" in RSR 27 (1937), 65-90; M. Hornschuh, "Das Leben des Origenes und die Entstehung der alexandrinischen Schule" in ZKG 71 (1960), 1-25, 193-214; R. B. Tollinton, Alexandrian

Teaching on the Universe (New York 1932); E. Molland, The Conception of the Gospel in the Alexandrian Theology (Oslo 1938); J. Guillet, "Les exegeses d'Alexandrie et d'Antioche: Conflit ou malentendu?" in RSR 34 (1947), 247-302; H. de Lubac, "Typologie et allegorisme" in RSR 34 (1947), 180-226; ibid. 47 (1959), 5-43; W. Gruber, Die pneumatische Exegese bei den Alexandrinern (Graz 1957); R. Cadiou, "La bibliotheque de Cesaree et la formation des Chaines" in RevSR 16 (1936) 474-83; G. Lattey, "The Antiochene Text" in Scripture 4 (1951), 273-77; F. Pericoli Ridolfini, "Le origini della scuola di Alessandria" in RSO 37 (1962), 211-30.

PANTAINUS: G. Gnolfo in PrOrChr 1 (1951), 295-304; P. Nautin in Tome commemoratif du millenaire de la Bibliotheque d'Alexandrie (Alexandria 1953), 145-52; A. Parsons, "A Family of Philosophers at Athens and Alexandria" in Hesperia Suppl. VIII (1950).


WORKS in GCS, 4 vols. (1905-36, 2nd ed. 1936-60), edited by O. Stahlin; also SourcesChr 2 (2nd ed. 1949): Protrepticus; 30 (1951): Stromata I; 38 (1954): Stromata II; 70 (1960): Paidagogus I; 23 (1948): Excerpta ex Theodoto. This latter work also edited by R. P. Casey (London 1934). Eng. ANF 2 (New York 1905).

LITERATURE: J. Munck, Untersuchungen uber Klemens von Alexandrien (Stuttgart 1933); G. Lazzati, Introduzione alio studio di Clem. Alex. (Milan 1939); C. Mondesert, Clement d'Alexandrie. Introduction a l'etude de sa pensee religieuse (Paris 1944); M. S. Enslin, "A Gentleman among the Fathers" in HThR 47 (1954), 213-41; M. Pohlenz, Klemens von Alexandrien und sein hellenistisches Christentum (Gottingen 1943); T. Camelot, Foi et gnose. Introduction a l'etude de la connaissance mystique chez Clement d'Alexandrie (Paris 1945); F. Quatember, Die christliche Lebenshaltung des Klemens von Alexandrien nach seinem Padagogus (Vienna 1946); T. Ruther, Die sittliche Forderung der Apatheia bei Klemens von Alexandrien (Freiburg i. Br. 1949); W. Volker, Der wahre Gnostiker nach Klemens von Alexandrien (Berlin 1952); E. F. Osborne, The Philosophy of Clement of Alexandria (Cambridge 1957); K. Prumm, "Glaube und Erkenntnis nach Klemens von Alexandrien" in Scholastik 12 (1937), 17-57; J. Lebreton, "La theologie de la Trinite chez Clement d'Alexandrie" in RSR 34 (1947), 55-76, 142-79; J. Moingt, "La gnose de Clement d'Alexandrie dans ses rapports avec la foi et la philosophie" in RSR 37 (1950), 195-241, 381-421, 537-64; ibid. 38 (1951), 82-118; A. Orbe, "Teologia bautismal de Clem. Alex." in Gr 36 (1955), 410-48; F. Hofmann, "Die Kirche bei Klemens von Alexandrien" in Festgabe K. Adam (1956), 11-57; J. Wytzes, "The Twofold Way: Platonic Influences in the Work of Clement of Alexandria" in VigChr II (1957), 226-45; ibid. 14 (1960), 129-53; E. Fascher, Der Logos-Christus als gottlicher Lehrer bei Clemens von Alexandrien, Studien zum NT und zur Patristik, TU 77 (Berlin 1961), 193-207; T. Finan, "Hellenism and Judeo-Christian History in Clement of Alexandria" in ITQ 28 (1961), 83-114; G. W. Butterworth, Clement of Alexandria with an English Translation (Loeb Classical Library) (London-New York 1919); Christ the Educator, FC 23 (1954).


WORKS in GCS, 12 volumes so far (Berlin 1899-1959), edited by P. Koetschau, E. Klostermann, E. Preuschen, W. A. Baehrens, M. Rauer; Engl. ANF 10 (New York 1903), Commentary on John and Matthew; ACW 19 (1954): Exhortation to Martyrdom; 26 (1957): The Song of Songs; SourcesChr 7 (1944): Homilies on Genesis (French translation only); 16 (1947): Homilies on Exodus (French translation only); 29 (1951): Homilies on Numbers (French translation only); 37 (1954): Homilies on the Canticle
of Canticles; 67 (1960): Dialogue with Heracleides; 71 (1960): Homilies on Josue; 87 (1962): Homilies on Luke; Philocalia, ed. J. A. Robinson (Cambridge 1893); Hexapla Fragments, ed. F. Field, 2 vols. (Oxford 1871-5); R. Cadiou, Commentaires inedits des Psaumes (Paris 1935); J. Scherer, Le commentaire d'Origene sur Rom. 3:5-5:7 (Cairo 1955); idem, Extraits des livres I et II du Contra Celsum d'Origene (Cairo 1956). German translation BKV (De orat.; exhort, mart.); 52-53 (Contra Celsum); Commentary on St John's Gospel (Selections), R. Gogler (Einsiedeln 1959). Selections from the works as a whole, Hans Urs von Balthasar (Salzburg, 2nd ed. 1954).

GENERAL SURVEYS: G. Bardy: DThC XI, 1489-1565; H. Koch: Pauly-Wissowa 18/1, 1036-56; F. H. Kettler: RGG, 3rd ed. IV, 1692-1701; E. de Faye, Origene, 3 vols. (Paris 1923-30); R. Cadiou, Introduction au systeme d'Origene (Paris 1932); J. Danielou, Origen (New York 1955), H. Musurillo, "The recent revival of Origen studies" in ThSt 24 (1963), 250-63; J. Danielou, "Origene comme Exegete de la Bible" in Stud, patrist. 1 (TU 63, Berlin 1957), 280-90, H. Crouzel, "Origene est-il un systematique?" in BLE 60 (1959), 81-116.

SPECIAL STUDIES: W. Volker, Die Vollkommenheitslehre des Origenes (Tubingen 1931); H. Koch, Pronoia und Paideusis (Leipzig 1932); A. Lieske, Die Theologie der Logosmystik hei Origenes (Munster 1938); C. Vagaggini, Maria nelle opere di Orig. (Rome 1942); S. Bettencourt, Doctrina ascetica Orig. (Rome 1945); E. Latko, Origen's Concept of Penance (Quebec 1949); H. de Lubac, Histoire et esprit. L'intelligence de l'Ecriture d'apres Origene (Paris 1950); J. Danielou, From Shadows to Reality (London 1960); F. Bertrand, Mystique de Jesus chez Origene (Paris 1951); R. P. C. Hanson, Origen's Doctrine on Tradition (London 1954); E. C. Jay, Origen's Treatise on Prayer (London 1954); H. Crouzel, Theologie de l'image de Dieu chez Origene (Paris 1956); M. Harl, Origene et la fonction revelatrice du verbe incarne (Paris 1958, with comprehensive bibliography); G. Teichweier, Die Sundenlehre des Origenes (Regensburg 1958); F. Faessler, Der Hagiosbegriff bei Origenes (Fribourg 1958); R.P.C. Hanson, Allegory and Event. A Study of the Sources and Significance of Origen's Interpretation of Scripture (London 1959); H. Crouzel, Origene et la philosophie (Paris, 2nd ed. 1962); B. Drewery, Origen and the Doctrine of Grace (London 1960); P. Nemeshegyi, La paternite de Dieu chez Origene (Tournai 1960); H. Crouzel, Origene et 'la connaissance mystique' (Bruges 1961); G. Gruber, Ztu^j. Wesen, Stufen und Mitteilungen des Lebens bei Origenes (Munich 1961).

ARTICLES ON THE THEOLOGY OF ORIGEN: Hans Urs von Balthasar, "Le mystere d'Origene" in RSR 26 (1936), 513-62; 27 (1937), 38-64; H. Rahner, "Das Menschenbild des Origenes" in Eranos 15 (1947), 197-248; J.-F. Bonnefoy, "Origene, theoricien de la methode theologique" in Melanges Cavallera (Toulouse 1948), 87-145; K. Rahner, "La doctrine d'Origene sur la penitence" in RSR 37 (1950), 47-97, 252-86, 422-56; C. Vagaggini, "La natura delia sintesi Origeniana e l'ortodossia e l'eterodossia delia dogmatica di Origene" in SC 82 (1954), 169-200; A. Mehat, "Apocatastase" in VigChr 10 (1956), 196-214; G. Muller, "Origenes und die Apokatastasis" in ThZ 14 (1958), 161-90; E. von Ivanka, "Der geistige Ort von IIspl ap/?>v zwischen Neuplatonismus, Gnosis und der christlichen Rechtglaubigkeit" in Scholastik 35 (1960), 481-502; V. Peri, "I passi sulla trinita nelle omelie origeniane" in Studia Patristica 6 (TU 81 [1962]), 155-80; M. Simonetti, "Due note sull'angelologia origeniana" in Rivista di cultura classica mediaevale 4 (1962), 165-208.

ARTICLES ON ORIGEN'S SPIRITUAL DOCTRINE: K. Rahner "Les debuts d'une doctrine J des cinq sens spirituels chez Origene" in RAM 13 (1932), 113-145; J. Danielou, "Les
sources bibliques de la mystique d'Origene" in RAM 23 (1947), 126-141; H. Jonas, "Die origenistische Spekulation und Mystik" in ThZ 5 (1949), 24-45, and in the contrary sense J. Lebreton in AnBoll 67 (1949), 542-76; K. Baus, "Das Nachwirken des Origenes in der Christusfrommigkeit des heiligen Ambrosius" in RQ 49 (1954), 21-55; H. Crouzel, Virginite et Mariage selon Origene (Paris 1963).

DIONYSIUS OF ALEXANDRIA: Engl. AN F 6 (New York 1903); C. L. Feltoe, The Letters and Other Remains (Cambridge 1904); P. S. Miller, Studies in Dionysius the Great of Alexandria (diss. Erlangen 1933); H. G. Opitz, "Dionys und die Libyer" in Studies K. Lake (London 1937), 41-53.

PETER OF ALEXANDRIA: Fragments: PG 18, 449-522; POR I, 383-400; 3, 353-61. F. H. Kettler in Pauly-Wissowa, 19/2, 1281-8; E. W. Kemp, "Bishops and Presbyters at Alexandria" in JEH 6 (1955), 125-42.

GREGORY THAUMATURGUS: Works: PG 10, 963-1232; Engl. AN F 6 (1903); "On Origen" ed. by P. Koetschau (Leipzig 1894). L. Froidevaux, "Le symbole de s. Gregoire le Thaumaturge" in RSR 19 (1929), 193-247; W. Telfer, "The Cultus of St Gregory Thaumaturgus" in HThR 29 (1936), 225-344; A. Soloview, "S. Gregoire, patron de Bosnie" in Byz (B) 19 (1949), 263-79.

METHODIUS: Works, edited by N. Bonwetsch in GCS (Berlin 1917); De autexusio in POR 22, 5; Engl. ACW 27 (Westminster 1958): The Symposium; AN F 6 (New York 1903).

J. Farges, Les idees morales et religieuses de Methode d'Olympe (Paris 1929); K. Quensell, Die wahre Stellung und Tatigkeit des Methodius von Olymp (diss. Heidelberg 1952); V. Buchheit, Studien zu Methodius von Olymp (Berlin 1958); M. Pellegrino, L'inno di simposio di s. Metodio (Turin 1958, with text and commentary).

LUCIAN AND THE SCHOOL OF ANTIOCH: G. Bardy, Recherches sur Lucien d'Antioche et son ecole (Paris 1936); H. Dorries, "Zur Geschichte der Septuaginta" in ZNW 39 (1940), 57-110; A. Vaccari, "La 'teoria' della scuola antiochena" in Scritti di erudizione (Rome 1942), 101—42; G. Mercati, "Di alcune testimonianze antiche sulle eure bibliche di San Luciano" in Biblica 24 (1943), 1-17; F. Alvarez Seisdedos, "La teoria antioquena" in EstB II (1952), 31-67; P. Ternant, "La Gewpia d'Antioche dans le cadre de l'Ecriture" in Biblica 34 (1953), 135-58, 354-83, 456-86.

20. The Development of Christian Literature in the West in the Third Century

P. de Labriolle, History and Literature of Christianity (London-New York, 2nd ed. 1947).

EARLY CHRISTIAN LATIN: F. Stummer, Einfuhrung in die lateinische Bibel (Paderborn 1928); J. Schrijnen, Charakteristik des altchristlichen Latein (Nijmegen 1932); W. Suss, Studien zur lateinischen Bibel (Tartu 1932); M. A. Sainio, Semasiologische Untersuchungen uber die Entstehung der christlichen Latinitat (Hamburg 1940); M. Muller, Der Ubergang von der griechischen zur lateinischen Sprache in der abendlandischen Kirche von Hermas bis Novatian (Rome 1943); T. Klauser, "Der Ubergang der romischen Kirche von der griechischen zur lateinischen Liturgiesprache" in MiscMercati I, 467-82; G. Bardy, La question des langues dans l'eglise ancienne, I (Paris 1948); K. Baus in TThZ 61 (1952), 192-205; ibid. 68 (1959), 306-15 (with bibliography); C. Mohrmann, "Les origines <^e la latinite chretienne a Rome" in VigChr 3 (1949), 67-106, 163-185. Further works of Mohrmann in the collected volumes: Le latin des chretiens, I (Rome 1958); II (Rome 1961); Liturgical Latin (London 1959); E. Lofstedt,

Late Latin (Oslo 1959); M. Dilworth, "The Morphology of Christian Latin" in The Clergy Review 45 (1960) 88-97; E. Franccschini, "Latino dei Cristiani e Latino della Chiesa" in Melanges C. Mohrmann (Utrecht 1963), 152-64.

MINUCIUS FELIX: Editions of the Works: J. P. Waltzing (Leipzig 1926); J. Martin (Bonn 1930); G. Quispel (Leyden 1949); M. Pellegrino (Turin 1950); Engl. AN F 4 (New York 1905); FC 10 (New York 1950). H. J. Baylis, Minucius Felix and his Place among the Early Fathers of the Latin Church (London 1928); R. Beutler, Philosophie und Apologetik hei Minucius Felix (Diss. Marburg 1936); M. Pellegrino, Studi s;:ll'antica apologetica (Rome 1947). On the problem of the priority of Minucius Felix or Tfertullian, and on the language of the Octavius, see Quasten P, II, 160-2.

HIPPOLYTUS: Works, edited by G. N. Bonwetsch, H. Achelis, P. Wendland, A. Bauer, R. Helm, in GCS 1, 26, 46 (Berlin 1916-55); Engl. ANF 5 (New York 1903). P. Nautin, Hippolyte, Contre les heresies (Paris 1949); M. Briere-L. Maries-B. C. Mercier, Hippolyte, Les benedictions d'Isaac, de Jacob et de Moise, POR 27 (1954), B. Botte, La tradition apostolique de s. Hippolyte. Essai de reconstruction (Munster 1963). Separate editions: Commentary on Daniel ed. by G. Bardy in SourcesChr 14 (1947); Traditio Apostolica, edited B. Botte in SourcesChr 11 (1946); Funk 2, 97-119; G. Dix (London 1937); Ethiopian text edited by H. Duensing in AAG 32 (1946); Coptic text, edited W. Till-J. Leipoldt in TU 58 (1954). Literature on the most recent discussion regarding the authorship of the Philosophoumena, the Chronicle and the De universo: P. Nautin, Hippolyte et Josipe (Paris 1947); idem, Le dossier d'Hippolyte et de Meliton (Paris 1953); idem, Lettres et ecrivains chretiens des II" et III" siecles (Paris 1961), 177 to 207; for a contrary view see G. Bardy, M.Richard, B.Capelle, B.Botte, G.Oggioni in MSR 1948, 1950-1, 1953-4; RThAM 1949-50, 1952; RSR 1947, 1954-5; RHE 1952; SC 1950-52; A. de Ales, La theologie de s. Hippolyte (Paris, 2nd ed. 1929); B. Capelle, "Le logos, fils de Dieu, dans la theologie d'Hippolyte" in RThAM 9 (1937), 109-24; K. Prumm, "Mysterion bei Hippolyt" in ZKTh 63 (1939), 207-25; E. Lengling, Die Heilstat des Logos-Christos bei Hippolyt (Rome 1947); A. Hamel, Die Kirche bei Hippolyt yon Rom (Gutersloh 1952); J. Lecuyer, "Episcopat et presbyterat dans les ecrits d'Hippolyte" in RSR 41 (1953), 30-50; A, Amore, "Note su s. Ippolito martire" in RivAC 30 (1954), 63-97; C. Edsman, "A Typology of Baptism in Hippolytus" in TU 64 (1957), 35-40; J.-M. Hanssens, La liturgie d'Hippolyte (Rome 1959), criticized by T. G. Davies in /75 11 (1960), 163-6; B. Botte in BThAM 8 (1960), 575-7; A. Amore, "La personalita dello scrittore Ippolito" in Antonianum 36 (1961), 3-28. A. Walls, "The Latin Version of Hippolytus' Apostolic Tradition" in TU 78 (1961), 155-62; G. Ogg, "Hippolytus and the Introduction of the Christian Era" in VigChr 16 (1962), 2-18; B. Botte, La tradition apostolique de S. Hippolyte (Munster 1963), on this C. Lambert in RBen 74 (1964), 144-7.
NOVATIAN: No collected edition exists. Works: De trinitate, ed. W. Y. Fausset (Cambridge 1909); with German translation, and commentary by H. Weyer (Dusseldorf 1962); Engl. ANF 5 (New York 1903); Concerning the Trinity, On the Jewish Meats, De cibis iud. edited by A. Landgraf-C. Weymann in Archlat Lexikogr., 11 (1898 to 1900) 221-49; De spect., edited by A. Boulenger (Paris 1933), and see on this H. Koch in Religio 12 (1936), 245-65. On language and style, A. Boulenger in Religio 13 (1937), 278-94; B. Melin, Studia in corpus Cyprianeum (Uppsala 1946). A. d'Ales, Novatien (Paris 1924); M. Kriebel, Studien zur alteren Entwicklung der abendlandischen Trinitatslehre bei Tertidlian und Novatian (diss. Marburg 1932); M. Simonetti, "Alcune osservazioni sul De trinitate di Novaziano" in Studi in onore di A. Monteverdi 2 (Modena 1959), 771-83. On the Logos doctrine: G. Keilbach in Bogo- slovska Smotra 21 (1933), 193-224. On the communicatio idiomatum: R. Favre in BLE 37 (1936), 130-45. On angel Christology: F. Scheidweiler in ZKG 66 (1955), 126-39, and J. Barbel in TThZ 67 (1958) 96-105. On Novatian's biography: F. J- Dolger .n AuC II (1930), 258-67; C. Mohlberg in ELit 51 (1937), 242-9; A. Ferrua in CivCatt (1944) 4, 232-9.

TERTULLIAN: Works in a collected edition, in CSEL, edited by A. Reifferscheid -G. Wis- sowa, A. Kroymann, H. Hoppe, V. Bulhart, P. Borleffs 20 (1890), 47 (1906), 69 (1939), 70 (1942), 76 (1957); and in CChr 1 and 2 (1954). For editions of individual works see Altane r 166-82, and CChr 1, xn-xiv. Engl. AN F 3 and 4 (1905); Treatises on Marriage and Remarriage, ACW 13 (1951); The Treatise against Hermogenes 24 (1956); Treatises on Penance, 28 (1959); apologetical works, FC 10 (1951); disciplinary, moral and ascetical works, FC 40 (1959); On baptism, ed. E. Evans (London 1964); Against the Jews, ed. H. Trankle (Wiesbaden 1964).

On Language and Style: T. W. Teuwen, Sprachlicher Bedeutungswandel bei Tertullian (Paderborn 1926); E. Lofstedt, Zur Sprache Tertullians (Lund 1920); H. Hoppe, Beitrage zu Sprache und Kritik Tertullians (Lund 1932); A. d'Ales, "Tertullian helleniste" in REG (1937), 320-62; H. Janssen, Kultur und Sprache bei Tertullian (Nijmegen 1938); V. Morel, "Disciplina" in RHE 40 (1944-5), 5-46; J. H. Waszink, "Pompa diaboli" in VigChr 1 (1947), 13-41; A. Kolping, Sacramentum Tertullianeum (Munster 1948); C. Mohrmann, Tertull. Apologeticum (Utrecht 1951), LXXXVI-CII. A Lexicon Tertullianeum is in preparation by G. Claesson. P. Guilloux, "L'evolution religieuse de Tertullien" in RHE 19 (1923), 5-24, 141-56; B. Nisters, Tertullian, seine Personlichkeit und sein Schicksal (Munster 1950); M. Bevenot, The Tradition of Manuscripts (Oxford 1961).

Tertullian's Theology: A. d'Ales, La theologie de Tertullien (Paris 1905); R. E. Roberts, The Theology of Tertullian (London 1924); J. Morgan, The Importance of Tertullian in the Development of Christian Dogma (London 1928); J. Lortz, Tertullian als Apologet, 2 vols. (Paderborn 1927-8); C. Becker, Tertullians Apologeticum, Werden und Leistung (Munich, 2nd ed. 1961); A. Quacquarelli, Tertullianus ad Scapulam (Rome 1957); G. Zimmermann, Die hermeneutischen Prinzipien Tertullians (diss. Leipzig 1937); J. Stirnimann, Die Praescriptio Tertullians (Fribourg 1949); K. Adam, Der Kirchenbegriff Tertullians (Paderborn 1907); H. Koch, Callist und Tertullian (Heidelberg 1920); W. Kohler, Oram's ecclesia Petri propinqua (Heidelberg 1938); V. Morel, De ontwikkeling van de christl. overlevering volgens Tertullian (Bruges 1946); T. Brandt, Tertullians Ethik (Gutersloh 1929); J. Buchner, Tert. de spectaculis, Kommentar (Wurzburg 1935); the same work with commentary by E. Castorina (Florence 1961); J. Klein, Tertullians christliches Bewu?tsein (Bonn 1940); K. Baus, Der Kranz in Antike und Christentum (Kommentar zu De Corona) (Bonn 1940); R. Franco, El final del reino de Cristo en Tertuliano (Granada 1955); G. Saflund, De pallio und die stilistische Entwicklung Tertullians (Lund 1955); G. Calloni, Tertulliano, Vita, Opere, Pensiero (Modena 1957).

Tertullian's Doctrine of Penance: K. Rahner in ZKTh 60 (1936), 471-510; Festschrift K. Adam (Dusseldorf 1952), 139-67; B. Poschmann, Poenitentia secunda (Bonn 1940), 270-348; H. Karpp, Schrift und Geist bei Tertullian (Gutersloh 1955); E. Langstadt, "Tertullian's Doctrine of Sin and the Power of Absolution in 'de pudicitia'" in TU 64 (1957), 251-7; H. Fine, Die Terminologie der Jenseitsvorstellungen bei Tertullian (Bonn 1958); S. Otto, Natura und dispositio, Untersuchungen zum Naturbegriff und zur Denkform Tertullians (Munich 1960); K. Wollfl, Das Heilswirken Gottes durch den Sohn nach Tertullian, AnGr 112 (Rome 1960); V. Decarie, "Le paradoxe de Tertullien" in VigChr 15 (1961), 23-31; W. Bender, Die Lehre Uber den Heiligen Geist bei Tertullian (Munich 1961); E. Dekkers, Tertullian en de geschiedenis der liturgie (Brussels 1947);

R. Cantalamessa, La cristologia di Tertulliano (Fribourg 1962); G. G. Blum, "Der Begriff des Apostolischen im theologischen Denken Tertullians" in KuD 9 (1963) 102 to 121- G. C. Stead, "Divine Substance in Tertullian" in TThS 14 (1963), 46-66; B Piault, "Tertullien a-t-il ete subordinatien?" in RSPhTh 46 (1936), 181-204. On De idol, 'and De cultu fern, see P. G. Van der Nat in VigChr 17 (1963), 71-84.

CYPRIAN: Works, edited by W. Hartel in CSEL 3, 1-3 (1868-71); Tractatus, edited S. Colombo (Turin 1935); Epistulae, edited L. Bayard, 2 vols. (Paris, 2nd ed. 1945); Engl. Epistles and Treatises ANF 5 (1903); Treatises FC 36 (1958). On Textual Criticism and Language: H. Koch, Cyprianische Untersuchungen (Bonn 1926); B. Melin, Studia in corpus Cyprianeum (Uppsala 1946). The Vita of Cyprian by Pontius, and the Acta proconsularia in CSEL 3, 3; the Vita separately, edited by M. Pellegrino (Alba 1955). On the Vita see R. Reitzenstein in AGG (1919), 177-219; J. Martin in H] (1919), 674-712; Delehaye PM 82-104.

Special Studies: P. Monceaux, 5. Cyprien (Paris 1902 and, without notes, 1914); S. Colombo, "S. Cipriano, l'uomo e lo scrittore" in Didaskaleion 6 (Turin 1928), 1-80; A. A. Ehrhardt, "Cyprian, Father of Western Christianity" in ChQR 133 (1941), 178-96; E. Hummel, The Concept of Martyrdom according to St Cyprian (Washington 1946); J. Ludwig, Der heilige Martyrerbischof Cyprian von Karthago (Munich 1951); M. Jourjon, Cyprien de Carthage (Paris 1957).

Cyprian's Theology: A. d'Ales, La theologie de S. Cyprien (Paris 1922). Doctrine of Baptism: G. Bardy in RSR 14 (1924), 255-72, 385-99; N. Zernov in ChQR 117 (1934), 304-36; A. Stenzel in Scholastik 30 (1955), 372-85. Doctrine of the Eucharist: P. Batiffol, L'eucharistie (Paris, 9th ed. 1930), 226-47; G. Bardy in VS Suppl. 60 (1939), 87-119; S. Salaville in EO 39 (1941-42), 268-82. On the question of penance: H. Koch, Cyprianische Untersuchungen (Bonn 1926); M. C. Chartier in Antonianum 14 (1939), 17-42, 135-56; B. Posdimann, Poenitentia secunda (Bonn 1940), 368-424; K. Rahner in ZKTh 74 (1952), 252-76, 381-438; M. Bevenot in ThSt 16 (1955), 175-273; C. Daly, TU 64 (1957) 202-7; M. F. Wiles, "The Theological legacy of St Cyprian" in JEH 14 (1963), 139-49.

On Cyprian's Conception of the Church: H. Koch, Cathedra Petri (Giessen 1930); E. Altendorf, Einheit und Heiligkeit der Kirche (Berlin 1932), 44-116; B. Poschmann, Ecclesia principalis (Breslau 1933); J. Plumpe, Mater ecclesia (Washington 1943), 81-108; G. Bardy, La theologie de l'eglise, II (Paris 1947), 171-251; J. Ludwig, Die Primatsworte in der altkirchlichen Exegese (Munster 1952); M. Bevenot in RSR 39-40 (1951-2), 397-415. G. Klein in ZKG 68 (1957), 48-68; J. Colson, L'eveque, lieu d'unite et de charite chez saint Cyprien de Carthage (Paris 1961).

21. The First Christological and Trinitarian Controversies

J. Tixeront, History of Dogmas (St Louis-London 1928-32). A. von Harnack, History of Dogma (New York 1958); R. Seeberg, Textbook of the History of Doctrines (Grand Rapids 1956); F. Loofs, Leitfaden zum Studium der Dogmengeschichte, ed. K. Aland (Tubingen, 6th ed. 1959); W. Koehler, Dogmengeschichte als Geschichte des christlichen Selbstbewu?tseins, I (Leipzig, 2nd ed. 1951); M. Werner, Die Entstehung des christlichen Dogmas problemgeschichtlich dargestellt (Tubingen, 2nd ed. 1954), abridged English edition: The Formation of Christian Dogma (London 1957); J. N. D. Kelly, Early Christian Doctrines (London 1958); P. Meinhold, "Zur Grundlegung der Dogmengeschichte" in Saeculum 10 (1959), 1-20; W. Bauer, Rechtglaubigkeit und Ketzerei im altesten Christentum (Tubingen 1934); J. Brosch, Das Wesen der Haresie (Bonn 1936);

G. L. Prestige, God in Patristic Thought (London, 2nd ed. 1952); S. L. Greenslade, Schism in the Early Church (London 1953); H. E. W. Turner, The Pattern of Christian Truth (London 1954); W. Doskocil, Der Bann in der Urkirche (Munich 1958); G. L. Prestige, Fathers and Heretics (London, 4th ed. 1958); J. Lebreton, Eng. tr. History of the Dogma of the Trinity I (New York 1939); F. L. Dolger, "Sonne und Sonnenstrahl als Gleichnis der Logostheologie des christlichen Altertums" in AuC 1 (1929), 271-90; M. Kreibel, Studien zur altesten Entwicklung der abendlandischen Trinitatslehre bei Tertullian und No- vatian (diss. Marburg 1932); J. Barbel, Christos Angelos (Bonn 1941); E. Peterson, "Der Monotheismus als politisches Problem" in Theologische Traktate (Munich 1951), 45-147; A. Gilg, Weg und Bedeutung der altkirchlichen Christologie (Munich 1955); G. Kretsch- mar, Studien zur fruhchristlichen Trinitatslehre (Tubingen 1956); W. Marcus, Der Sub- ordinationismus als historiologisches Phanomen (Munich 1963).

G. Bardy, "Monarchianisme" in DThC X, 2193-209; idem, "Les ecoles romaines au second siecle" in RHE 28 (1932), 501-32; G. La Piana, "The Roman Church at the End of the Second Century" in HThR 18 (1925), 201-77; H. Stork, Die sogenannten Mel- chisedekianer (Theodotianer) (Leipzig 1928); H. Schone, "Ein Einbruch der antiken Logik in die altchristuche Theologie" in Pisciculi, Festschrift F. J. Dolger (Munster 1939), 252-65; V. Macchioro, L'eresi Noetiana (Naples 1921); A. d'Ales, "Le desaccord de la foi populaire et de la theologie savante dans l'eglise du IIIe siecle" in RHE 19 (1923), 481-506, 20 (1924), 5-37. E. Hatch, The Influence of Greek Ideas on Christianity (New York 1957); R. Williams, Guide to the Teachings of the Early Church Fathers (Grand Rapids 1960); H. Hoppenbrouwers, Recherches sur la terminologie du martyre de Tertullien a Lactance (Nijmegen 1961); B. Schultze, Teologia latina y teologia oriental (Madrid 1961); J. Danielou, Message evangelique et culture hellenistique aux II" et III" siecles (Tournai 1961); R. Cantalamessa, "Prassea e l'eresia monarchiana" in SC 90 (1962), 28-50.
ON ZEPHYRINUS: A. von Harnack in SAB (1923), 51-7; B. Capelle in RBen 38 (1926), 321-30; E. Evans, Tertullian's Treatise against Praxeas (London 1948); A. d'Ales, La theologie de s. Hippolyte (Paris, 2nd ed. 1929); B. Capelle, "Le logos, fils de Dieu, dans la theologie d'Hippolyte" in RThAM 9 (1937), 109-24; C. L. Feltoe, The Letters of Dionys of Alexandria (Cambridge 1904); K.Muller, "Dionys von Alexandrien im Kampf mit den libyschen Sabellianern" in ZNW 24 (1925), 278-85; H.G.Opitz, "Dionys und die Libyer" in Studies K. Lake (London 1937), 41-53.

ON PAUL OF SAMOSATA: F. Loofs, Paul von Samosata (Leipzig 1924), and cf. A. von Harnack in SAB (1924), 130-51; E. Amann in RevSR 5 (1925), 328-42; H. de Riedmatten, Les actes du proces de Paul de Samosate (Fribourg 1952), and on this, see

I. Scheidweiler in ZNW 46 (1955), 116-29; M. Richard, "Malchion et Paul de Samosate. Le temoignage d'Eusebe de Cesaree" in EThL 35 (1959), 325-38; J.M.Dalmau, "El 'homousios' y el concilio de Antioquia de 268" in MCom 34-35 (1960) 323-40.
22. Manichaeism SOURCES

P. Alfaric, Les ecritures manicheennes, 2 vols. (Paris 1918-19); A. Adam, Texte zum Manichaismus, selected texts (KIT 175) (Berlin 1954), vi-ix.

1) Direct Sources

The Fragments of Turfan, published by F.W.Muller in SAB (1904-5); AAB (1904), II, and (1912), V; by A. von Le Coq in SAB (1907; AAB (1910-11; 1919; 1922); by
W. Bang in Museon 38 (1925), 1-55; by W. Bang and A. von Gabain in SAB (1929-30); by F. C. Andreas and W. Henning in SAB (1932-34) and Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 10-12 (1942-47-8). The Chinese Treatise, edited by

E. Chavannes and P. Pelliot in JA 1 (1911), 499-617. The Chinese Hymnarium of London, edited by E. Waldschmidt and W. Lentz in SAB (1933); the Latin Fragment of Tebessa, edited by P. Alfaric in RHLR NS 6 (1920), 62-98.
The Coptic Texts from Fayyum: Homilies, edited by H. Polotzsky (Stuttgart 1934); Cephalaia I, edited C.Schmidt (Stuttgart 1940); A Manichaean Psalm-Book, part II, C. R. C. Allberry (Stuttgart 1938). A selection of direct sources may be found in A.Adam, op. cit. nos. 1-34; there are a few texts also in G. Widengren, Iranische Geisteswelt (Baden-Baden 1961).

2) Indirect Sources

Papyrus J. Rylands n. 469 in BJRL 3 (1938), 38-46; Alexander Lycop., Contra Mani- chaei opiniones, edited A.Brinkmann (Leipzig 1895); Acta Archelai, edited C.H. Beeson (Leipzig 1906); Serapion of Thmuis, Adversus Manichaeos, edited R. P. Casey (Cambridge, Mass. 1931); Titus of Bostra, Contra Manichaeos, edited P. de Lagarde (Berlin 1895); Epiphanius, Panarion, Haer. 66, edited K. Holl (Leipzig 1931); the anti-Manichaean writings of Augustine in CSEL 25, edited J. Zycha (Vienna 1891); a selection is given in A. Adam, op. cit. nos. 35-64. J. Ries, "La Bible chez Saint Augustin et chez les Manicheens" in RevEAug 7 (1961), 231-43.


Survey of researches: H. S. Nyberg in ZNW 34 (1935), 70-91, and J. Ries in EThL 33 (1957), 453-82, 35 (1959), 362-409. General studies: H. J. Polotzsky in Pauly-Wissowa Suppl. VI (1935), 240-71; G. von Selle, "Der Manichaeismus" in Festschrift H. Kraus (Kitzingen 1953), 422-35; C. Colpe in RGG, 3rd ed. IV, 714-22. H.-C. Puech, Le Manicheisme. Son fondateur, sa doctrine (Paris 1949); H.-C. Puech, "Die Religion des Mani" in Konig H, II (Freiburg, 2nd ed. 1961), 499-563; G. Widengren, Mani und der Manichaismus (Stuttgart 1961); F. C. Burkitt, The Religion of the Manichees (Cambridge 1925); H. H. Schaeder, "Urform und Fortbildungen des manichaischen Systems" in Vortrage Bibliothek Warburg 4 (Leipzig 1927), 65-157; H.-C. Puech, "Der Begriff der Erlosung im Manichaismus" in Eranos 5 (1937), 183-286; T. Save-Soderbergh, Studies in the Coptic Manichaean Psalm-Book (Uppsala 1949).

SPREAD AND INFLUENCE OF MANICHAEISM: E. de Stoop, Essai sur la diffusion du manicheisme dans l'Empire romain (Ghent 1909); E. Chavannes-P. Pelliot in ]A 2 (1913), 99-199, 261-394 (for China); W. Henning in ZDMG 90 (1936), 1-18; H. H. Schaeder, "Manichaismus und spatantike Religion" in Zeitschrift MkRel 50 (1935), 65-85; H. H. Schaeder, "Der Manichaismus und sein Weg nach Osten" in Festschrift

G. Gogarten (Giessen 1948), 236-54; W. H. C. Frend, "The Gnostic-Manichaean Tradition in Roman North Africa" in JEH 4 (1953), 13-26. Stephen Runciman, The Medieval Manichee (Cambridge 1936); D. Obolensky, The Bogomils. A Study in Balkan Neo- Manichaeism (Cambridge 1948).
MANICHAEISM AND CHRISTIANITY: H. Leclercq, "Manicheisme" in DACL X, 1395-400;

I. Bardy in DThC IX, 1841-95; E. Waldschmidt-W. Lentz, "Die Stellung Jesu im Manichaismus" in A AB (1926), 4; G. Messina, "La dottrina manichea e le origini del cristianesimo" in Biblica 10 (1929), 313-31; F. J. Dolger, "Konstantin der Gro?e und der Manichaismus; Sonne und Christus im Manichaismus" in AuC II (1930), 301-14; E. Rose, Christologie des Manichaismus (diss. Marburg 1942); A. Bohlig, Die Bibel bei

den Manichaern (diss. Marburg 1947); G. Messina, Crisiianesimo, Buddhismo, Mani- cheismo nell'Asia antica (Rome 1947); O. Stegmuller, "Das manichaische Fundamentum in einem Sakramentar der fruhen Karolingerzeit" in ZKTh 74 (1952), 450-63; A. Adam, "Das Fortwirken des Manichaismus bei Augustin" in ZKG 69 (1958), 1-25; A. Bohlig, "Christliche Wurzeln im Manichaismus" in BullSocArcheolcopte 15 (1960), 41-61.

23. Further Development of the Liturgy SOURCES

C. del Grande, Liturgiae preces hymni christianorum e papyris collecti (Naples 1934); J. Quasten, Monumenta eucharistica et liturgica vetustissima in FlorPatr 7 (1935); A. Adam, "Zur Geschichte der orientalischen Taufe und Messe im 2. und 4. Jahrhundert" in KIT 5 (3rd ed. 1960); Tertullian, De baptismo, edited J. W. P. Borleffs in SCpr 4 (1948); edited R. F. Refoule in SourcesChr 35 (1952); Hippolytus, Traditio apostolica, edited G. Dix (London 1937); edited B. Botte in SourcesChr 11 (1946); Didascalia, edited F. X. Funk, Didascalia et Constitutiones apostolorum, I (Paderborn 1905), 1-384 (Latin translation); edited H. Achelis-J. Fleming in TU 25, 2 (Leipzig 1904, German translation). Asterius Sophistes, Commentant in psalmos, edited M. Richard in Symbolae Osloenses Suppl. 16 (Oslo 1956). H. Follieri, Initia Hymnorum Ecclesiae Graecae (Vatican City 1960); P. Rado, Enchiridion Liturgicum, 2 vols. (Barcelona 1961).


L. Duchesne, Christian Worship. Its Origin and Evolution (London, 5th ed. 1949); A. Baumstark, Vom geschichtlichen Werden der Liturgie (Freiburg i. Br. 1923); F. L. Dolger, Sol salutis (Munster, 2nd ed. 1925); J. H. Srawley, The Early History of the Liturgy (Cambridge, 2nd ed.); H. Schmidt, lntroductio in Liturgiam Occidentalem (Freiburg i. Br. 1959); T. Klauser, Abendlandische Liturgiegeschichte (Bonn 1949); A. Baumstark, Comparative Liturgy (Westminster 1958); B. Steuart, The Development of Christian Worship (London 1953); A. A. King, The Liturgy of the Roman Church (London 1957); idem, Liturgies of the Primatial Sees (London 1957); J. A. Jungmann, The Early Liturgy to the Time of Gregory the Great (Notre Dame 1957); E. Werner, The Sacred Bridge (New York 1959); A. Quacquarelli, Retorica e liturgia antenicena (Rome 1960); B. Thompson, Liturgies of the Western Church (Cleveland-New York 1961); E. Dekkers, Tertullianus en de geschiedenis der liturgie (Brussels-Amsterdam 1947); J.-M. Hanssens, La liturgie d'Hippolyte (Rome 1959); W. Nagel, Geschichte des christlichen Gottesdienstes (Berlin 1962); A. G. Martimort (ed.), L'eglise en prieres: Introduction a la liturgie (Paris 1961).

EASTER AND THE DISPUTE ABOUT THE DATE OF EASTER: H. Kellner, Heortologie (Freiburg i. Br., 3rd ed. 1911); F. Cabrol, "Fetes" in DACL V, 1403-14; A. Hollard, Les origines des fetes chretiennes (Paris 1936); A. A. McArthur, The Evolution of the Christian Year (London 1953); H. Leclercq, "Paques" in DACL XIII, 1521-74; J. Jeremias, Ilaaxa in ThW V, 895-903; O. Casel, "Art und Sinn der altesten christlichen Osterfeier" in JLW 14 (1938), 1-78; J. Danielou, "Le symbolisme du jour de Paques" in Dieu Vivant 18 (1951), 45-56; H. Vorgrimler, "War die altchristliche Osternacht eine ununterbrochene Feier?" in ZKTh 74 (1952), 464-72; C. Mohrmann, "Pascha, passio, transitus" in ELit 66 (1952), 37-52, Etudes sur le latin des chretiens (Rome 1958), 205-22; A. W. Watts, Easter, its Story and Meaning (London 1959); C. Marcora, La vigilia nella liturgia (sec. I-VI) (Milan 1954); A. Baumstark-O. Heiming,

Nocturna laus, Typen fruhchristlicher Vigilfeier (Munster 1957); P. Jounel, "La nuit pascale. Le dimanche et le temps de Paques: La tradition de l'eglise" in MD 67 (1961), 123-44, 163-82; B. Lohse, Das Passa fest der Quartadecimaner (Gutersloh 1953) (pages 143-8 for the older literature on the subject); B. Botte, "La question pascale" in MD 41 (1955), 84-95; M. Shepherd, The Paschal Liturgy and the Apocalypse (Richmond 1960); M. Richard, "La question pascale au II* siecle" in OrSyr 6 (1961), 179-212; P. Nautin, Lettres et ecrivains chretiens au II* et III' siecles (Paris 1961), 65-89; C. Mohrmann, "Le conflit pascal au II* siecle" in VigChr 16 (1962), 154-71; W. Cadman, "The Christian Pascha and the Day of the Crucifixion" in TU 80 (1962), 8-16; B. J. Van der Veken in SE 14 (1963), 5-33.

CATECHUMENATE AND BAPTISM: P. de Puniet, "Catechumenat" in DACL II, 2579-90; F. J. Dolger, "Tertullian und die Bluttaufe" in AuC II (1930), 117-41; H. Rahner, "Pompa diaboli" in ZKTh 55 (1931), 239-73; B. Capelle, "L'introduction du catechumenat a Rome" in KT h AM 5 (1933), 129-54; G. Bardy, "L'enseignement religieux aux premiers siecles in RAP 66 (1938), 641-55; 67 (1938), 5-18; E. Dick, "Das Pateninstitut im altchristlichen Katechumenat" in ZKTh 63 (1939), 1—49; B. Welte, Die postbaptismale Salbung (Freiburg i. Br. 1939); O. Cullmann, Le bapteme des enfants (Neu- chatel 1949); G.W.H. Lampe, The Seal of the Spirit. A Study in the Doctrine on Baptism and Confirmation in the New Testament and the Fathers (London 1951); J. Lupi, "Catechetical Instruction in the First Two Centuries" in Melita Theologica 9 (1956), 61-71; R. J. Zwi Werblowsky, "On the Baptismal Rite according to St Hippolytus" in Studia Patristica II (Berlin 1957), 93-105; J. Fisher, "The Consecration of Water in the Early Rite of Baptism" in TU 64 (1957), 41-46; A. Stenzel, Die Taufe, eine genetische Erklarung der Tauf liturgie (Innsbruck 1958); J. Jeremias, Infant Baptism in the First Four Centuries (London 1960); T. Torrance, "The Origins of Baptism" in Scottish Journal of Theology 11 (1958), 158-71; W. A. Be Vier, "Water Baptism in the Ancient Church" in Bibliotheca sacra 116 (1959), 136-44, 230-40; J. A. Jungmann, "Aufbauelemente im romischen Taufritus" in LJ 9 (1959), 1-15; E. Stommel, "Christliche Taufriten und antike Taufsitten" in JAC 2 (1959), 5-14; K. Kirsten, Die Tauf absage (Berlin 1960); A. Aland, Die Sauglingstaufe im Neuen Testament und in der alten Kirche (Munich 1961); T. Ysebaert, Greek Baptismal Terminology (Nijmegen 1962); G. Kretschmer, "Baptismal Liturgy in Egypt" in J LH 8 (1963), 1-54.

THE BAPTISMAL CREED: Texts, Denzinger 1-14; KIT 17-18 (2nd ed. 1931). Studies: F. Kattenbusch, Das apostolische Symbolum, 2 vols. (Leipzig 1894-1900, reprinted Darmstadt 1961); B. Dorholt, Das Taufsymbol in der alten Kirche (Paderborn 1898); J. Brinktrine in ThQ 102 (1921), 156-90; J. Lebreton in RSR 20 (1930), 97-124; F. J. Dolger in AuC IV (1933), 138-46; F. Badcock, The History of the Creeds (London 1938); O. Cullmann, The Earliest Christian Confessions (London 1949); J. H. Crehan, Early Christian Baptism and the Creed (London 1950); E. Lichtenstein in ZKG 63 (1950), 1-74; B. Botte, Melanges J. de Ghellinck, I (Brussels-Paris 1951), 181-200; T. Camelot in Lumiere et Vie, I (1952), 61-80.

EUCHARIST: G. Rauschen, Eucharistie und Bu?sakrament in den ersten sechs Jahrhunderten (Freiburg i. Br., 2nd ed. 1910); T. Schermann, Agyptische Abendmahlsliturgien (Paderborn 1912); J. A. Jungmann, Die Stellung Christi im liturgischen Gebet (Munster 1925); P. Batiffol, L'Eucharistie (Paris, 7th ed. 1930); G. Dix, The Shape of the Liturgy (London 1954); H. Lietzmann, Messe und Herrenmahl (Berlin, 2nd ed. 1955); J. Betz, Die Eucharistie in der Zeit der griechischen Vater, I (Freiburg i. Br. 1955); J. A. Jungmann, The Mass of the Roman Rite, 2 vols. (New York 1951-5); W. Durig, Pietas liturgica (Regensburg 1958); L. C. Mohlberg, "Carmen Christo quasi deo" (on
Pliny the Younger, Ep. 10, 96) in RivAC 14 (1937), 93-123; A. W. Ziegler, "Das Brot von unsern Feldern, ein Beitrag zur Eucharistielehre des Irenaus" in Festschrift zum Eucharistischen Kongre? (Munich 1960), 21-43.

On Hippolytus' liturgy: R. H. Connolly in JThS 39 (1938), 350-69; H. Engberding in MiscMohlberg, I (1948), 47-71; E. Dekkers, "L'eglise ancienne a-t-elle connu la Messe du soir?" in MiscMohlberg, I (1948), 231-57. R. Hanson, "The Liberty of the Bishop to Improvise Prayer in the Eucharist" in VigChr 15 (1961), 173-6; G. Dollar, "The Lord's Supper in the Second Century" in Bibliotheca Sacra 117 (1960), 249-57; A. Adam in TLZ 88 (1963), 9-20.

DISCIPLINE OP THE SECRET: E. Vacandard in DHGE III, 1497-513; O. Perler in RAC I, 667-79 (with very full bibliography); H. Clasen, Die Arkandisziplin in der alten Kirche (diss. Heidelberg 1956); A. Stenzel, Die Taufe, eine genetische Erklarung der Taufliturgie (Innsbruck 1958), 147-53.

THE BEGINNINGS OF CHRISTIAN ART: In addition to the works listed above, page 454, see: W. Neuss, Die Kunst der alten Christen (Augsburg 1926); D. T. Rice, The Beginnings of Christian Art (London 1957); E. Syndikus, Die fruhchristliche Kunst (Asdiaffenburg 1960); F. van der Meer, Early Christian Art (London 1961); J. Danielou, Primitive Christian Symbols (Baltimore 1964).

J.-R. Laurin, "Le lieu du culte chretien d'apres les documents litteraires primitifs" in Studi sulla chiesa antica (Rome 1954), 39-57; C. Hopkins-P. V. C. Baur, Christian Church at Dura-Europos (New Haven 1934); O. Eissfeldt, "Dura-Europos" in RAC IV, 362-70; E. Kirschbaum, The Roman Catacombs and their Martyrs (Milwaukee 1957); J. Kollwitz, Das Christusbild des 3. Jahrhunderts (Munster 1953); W. Schone-J. Kollwitz-H. von Campenhausen, Das Gottesbild im Abendland (Berlin 1957); T. Kemp, Christus der Hirt (Rome 1943); A. M. Schneider, "Die altesten Denkmaler der romischen Kirche" in Festschrift der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Gottingen, II (Gottingen 1951), 166-98. On the historical origins of ancient Christian art see T. Klauser, "Zur Entstehungsgeschichte der altchristlichen Kunst" in JbAC I (1958), 20-51; 2 (1959), 115-45; 3 (1960), 112-33; 4 (1961), 128-45; 5 (1962), 113-24; P. Thoby, Histoire du Crucifix, des origines au concile de Trente (Nantes 1959); A. von Gerkan in Mullus, Festschrift T. Klauser (Munster 1964), 144-9 (Dura-Europos).

24. Spiritual Life and Morality in the Communities of the Third Century SOURCES

F. Cabrol-H. Leclercq, Monumenta ecclesiae liturgica, vol. lb (Paris 1913); M.-J. Rouet de Journel, Enchiridion asceticum (Freiburg i. Br., 5th ed. 1958); H. Koch, Quellen zur Geschichte der Askese und des Monchtums (Tubingen 1933). Translations: F. Cabrol, Le livre de la priere antique (Paris, 5th ed. 1913); G. Bardy, La vie spirituelle d'apres les peres des trois premiers siecles (Paris 1935); L. A. Winters- wyl, Gebete der Urkirche (Freiburg i. Br., 2nd ed. 1952); A. Hamman, Early Christian Prayers (Chicago 1961); idem, Le pater explique par les peres (Paris 1952); idem, Prieres eucharistiques des premiers siecles (Paris 1957); idem, Le bapteme d'apres les peres de l'eglise (Paris 1962).


F. Martinez, L'ascetisme chretien pendant les trois premiers siecles (Paris 1913); H. Strathmann, Geschichte der fruhchristlichen Askese, I (Leipzig 1914); E. Buonaiuti, Le origini dell'ascetismo cristiano (Pinerolo 1928); M. Viller-K. Rahner, Askese und Mystik in der Vaterzeit (Freiburg i. Br. 1939); P. Pourrat, Christian Spirituality (Westminster 1955); F. Cayre, Spirituels et mystiques des premiers temps (Paris 1956); L. Bouyer, The Spirituality of the New Testament and the Fathers (New York 1963); W. Volker, Das Vollkommenheitsideal des Origenes (Tubingen 1931); J. Stelzenberger, Die Beziehungen der fruhchristlichen Sittenlehre zur Ethik der Stoa (Munich 1933); J. Klein, Tertullians christliches Bewu?tsein und sittliche Forderungen (Bonn 1941); F. Bertrand, Mystique de Jesus chez Origene (Paris 1951); W. Volker, Der wahre Gnostiker nach Clemens Alexandrinus (Berlin 1952).

BAPTISMAL SPIRITUALITY: H. Windisch, Taufe und Sunde im altesten Christentum (Tubingen 1908). A. von Harnack, Die Terminologie der Wiedergeburt (Leipzig 1920) CTU 42, 2); H. Rahner, "Taufe und geistliches Leben bei Origenes" in 2AM 7 (1932), 205-23; P. Lundberg, La typologie baptismale de l'ancienne eglise (Uppsala 1942); J. Danielou, "Le symbolisme des rites baptismaux" in Dieu vivant 1 (1945), 17-43; W. M. Bedard, The Symbolism of the Baptismal Font in Early Christian Thought (Washington 1951); G. H. W. Lampe, The Seal of the Spirit. A Study in the Doctrine of Baptism and Confirmation in the New Testament and the Fathers (London 1951); T. Camelot, Spiritualite du bapteme (Paris 1960); T. Ysebaert, Greek Baptismal Terminology (Nijmegen 1962).

DEVOTION TO MARTYRDOM: H. Delehaye, "Martyr et confesseur" in AnBoll 39 (1921), 20-49; H. Delehaye, Sanctus (Brussels 1927); O. Michel, Prophet und Martyrer (Gutersloh 1932); H. von Campenhausen, Die Idee des Martyriums in der alten Kirche (Gottingen, 2nd ed. 1964); E. Peterson, Zeuge der Wahrheit (Leipzig 1937); E. Gunter, Mdcp-roc (Gutersloh 1941); M. Lods, Confesseurs et martyrs, successeurs des prophetes dans l'eglise des trois premiers siecles (Neuchatel 1958); R. Krautheimer, "Mensa- Coemeterium-Martyrium" in Cahiers Archeologiques 11 (1960), 93-119; N. Brox, Zeuge und Martyrer, Untersuchungen zur fruhchristlichen Zeugnis-Terminologie (Munich 1961); H. A. M. Hoppenbrouwers, Recherches sur la terminologie du martyre de Tertullien a Lactance (Nijmegen 1962); M. Pellegrino in RevSR 35 (1961), 151-75.

ASCETISM: H. Strathmann-P. Keseling, "Askese" II in RAC I, 758-95; M. Viller- M. Olphe-Galliard, "Ascese, Ascetisme" in DSAM I, 960-77; H. Leclercq, "Cenobitisme" in DACL II, 3058-90; H. Chadwick "Enkrateia" in RAC V, 343-65; E. Peterson, "Einige Beobachtungen zu den Anfangen der christlichen Askese" in Fruhkirche, Judentum und Gnosis (Freiburg i. Br. 1959), 209-22; P. de Labriolle, "Le 'mariage spirituel' dans l'antiquite chretienne" in RH 137 (1921), 204-25; J. Schmid, "Brautschaft, heilige" in /MC II, 546-64; H. Koch, Virgines Christi (Leipzig 1907) (TU 31-2); K. Muller, Die Forderung der Ehelosigkeit in der alten Kirche (Tubingen 1927); M. R. Nugent, Portrait of the Consecrated Woman in Greek Christian Literature of the First Four Centuries (Washington 1941); T. Camelot, Virgines Christi (Paris 1944); F. de B. Vizmanos, Las vir genas cristianas en la Iglesia primitiva (Madrid 1949); K. Heussi, Der Ursprung des Monchtums (Tubingen 1937); F. Quatember, Die christliche Lebenshaltung des Klemens von Alexandrien nach seinem Padagogus (Vienna 1946). A. Voobus, History of Asceticism in the Syrian Orient (Louvain 1960).

PRAYER: E. von der Goltz, Das Gebet in der altesten Christenheit (Leipzig 1901) (328-53, texts of prayers); O. Dibelius, Das Vaterunser, Umrisse zu einer Geschichte des Gebetes in der alten und mittleren Kirche (Giessen 1903); G. Walther, Untersuchungen zur


Geschichte der griechischen Vaterunser-Exegese (Leipzig 1914) (TU 40, 3); F. Heiler, Das Gehet (Munich, 5th ed. 1923); F. L. Dolger, Sol salutis, Gebet und Gesang im christlichen Altertum (Munster, 2nd ed. 1925); J. A. Jungmann, Die Stellung Christi im liturgischen Gebet (Munster, 2nd ed. 1962); F. Cabrol, The Prayer of the Early Christians (London 1930); T. Ohm, Die Gebetsgebarden der Volker und das Christentum (Leyden 1948); B. Fischer, Die Psalmenfrommigkeit der Martyrerkirche (Freiburg i. Br. 1949); K. Baus, "Das Gebet der Martyrer" in TThZ 62 (1953), 19-32; L. Vischer, "Das Gebet der alten Kirche" in EvTh 17 (1957), 531^46; A. Stuiber, Refrigerium interim (Bonn 1957); E. Peterson, "Das Kreuz und das Gebet nach Osten" in Fruhkirche, Judentum und Gnosis (Freiburg i. Br. 1959), 15-35; A. Hamman, Early Christian Prayers (Chicago 1961); J. P. T. Deroy, Bernardus en Origenes (Haarlem 1963).

FASTING: F. Cabrol, "Jeunes" in DACL VII, 2481-501; J. Svennung, "Statio-Fasten" in ZNW 32 (1933), 294-308; J. Schummer, Die altchristliche Fastenpraxis (Munster 1933); R. Arbesmann, "Fasting and Prophecy in Pagan and Christian Antiquity" in Tr 7 (1949-51), 1-71; A. Guillaume, Jeune et charite dans l'eglise latine des origines au XII" siecle, en particulier chez Leon le Grand (Paris 1954); P. Gerlitz, Das Fasten im religionsgeschichtlichen Vergleich (diss. Erlangen 1954); article by the same author under the same title in ZRGG 7 (1955), 116-26; H. Musurillo, "The Problem of Ascetica] Fasting in the Greek Patristic Writers" in Tr 12 (1956), 1-64,

WORKS OF CHARITY: H. Leclercq, "Charite" in DACL III, 598-653; G. Marsot, "Bienfaisance" in Diet, de Social. Ill, 864-83; G. Uhlhorn, Die christliche Liebestatigkeit, I (Stuttgart, 2nd ed. 1895, reprinted Darmstadt 1959); W. Liese, Geschichte der Caritas (Freiburg i. Br. 1922); G. Meffert, Caritas und Krankenwesen bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters (Freiburg i. Br. 1927); H. Bolkestein, Wohltatigkeit und Armenpflege im vorchristlichen Altertum (Utrecht 1939); F. Lovsky, L'eglise et les malades depuis le II" siecle jusqu'au debut du XX' siecle (Thonon Les Bains 1958); J. von dem Driesch, Geschichte der Wohltatigkeit, volume I: Die Wohltatigkeit im Altertum (Paderborn 1959).

AGAPE: "Agape" in DACL I, 775-848; P. Batiffol, Etudes d'histoire et de theologie positive (Paris, 7th ed. 1926); K. Volker, Mysterium und Agape (Gotha 1927); Bo Reicke, Diakonie, Festfreude und Zelos in Verbindung mit der altchristlichen Agapenfeier (Uppsala 1951); C. Donahue, "The aya7n) of the Eremites of Scete" in Studia Monastica

1 (1959), 97-120; A. Armstrong, "Platonic eros and Christian agape" in Downside Review 79 (1960-1), 105-2; J. Colson, Agape chez S. Ignace d'Antioche (Paris 1961); C. Spicq, Agape in the New Testament (St Louis 1963).
EARLY CHRISTIAN MORAL LIFE: A. Baudrillart, Moeurs paiennes, moeurs chretiennes,

3 vols. (Paris, 2nd ed. 1936); J. Leipoldt, Der soziale Gedanke in der altchristlichen Kirche (Leipzig 1952); W. Schwer, "Almosen" in RAC I, 302-7; A. Kalsbach, "Armut I" in RAC I, 702-5; A. Bigelmair, "Armut II", ibid. 705-9; H. Greeven, Das Hauptproblem der Sozialethik in der neueren Stoa und im Urchristentum (Gutersloh 1935); H. Larmann, Christliche Wirtschaftsethik in der spatromischen Antike (Berlin 1935); H. Holzapfel, Die sittliche Wertung der korperlichen Arbeit im christlichen Altertum (Wurzburg 1941); A. T. Geoghegan, The Attitude towards Labour in Early Christianity and Ancient Culture (Washington 1945); J.-P. Brisson, "Les origines du danger social dans l'Afrique chretienne du IIIe siecle" in RSR 33 (1946), 280-316; M. Maeder, La liberte et l'esclavage dans l'eglise primitive (1951); G. Kehnscherper, Die Stellung der Bibel und der alten Kirche zur Sklaverei (Halle 1957), and on this see ZKG 69 (1958), 328 ff.; E. K. Jonkers, "Das Verhalten der alten Kirche hinsichtlich der Ernennung zum Priester" in Mnemosyne 10 (1942), 286-302; N. H. Baynes, "Idolatry in the Early
Church" in Byzantine Studies (London 1955); J. Alameda, Como era la vida de los primeros cristianos (Bilbao 1957).

MARRIAGE AND FAMILY: H. Preiskcr, Christentum und Ehe in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten (Berlin 1928); J. Kohne, Die Ehen zwischen Christen und Heiden in den ersten christlichen Jahrhunderten (Paderborn 1931); F. Blanke-F. J. Leenhard, Die Stellung der Frau im Neuen Testament und in der alten Kirche (Zurich 1949); J. Lei- poldt, Die Frau in der Antike und im Urchristentum (Gutersloh 1962); J. Mayer, Monumenta de viduis diaconissis virginibusque tractantia (Bonn 1938) (FlorPatr 42); A. Kalsbach, Die altkirchliche Einrichtung der Diakonissen (Freiburg i. Br. 1926); A. Kalsbach, "Diakonisse" in RAC III, 917-28; C. C. Ryrie, The Place of Women in the Church (New York 1958); J. Danielou, "Le ministere des femmes dans l'eglise ancienne" in MD 61 (1960), 70-96.

CHURCH AND CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE; CHURCH AND STATE: J. H. Waszink, H et oudste Christendom en de antieke Cultuur, 2 vols. (Haarlem 1951); C. J. Cadoux, The Early Church and the World (Edinburgh, 2nd ed. 1955); O. Cullmann, "Early Christianity and Civilization" in The Early Church (London 1956), 195-209; C. N. Cochrane, Christianity and Classical Culture (New York, 3rd 1957); W. Krause, Die Stellung der fruhchristlichen Autoren zur heidnischen Literatur (Vienna 1958); W. Durant, Caesar and Christ (New York 1944). A. Decker, Kenntnis und Pflege des Korpers bei Klemens von Alexandrien (Innsbruck 1936); K. Baus, Der Kranz in Antike und Christentum, eine religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung mit besonderer Berucksichtigung Tertullians (Bonn 1940); C. Andresen, "Altchristliche Kritik am Tanz, ein Ausschnitt aus dem Kampf der alten Kirche gegen heidnische Sitte" in ZKG 72 (1961), 217-62; W. Bieder, Ekklesia und Polis im Neuen Testament und in der alten Kirche (diss. Basle) (Zurich 1941); R. Petry, Christian Eschatology and Social Thought (Nashville 1956); F. Strat- mann, Die Heiligen und der Staat, II (Frankfurt a. M. 1949); J. Ferguson, "The Nature of Early Christian Pacifism" in The Hibben Journal 55 (1956-7), 340-9; E. Peterson, "Der Monotheismus als politisches Problem" in Theologische Traktate (Munich 1961), 45-147. A. von Harnack, Militia Christi (Tubingen 1905, reprinted Darmstadt 1963); R. H. Bainton, "The Early Church and War" in HThR 39 (1946), 189-212; E. A. Ryan, "The Rejection of Military Service by the Early Christians" in ThSt 13 (1952), 1-32; H. Karpp, "Die Stellung der alten Kirche zu Krieg und Kriegsdienst" in EvTh 17 (1957), 496-515; H. von Campenhausen, "Der Kriegsdienst der Christen in der Kirche des Altertums" in Tradition und Leben (Tubingen 1960), 203-15; J. Leipoldt, Griechische Philosophie und fruhchristliche Aszese (Berlin 1961); W. Jaeger, Early Christianity and Greek Paideia (Cambridge, Mass. 1961); A. Wifstrand, L'eglise ancienne et la culture grecque (Paris 1942); S. Perowne, Caesars and Saints. The Evolution of the Christian State A.D. 180-313 (London 1962); J.-M. Hornus, Politische Entscheidung in der alten Kirche (Munich 1963).

25. The Holiness of the Christian and his Church

GENERAL SURVEYS: E. Amann, "Penitence" in DThC XII, 748-845; B. Poschmann, "Bu?e, Bu?kleid, Bu?stufen" in RAC II, 805-12, 813-16; K. Rahner, "Bu?disziplin" in LThK II, 805-9; W. Teller, The Forgiveness of Sins (Philadelphia 1960); P. Palmer, Sacraments and Forgiveness (London 1960); B. Poschmann, Penance and the Anointing of the Sick (Freiburg-London-New York-Montreal 1963).

SPECIAL STUDIES OF PENITENTIAL DISCIPLINE: H. Windisch, Taufe und Sunde im altesten Christentum bis auf Origenes (Tubingen 1908); P. Batiffol, "Les origines de la penitence" in Etudes d'histoire et de theologie positive (Paris 1902), 45-302; G. Rauschen,

Eucharistie und Bu?sakrament (Freiburg i. Br., 2nd ed. 1910); K. Adam, Das sogenannte Bu?edikt des Kallistus (Munich 1917); J. Hoh, Die kirchliche Bu?e im 2. Jahrhundert (Breslau 1932); P. Galtier, L'eglise et la remission des peches aux premiers siecles (Paris 1932); B. Poschmann, Poenitentia secunda (Bonn 1940); B. Poschmann, "Die alt- christliche Bu?e" in HDG IV/3 (Freiburg i. Br. 1951), 18—41 ; P. Galtier, Aux origines du sacrement de la penitence (Rome 1951) (AnGr 54); H. von Campenhausen, Kirchliches Amt und geistliche Vollmacht in den drei ersten Jahrhunderten (Tubingen 1953); J. Grotz, Die Entwicklung des Bu?stujenwesens in der vornicanischen Kirche (Freiburg i. Br. 1955).

OTHER SPECIAL STUDIES: P. Galtier, "A propos de la penitence primitive. Methodes et conclusions" in RHE 30 (1934), 517-57, 797-846; H. von Campenhausen, "Die Schlusselgewalt der Kirche" in EvTh 4 (1937), 143-69; R. Joly, "La doctrine penitentielle du Pasteur d'Hermas et l'exegese recente" in RUR 147 (1955), 32-49; K. Rahner, "Die Bu?lehre im Hirten des Hermas" in ZKTh 77 (1955), 385-431; K. Rahner, "Die Sundenvergebung nach der Taufe in der Regula fidei des Irenaeus" in ZKTh 70 (1948), 450-5; K. Rahner, "Zur Theologie der Bu?e bei Tertullian" in Festschrift K. Adam (Dusseldorf 1952), 139-67; H. Koch, "Die Bu?frage bei Cyprian" in Cyprianische Untersuchungen (Bonn 1926), 211-85; P. Chartier, "La discipline penitentielle d'apres les ecrits de s. Cyprien" in Antonianum 6 (1939), 17-42, 135-56; K. Rahner, "Die Bu?lehre des heiligen Cyprian" in ZKTh 74 (1952), 257-76, 381-438; M. Bevenot, "The Sacrament of Penance and St Cyprian's De lapsis" in ThSt 16 (1955), 175-213; S. Hubner, "Kirchenbu?e und Exkommunikation bei Cyprian" in ZKTh 84 (1962), 49-84, 171-215; A. Mehat, '"Penitence seconde' et peche involontaire chez Clement d'Alexandrie" in VigChr 8 (1954), 225-33; H. Karpp, "Die Bu?lehre des Klemens von Alexandrien" in ZNW 43 (1950-1), 224-42; K. Rahner, "La doctrine d'Origene sur la penitence" in RSR 37 (1950), 47-97, 252-86, 422-56; K. Rahner, "Bu?lehre und Bu?praxis der Didascalia apostolorum" in ZKTh 72 (1950), 257-81. A. d'Ales, Novatien (Paris 1924); C. B. Daly, "Novatian and Tertullian. A Chapter in the History of Puritanism" in IThQ 19 (1952), 33-43. E. H. Rottgers, "Marcellinus-Marcellus. Zur Papstgeschichte der diokletianischen Verfolgungszeit" in ZKTh 78 (1956), 385-420; A. Amore, "E esistito Papa Marcello?" in Antonianum 33 (1958), 57-75.

26. The Development of the Church's Constitution in the Third Century GENERAL TREATMENT

See the bibliography to Chapter 10 above, as well as: K. Muller, "Die Kirchenverfassung im christlichen Altertum" in RGG 2nd ed. III, 986-88; K. Muller, Aus der akademischen Arbeit (Tubingen 1930), 101-34; A. Adam, "Kirchenverfassung II" in RGG 3rd ed. III, 1533-945; H. Lietzmann, "Zur altchristlichen Verfassungsgeschichte" in Kleine Schriften, I (Berlin 1958), 141-85; E. Rosser, Gottliches und menschliches, unveranderliches und veranderliches Kirchenrecht von der Entstehung der Kirche bis zur Mitte des 9. Jahrhunderts (Paderborn 1934); G. Kruger, Die Rechtsstellung der vorkonstantinischen Kirchen (Stuttgart 1935, reprinted Amsterdam 1961); G. Bardy, La theologie de l'Eglise de s. Irenee au concile de Nicee (Paris 1947); E. Kohlmeyer, "Charisma oder Recht? Vom Wesen des altesten Kirchenrechts" in ZSavRGkan 38 (1952), 1-36; H. Chadwick, The Circle and the Ellipse. Rival Concepts of Authority in the Early Church (Oxford 1959).

il lill.l


M. Andrieu, Les ordres mineurs (Paris 1925); H. Leclercq, "Celibat" in DACL II, 2802-32; G. Dix, "The Ministry of the Early Church" in K. E. Kirk, The Apostolic Ministry (London, 2nd ed. 1947), 183-303; E. Lanne, "Le ministere apostolique dans l'oeuvre de s. Irenee" in Irenikon 25 (1952), 113-41; J. Lecuyer, "Episcopat et presbyterat dans les ecrits d'Hippolyte de Rome" in RSR 41 (1953), 30-50; A. Adam, "Die Entstehung des Bischofsamtes" in Wort und Dienst (Bethel) 5 (1957), 1-16; J. Colson, La fonction diaconale aux origines de l'Eglise (Bruges - Paris 1960); H. von Campenhausen, "Die Anfange des Priesterbegriffes in der alten Kirche" in Tradition und Leben (Tubingen 1960), 272-89; L. Ryan, "Patristic Teaching on the Priesthood of the Faithful" in IThQ 29 (1962), 25-51; J. G. Davies, "Deacons, Deaconesses, and Minor Orders in the Patristic Period" in JEH 14 (1963), 1-15; O. Perler, "L'eveque, representant du Christ" in L'episcopat et l'Eglise universelle (Paris 1962), 31-66; J. Colson, L'episcopat catholique. Collegialite et primaute dans les trois premiers siecles (Paris 1963).


P. de Labriolle, "Paroecia" in RSR 18 (1928), 60-72; K. Muller, "Rom, Arelate und spanische Kirchen um 250" in ZNW 28 (1929), 296-305; J. P. Kirsch, Die romischen Titelkirchen im Altertum (Paderborn 1918); F. Lanzoni, "I titoli presbiterali di Roma antica" in RivAC 2 (1925), 195-257; E. Kirsten, "Chorbischof" in RAC II, 1105-14; P. Batiffol, "Le reglement des premiers conciles africains et le reglement du senat romain" in Bulletin d'ancienne lit. et archeol. chretiennes 3 (Paris 1913), 3-19; G. Roethe, Zur Geschichte der romischen Synoden im 3. und 4. Jahrhundert (Stuttgart 1937); W. de Vries, "Der Episkopat auf den Synoden von Nicaa" in Theologisch-praktische Quartalschrift (1963), 263-77.


H. J. Vogels, Textus antenicaeni ad primatum Romanum spectantes (Bonn 1937) (FlorPatr 9); K. Adam, "Neue Untersuchungen uber die Ursprunge der kirchlichen Primatslehre" in ThQ 109 (1928), 161-256, and Gesammelte Aufsatze zur Dogmengeschichte (Augsburg 1936), 123-85; K. J. Kidd, The Roman Primacy to A.D. 461 (London 1936); P. Batiffol, Cathedra Petri (Paris 1938); E. Stauffer, "Zur Vor- und Fruhgeschichte des Primats" in ZKG 61 (1943-44), 3-34; L. Hertling, "Communio und Primat" in Misc. hist, pontif. 7 (1943), 1^18, and also Una Sancta 17 (1962), 91-125; A. Rimoldi, L'apostolo San Pietro fondamento della Chiesa . . . dalle origini al Concilio di Calcedonia (Rome 1958).

HEGESIPPUS: T. Klauser, "Die Anfange der romischen Bischofsliste" in BZThS 8 (1931), 193-213; H. von Campenhausen, "Lehrerreihen und Bischofsreihen im 2. Jh." in Festschrift E. Lohmeyer (Stuttgart 1951); N. Hydahl, "Hegesipps Hypomnemata" in StTh 14 (1960), 70-113.


IRENAEUS: L. Spikowski, La doctrine de l'eglise dans s. Irenee (Strasbourg 1926) (lists older literature on the subject); H. Holstein, "Propter potentiorem principalitatem" in RSR 36 (1949), 122-35; R. Jacquin, "Ab his qui sunt undique dans s. Irenee" in RevSR 24 (1950), 72-87; D. J. Unger, "St Irenaeus and the Roman Primacy" in ThSt 13 (1952), 359-418; P. Nautin, "Irenee, Adv. Haer. Ill 3, 2. Eglise de Rome ou Eglise universelle?" in RHR 151 (1957), 37-78, and on this B. Botte in Irenikon 30 (1957), 156-63.

CYPRIAN AND THE CONTROVERSY ON HERETICAL BAPTISM: G. Bardy, "Cyprien" in DHGE XIII, 1152-54, 1158-60; A. d'Ales, La theologie de s. Cyprien (Paris 1922), 380-8; H. Koch, Cathedra Petri, Neue Untersuchungen uber die Anfange der Primatslehre (Giessen 1930), and on this K. Adam, Gesammelte Aufsatze zur Dogmengeschichte (Augsburg 1936), 18695); B. Poschmann, Ecclesia principalis (Breslau 1933); T. Zapelena, "Petrus origo unitatis apud s. Cyprianum" in Gr 15 (1934), 500-23; F. de St Palais d"Aussae, La reconciliation des heretiques dans l'eglise latine (Paris 1943); B. Neun- heuser in HDG IV/2 (Freiburg i. Br. 1956), 44-47; G. Klein, "Die hermeneutische Struktur des Kirchengedankens bei Cyprian" in ZKG 68 (1957), 48-68; P. Camelot, "Saint Cyprien et la Primaute" in Istina 4 (1947) 421-34; G. Mongelli, "La chiesa di Cartagine contro Roma durante l'episcopato di s. Cipriano (249-258)" in MF 59 (1959), 104-201.

DEVOTION TO THE CHURCH IN THE THIRD CENTURY: J. C. Plumpe, Mater Ecclesia. An Inquiry into the Concept of the Church as Mother in Early Christianity (Washington 1943); H. Rahner, Mater Ecclesia. Lobpreis der Kirche aus dem 1. Jahrtausend (Einsiedeln 1944); J. Danielou, "Die Kirche, Pflanzung des Vaters. Zur Kirchenfrommigkeit der fruhen Christenheit" in Sentire ecclesiam, Festschrift H. Rahner (Freiburg i. Br. 1961), 92-103; L. Bouyer, "Zur Kirchenfrommigkeit der griechischen Vater", ibid. 104-12; H. Rahner, "Navicula Petri" in ZKTh 69 (1947), 1-35.

27. The Extent of Christianity prior to the Diocletian Persecution

GENERAL TREATMENT: In addition to the works given in the bibliography to Chapter 17 above, the following may be consulted: A. Bigelmair, "Der Missionsgedanke bei den vorkonstantinischen Vatern" in ZMR 4 (1914), 264—77; L. Hertling, "Die Zahl der Christen zu Beginn des 4. Jahrhunderts" in ZKTh 62 (1934), 243-53; K. Prumm, Christentum als Neuheitserlebnis (Freiburg i. Br. 1939); J. Zeiller, "Observations sur la diffusion du christianisme en Occident" in ATh 5 (1944), 193-208; F. Altheim, Die Krise der alten Welt, III: Gotter und Kaiser (Berlin 1943); Niedergang der alten Welt, II (Frankfurt a. M. 1952), 198-383; A. Ehrhardt, "The Adoption of Christianity in the Roman Empire" in BJRL 45 (1962-3), 97-114.

EGYPT: J. Faivre, "Alexandrie" in DHGE II, 289-369; H. Leclercq, "Egypte" in DACL IV, 2457-571; A. Heckel, Die Kirche von Agypten bis zur Zeit des Nicanums (diss. Strasbourg 1918); H. Delehaye, Les martyrs d'Egypte (Brussels 1923); G. Bardy, "Les premiers temps du christianisme de langue copte en Egypte" in Memorial Lagrange (Paris 1940), 203-16; J. M. Creed-De Lacy O'Leary, The Legacy of Egypt (London 1942), 300-31; R. Remondon, "L'Egypte de la supreme resistance au christianisme" in BIFAO 51 (1952), 63-78.

ARABIA: R. Aigrain, "Arabie" in DHGE III, 1158-339; H. Charles, Le christianisme des Arabes nomades (Paris 1936); P. K. Hitti, History of the Arabs (London-New York 1940); D. S. Attema, Het oudste Christendom en Zuid-Arabie (Amsterdam 1949); G. Kretzschmer, "Origenes und die Araber" in ZThK 50 (1953), 250-79.

PALESTINE: R. Devreesse, "Les anciens eveches de Palestine" in Memorial Lagrange (Paris 1940), 217-27.

SYRIA: E. R. Hayes, L'ecole d'Edesse (Paris 1930); P. V. C. Baur, Christian Church at Doura-Europos (New Haven 1934); G. Watzinger, "Die Christen in Dura" in ThBl 17 (1938), 113-19; O. Eissfeldt, "Dura-Europos" in RAC IV, 362-70; A. F. J. Klijn, Edessa. Het Oudste Christendum in Syrie (Baam 1963).

PERSIA: J. Labourt, Le christianisme dans l'empire perse (224-632) (Paris 1904); A. ALL- geier, "Untersuchungen zur altesten Kirchengeschichte von Persien" in Katholik 98, II (1918), 224-41, 289-300; K. Lubeck, Die altpersische Missionskirche (Aachen 1919).

INDIA: M. D'Sa, History of the Catholic Church in India (Bombay, 2nd ed. 1924); A. Vath, Der heilige Thomas, der Apostel Indiens (Aachen, 2nd ed. 1925); A. Mingana, "The Early Spread of Christianity in India" in BJRL 10 (1926), 435-95; L. W. Brown, The Indian Christians of St Thomas (Cambridge 1955); E. Tisserant, "Nestorienne" and "Syro-Malabare (Eglise)" in DThC 11, 157-66; 14, 3089-93.

ARMENIA: G. Klinge, "Armenien" in RAC I, 678-89; S. Weber, Die katholische Kirche in Armenien (Freiburg i. Br. 1903); F. Tournebize, Histoire politique et religieuse de l'Armenie (Paris 1910); L. Arpee, A History of Armenian Christianity (New York 1946); M. Ormanian, The Church of Armenia (London 1955).

GEORGIA: K. Lubeck, Georgien und die katholische Kirche (Aachen 1918); K. Kekelidse, Die Bekehrung Georgiens (Leipzig 1928); W. Allen, A History of the Georgian People (London 1932); P. Peeters, "Les debuts du christianisme en Georgie d'apres les sources hagiographiques" in AnBoll 50 (1932), 5-58.

BALKANS: A. Lippold-E. Kirsten, "Donauprovinzen" in RAC IV, 166-89; J. Zeiller, Les origines chretiennes dans les provinces danubiennes (Paris 1918); R. Noll, Fruhes Christentum in Osterreich (Vienna 1954); I. Zibermayr, Noricum, Bayern und Osterreich (Horn, 2nd ed. 1956).

ITALY: H. Leclercq, "Italie" in DACL VII, 1612-841; ECatt VII, 386-9; F. Lanzoni, Le diocesi d'Italia dalle origini al principio del sec. VII (Faenza, 2nd ed. 1927); J. P. Kirsch, Die romischen Titelkirchen im Altertum (Paderborn 1918); U. Stutz, "Die romischen Titelkirchen und die Verfassung der stadtromischen Kirche unter Papst Fabian" in ZSavRGkan 40 (1920), 288-312; E. Josi, "Titoli della chiesa Romana" in ECatt XII, 152-8; P. Styger, Die romischen Katakomben (Berlin 1933); H. Leclercq, "Ravenne" in DACL XIV, 2070-146; M. Mazzotti, "Ravenna" in ECatt X, 558-73.

AFRICA: J. Mesnage, Le christianisme en Afrique. Origine, developpement, extension (Paris 1914); J. P. Brisson, Gloire et misere de l'Afrique chretienne (Paris 1949), 32-141; A. Berthier-F. Logeart-M. Martin, Les vestiges du christianisme antique dans la Numidie centrale (Paris 1951); C. Courtois, Les Vandales et l'Afrique (Paris 1955); C. Speel, "The Disappearance of Christianity from North Africa in the Wake of the Rise of Islam" in CH 29 (1960), 379-97; W. Telfer, "The Origins of Christianity in Africa" in Stud, patrist. 4 (Berlin 1961), 512-17; W. H. C. Frend in JThS 12 (1961), 280-4.

SPAIN: H. Leclercq, L'Espagne chretienne (Paris, 2nd ed. 1916); Garcia-Villada, I (Madrid 1929); S. McKenna, Paganism and Pagan Survivals in Spain up to the Fall of the Visogothic Kingdom (Washington 1938); A. Ferma, "Agli albori del cristianesimo nella Spagna" in CivCatt (1940), IV, 421-31; T. Fernandez Alonso, "Espagne" in DHGE 15 (1963), 892-901 (bibl.).

GAUL AND BELGIUM: L. Duchesne, Fastes episcopaux de l'ancienne Gaule, I (Paris, 2nd ed. 19Q7); E. Griffe, La Gaule chretienne, I (Paris 1949), 51-116; M. Schuler, "Uber die Anfange des Christentums in Gallien und Trier" in Trierer Zeitschrift 6 (1931), 80-103; A. de Moreau, Histoire de l'Eglise en Belgique, I (Brussels, 2nd ed. 1947).

GERMANY: Hauck, I (4th ed. 1922), 3-33; W. Neuss, Die Anfange des Christentums im Rheinland (Bonn, 2nd ed. 1933); Tuchle, I (1950); Bauerreiss, I (2nd ed. 1958); H. Lehner-W. Bader, "Baugeschichtliche Untersuchungen am Bonner Munster" in Bonner Jahrbucher 136-7 (1932), 1-216; W. Neuss, "Eine altchristliche Martyrerkirche unter dem

Chor der St.-Viktor-Kirche in Xanten" in RQ 42 (1934), 177-82; H. Leclercq, "Xanten et Bonn" in DACL XV, 3271-6 (with bibliography).

BRITAIN: E. Kirsten in RAC II, 603 ff.; J. Chevalier, "Angleterre" in DHGE III, 145-9; L. Gougaud, Christianity in Celtic Lands (London 1932); G. Sheldon, The Transition from Roman Britain to Christian England (London 1932); W. Levison, "St Alban and St Alban's" in Antiquity 15 (1941), 337-59; N. Chadwick, Studies in the Early British Church (Cambridge 1958).


The Last Attack of Paganism and the Final Victory of the Church

28. The Intellectual Struggle against Christianity at the End of the Third Century

Porphyry, ITepl XpicrtecVGW Fragments, edited A. von Harnack in AAB 1916/1 (97 fragments); addenda in SAB 1921-14 (five additional fragments); P. Nautin, "Trois autres fragments du livre de Porphyre 'Contre les chretiens'" in RB 57 (1950), 409-16; Eusebius, Contra Hieroclem, PG 22, 795-868; also in C. L. Kayser, Philostratus opera, I (Leipzig 1870), 369-413, reprinted, F. C. Conybeare, Philostratus, The Life of Apollonius of Tyana (London 1912).


See the works listed in Chapter 13 by J. Geffcken, P. de Labriolle and W. Nestle, and in addition the following:

On neo-Platonism in general, Ueberweg I, 590-612. On Porphyry, Ueberweg I, 609-12 and 190* f. Articles on Porphyry by L. Vaganay in DThC XII, 2555-90, and R. Beut- ler in Pauly-Wissowa XXII, 278-313; J. Bidez, Vie de Porphyre (Ghent 1913); A. von Harnack, "Griechische und Christliche Frommigkeit am Ende des 3. Jahrhunderts", in Aus der Friedens- und Kriegszeit (Berlin 1916), 47-65; A. B. Hulen, Porphyry's Work against the Christians (New Haven 1933); W. Theiler, Porphyrios und Augustin (Halle 1933); H. O. Schroeder, "Celsus und Porphyrius als Christengegner" in Die Welt als Geschichte 17 (1957), 190-202; J. J. O'Meara, Porphyry's 'Philosophy from Oracles' in Augustine (Paris 1959); J.-B. Laurin, Orientations maitresses des apologists chretiens de 270 a 361 (Rome 1954).

30. Outbreak and Course of the Diocletian Persecution down to Galerius' Edict of Toleration in 311

Lactantius, De mortibus persecutorum, edited J. Moreau in SourcesChr 39 (Paris 1954), I: Text and translation, II: Commentary; Eng. Trans, in ANF 7; Euseb. HE Book VIII and De martyribus Palaestinae; Panegyrici latini, edited E. Galletier, 2 volumes (Paris 1949-52). Various accounts of individual martyrs are indicated in the footnotes. On
Eusebius, cf. R. Laqueur, Eusebius als Historiker seiner Zeit (Berlin 1929); D. Wallace- Hadrill, Eusebius of Caesarea (London 1960); J. Sirinelli, Les vues historiques d'Eusebe de Cesaree durant la periode preniceenne (Dakar 1961).


See above Chapter 8, bibliography, in particular the works on the persecutions by H. Gregoire, J. Moreau, and J. Vogt. In addition: L. Pareti, Storia di Roma e del mondo romano, VI; Da Decio a Constantino (251-337) (Turin 1962); J. Vogt, Constantin der Gro?e und sein Jahrhundert (Munich, 2nd ed. 1960); J. Vogt, Zur Religiositat der Christenverfolger (Heidelberg 1962); G. Ricciotti, The Age of Martyrs, Christianity from Diocletian to Constantine (London 1960); G. E. M. de Ste Croix, "Why were the Early Christians Persecuted?" in Past and Present 26 (1963), 6-38; H. U. Instinsky, Die alte Kirche und das Heil des Staates (Munich 1963).

ON DIOCLETIAN: W. Ensslin in Pauly-Wissowa VII A, 2418-95; W. Seston in RAC, III 1036-53, and on this, cf. J. Straub, Historia I (Baden-Baden 1950) 487-99; W. Seston, Diocletien et la Tetrarchie, I (Paris 1946); W. Seston, "A propos de la 'passio Marcelli centurionis'. Remarques sur les origines de la persecution de Diocletien" in Melanges M. Goguel (Paris 1950), 239-46; K. Stade, Der Politiker Diokletian und die letzte gro?e Christenverfolgung (Wiesbaden 1927); N. H. Baynes, "The Great Persecution" in Cambridge Ancient History, 12 (London 1929), 646-77; A. Rehm, "Kaiser Diokletian und das Heiligtum von Didyma" in Philologus 93 (1938), 74-84; J. Straub, Vom Herrscherideal der Spatantike (Stuttgart 1939), 84-89, and J. Moreau in Annales Univ. Sarav. 2 (1953), 97 ff. Both these works deal with Diocletian's abdication. ON MAXIMIANUS HERCULIUS: W. Ensslin in Pauly-Wissowa XIV, 2486-16. ON GALERIUS: W. Ensslin in Pauly-Wissowa XIV, 2516-28; J. Vogt in RAC II, 1192-99; Fliche-Martin II, 457-77; M. Geizer, "Vom Wesen und Wandel der Kirche" in Festschrift E. Vischer (Basle 1935), 35 ff.

ON MAXIMINUS DAIA: O. Seeck in Pauly-Wissowa IV, 1986-90; H. Gregoire, "La religion de Maximin Daia" in Byz (B) 8 (1933), 49-56.

ON MAXENTIUS: E. Groag in Pauly-Wissowa XIV, 2417-87; H. Leclercq in DACL X, 2752-69.

30. The Definitive Turning-Point under Constantine the Great SOURCES

As in the previous chapter, together with Eusebius, Vita Constantini, edited by I. A. Heikel, GCS Eusebius I (Leipzig 1902). On the question of authenticity: I. Daniele, / document! Constantiniani della 'Vita Constantini' di Eusebio di Cesarea (Rome 1938); J. Vogt, "Die Vita Constantini des Eusebius und der Konflikt zwischen Constantin und Licinius" in Historia 2 (1953), 463-71; P. Franchi de Cavalieri, Constantiniana (Rome 1953), 51-65; F. Vittinghoff, "Eusebius als Verfasser der Vita Constantini" in RhMus 96 (1953), 330-73; A. Jones "Notes on the Genuineness of the Constantinian Documents in Eusebius' Life of Constantine" in JEH 5 (1954), 196-200; H. Gregoire, "L'authenticite et l'historicite de la Vita Constantini attribuee a Eusebe de Cesaree" in Bulletin Acad. Royale Belg. 39 (1953), 466-83; J. Moreau, "Zum Problem der Vita Constantini" in Historia 4 (1955), 234-45; F. Scheidweiler, "Die Kirchengeschichte des Gelasios und die Vita Constantini" in ByZ 46 (1953), 293-301, and by the same author "Nochmals die Vita Constantini" in ByZ 49 (1955), 1-32.

The Letters, Decrees, and Laws of Constantine with religious content are dealt with vy il. uurnes, Das betbstzeugms Kaiser Konstantins (Gottingen 1954), and by H. Kraft, Kaiser Konstantins religiose Entwicklung (Tubingen 1955) (with abundant bibliography 273-82). A. Bolhuis, "Die Rede Konstantins an die Versammlung der Heiligen und Lactantius' 'Divinae Institutiones'" in VigChr 10 (1956), 25-32.

On Eusebius as a historian, as well as J. Lacqueur (cf. bibliography to Chapter 29 above), I. Sirinelli, Les vues historiques d'Eusebe de Cesaree durant la periode preniceenne (Dakar 1961); G. Downey, "The Builder of the Original Church of the Apostles at Constantinople: A Contribution to the Criticism of the Vita Constantini Attributed to Eusebius" in DOP 6 (1951), 53-80.


Only a selection can be made from more recent writings; the literature available is immense. Surveys of this in: N. H. Baynes, Constantine the Great and the Christian Church (London 1929); J. Miller in BJ 246 (1935), 42-130, 279 (1942), 237-365; E. Gerland, Konstantin der Gro?e in Geschichte und Sage (Athens 1937); F. Staehelin, "Konstantin der Gro?e und das Christentum" in ZSKG (1937), 385-417; 19 (1939), 396-403; A. Piganiol in Historia I (1950), 82-96; H. Karpp in ThR 19 (1950), 1-21; K. F. Strohecker in Saeculum 3 (1952), 654-80; E. Delaruelle in BLE 54 (1953), 37-54, 84-100.

GENERAL TREATMENT OF CONSTANTINE: J. Vogt in RAC III, 306-79 gives the best summary and survey of the problems of research regarding Constantine. J. Burckhardt, Die Zeit Constantins des Gro?en (1853, Stuttgart, 6th ed. 1949); A. Piganiol, L'empereur Constantin (Paris 1932); E. Schwarz, Kaiser Konstantin und die christliche Kirche (Leipzig, 2nd ed. 1936); K. Honn, Konstantin der Gro?e (Leipzig, 2nd ed. 1945); A. H. Jones, Constantine the Great and the Conversion of Europe (London 1948); L. Voelkl, Der Kaiser Konstantin (Munich 1957); H. Dorries, Konstantin der Gro?e (Stuttgart 1958); H. Dorries, Constantine and Religious Liberty (New Haven 1960); J. Vogt, Constantin der Gro?e und sein Jahrhundert (Munich, 2nd ed. 1960).

CONSTANTINE'S CONVERSION: An account of research in J. Vogt, Relazioni del X0 Con- gresso intemazionale di Scienze stor. II (Florence 1955), 375-423; H. Gregoire, "La conversion' de Constantin" in Rev. univ. Bruxelles 36 (1930-1) 231-72; H. Gregoire, "La statue de Constantin et le signe de la croix" in Antiquite classique I (1932), 135-42; W. Seston, "La vision paienne de Constantin et les origines du christianisme constantinien" in Melanges Cumont (Brussels 1936), 373-95; H. Gregoire, "La vision de Constantin 'liquidee'" in Byz (B) 14 (1939), 341-51; A. Alfoldi, "In hoc signo victor eris" in Pisciculi, Festschrift F. J. Dolger (Munster 1939); J. Vogt, "Die Bedeutung des Jahres 312 fur die Religionspolitik Konstantins des Gro?en" in ZKG 61 (1942), 171-9C; J. Moreau, "Sur la vision de Constantin" in RevEAug 55 (1953), 307-33; C. Martin, "L'Empereur Constantin fut-il un chretien sincere?" in NRTh 78 (1956), 952-4; F. Alt- heim, "Konstantins Triumph von 312" in ZRGG 9 (1957), 221-331; H.-I. Marrou, "Autor du monogramme Constantinien" in Melanges Etienne Gilson (Paris 1959), 403 to 414. On Constantine's attitude towards the Sol invictus see J. Karayannopulos in Historia 5 (1956), 341-57 and S. Kyriakidis in Hellenika 17 (1962), 219-46.

CONSTANTINE'S RELATION TO CHRISTIANITY: H. Koch, Konstantin der Gro?e und das Christentum (Munich 1913); P. Batiffol, La paix Constantinienne et le Catholicisme (Paris, 4th ed. 1929); J. Straub, "Christliches Sendungsbewu?tsein Konstantins" in Das neue Bild der Antike 2 (Leipzig 1942), 374-94); H. Lietzmann, "Der Glaube Konstantins" in SAB 1937, 29; H. von Schoenebeck, Beitrage zur Religionspolitik des Maxen- tius und Constantin (Leipzig 1939), new imp. Aalen 1962); J. Vogt, "Zur Frage des christlichen Einflusses auf die Gesetzgebung Konstantins des Gro?en" in Festschrift L. Wenger, II (Munich 1945), 118-48; J. Gaudemet, "La legislation religieuse de Constan- tin" in RHEF 33 (1947), 25-61; H. Berkhof, Kirche und Kaiser (Zurich 1947); A. Al- foldi, The Conversion of Constantine and Pagan Rome (London 1948); W. H. C. Frend, The Donatist Church (Oxford 1952); C. Cecchelli, 11 trionfo della Croce (Rome 1954); K. Kraft, "Das Silbermedaillon Constantins des Gro?en mit Christusmonogramm auf dem Helm" in Jahrbuch fur Numismatik 5-6 (1954-5), 151-78; J.-J. Van de Casteele, "Indices d'une mentalite chretienne dans la legislation civile de Constantin" in Bulletin Assoc. Guillaume Bude 14 (1955), 65-90; A. Ehrhardt, "Constantins Verzicht auf den Gang zum Kapitol" in Historia 4 (1955), 297-313; H. U. Instinsky, Bischofsstuhl und Kaiserthron (Munich 1955); I. Karayannopulos, "Konstantin der Gro?e und der Kaiserkult" in Historia 5 (1956), 341-57; R. Carson, "The Emperor Constantine and Christianity" in History Today (1956), 12-20; H. Kraft, "Kaiser Konstantin und das Bischofsamt" in Saeculum 8 (1957), 32-42; K. Aland, "Die religiose Haltung Kaiser Konstantins" in Kirchengeschichtliche Entwurfe (Gutersloh 1960), 202 to 239, and by the same author "Der Abbau des Herrscherkultes im Zeitalter Konstantins" ibid. 240-56; J. Vogt, "Heiden und Christen in der Familie Constantins des Gro?en" in Eranion, Festschrift H. Hommel (Tubingen 1961), 148-68; I. Gillmann, "Some Reflections on Constantine's 'Apostolic Consciousness"' in Studia patristica 4 (Berlin 1961), 422-8; S. Calderone, Costantino e il Cattolicesimo (Florence 1962); E. L. Grasmuck, Cocrcitio. Staat und Kirche im Donatistenstreit (Bonn 1964).

31. The Causes of the Victory of the Christian Religion. The Scope and Import of the Turning-Point under Constantine

SECTION ONE: M. Sdralek, Uber die Ursachen, welche den Sieg des Christentums im romischen Reich erklaren (Breslau 1907); K. S. Latourette, History of the Expansion of Christianity, I (New York 1937), 160-70: "Reasons for Ultimate Success"; K. Prumm, Das Christentum als Neuheitserlebnis (Freiburg i. Br. 1939); W. Eltester, "Die Krisis der alten Welt und das Christentum" in ZNW 42 (1949), 1-19; G. E. M. de Ste Croix, "Aspects of the Great Persecution" in HThR 47 (1954), 75-113; W. H. Frend, "The Failure of the Persecutions in the Roman Empire" in Past and Present 16 (London 1959) 10-30.

SECTION TU?O: In addition to the Literature on Constantine in the bibliography to Chapter 30, see: K. Voigt, Staat und Kirche von Konstantin dem Gro?en bis zum Ende der Karolingerzeit (Stuttgart 1936); K. Setton, Christian Attitude Towards the Emperor in the Fourth Century, Especially as Shown in Address to the Emperor (New York 1941); H. Berkhof, Kirche und Kaiser. Eine Untersuchung der byzantinischen und theokratischen Staatsauffassung im 4. Jahrhundert (Zurich 1947); F. E. Cranz, "Kingdom and Polity in Eusebius of Caesarea" in HThR 45 (1952), 47-66; S. L. Greenslade, Church and State from Constantine to Theodosius (London 1954); G. Downey, Philanthropia in Religion and Statecraft in the Fourth Century after Christ in Historia 4 (1955), 199-208; J.-P. Brisson, Autonomisme et christianisme dans l'Afrique romaine de Septime Severe a l'invasion arabe (Paris 1958); K. Aland, "Das Konstantinische Zeitalter" in Kirchengeschichtliche Entwurfe (Gutersloh 1960), 165-201; ibid. "Kirche und Kaiser von Konstantin bis Byzanz", 257-79; B. Lohse, "Kaiser und Papst im Donatistenstreit" in Ecclesia und Res Publica: Festschrift fur K. D. Schmidt (Gottingen 1961), 76-88; H. Rahner, "Konstantinische Wende?" in Stimmen der Zeit 167 (1960-1), 419-28; A. Momigliano (ed.), The Conflict between Paganism and Christianity in the Fourth Century (Oxford 1963); R. Hornegger, Macht ohne Auftrag (Olten - Freiburg i. Br. 1963); P. Stockmeier, "Konstantinische Wende und kirchengeschichtliche Kontinuitat" in HJ 82 (1963), 1-21; G. Brunner, "Zur Konstantinischen Frage" in OstKSt 11 (1962), 43-51.

Figures in italics denote pages where the

Aberkios inscription 207 Aberkios, Phrygian Christian 209, 364 abjuration, formulas of 266 abortion 308

absolute truth, Christian claim of 125

Abunoteichos, oracle 96

Achaea, christianization of 102, 379

Acilii, crypt of the 132

Acilius Glabrio, consul 132

acolytes 350

Acta Archelae 208

Acta Pauli 194

Acton, J. E., 1st Baron 36, 52f, 54

Acts of the Apostles 105

— apocryphal 112f, 298

Acts of the Martyrs 448

Adalbert of Bremen 17

Adam, symbol of human reason 67

Adam of Bremen 17

Addai, Christian missionary 207

Adiabene 373

Adonis 92

Adoptionism 154, 255 Adrianople 417, 424 Aelia Capitolina 206 Afra, martyr 386 Afrahat, 267 Agape, martyr 402 agape 284, 309 agapetae system 297 Agathonike, a Christian 160 Aggai, missionary 207 Agnes, St 401 agnosia 263

Agricius, Bishop of Trier 385 Agrippa Castor 187, 194«* Agrippiaus, Bishop of Qgpfege 210, 361, 383 Aguirre, J. Sienz de 2 Alban of Verulam, martyr 386 Alcibiades of Apamea 154 ' X(5YOS of Celsus 167

Alexander, Bishop of Jerusalem 219, 225, 235, 371

Alexander, a Christian physician 161 Alexander VI, Pope 54 subject receives more intensive treatment.

Alexander the Great 15, 88 Alexander of Roes 22

Alexandria, administrative centre of the Church 215, 355

— cultural centre 230, 368

— in the Jewish Diaspora 66 Alexandrians 50

AlJatius, Leo 43

allegorical interpretation of the OT 67, 70, 189,

196, 231, 245 allegory and Gnosis 184 almsgiving 313 Altaner, Berthold 42 Alzog, J. 37 Amaseia 375, 377 Amastris 209, 375

Ambrose, St, Bishop of Milan 14, 236, 300 Amen 110,281-3

Ammonius, presbyter of Calaris 382 Ammonius, Bishop 259 Ammonius Saccas, neo-Platonist 235 <&vYvat>><jT7)<; 351 Ananias and Sapphira 79 Ananus, high priest 77

Anastasia, daughter of Constantius Chlorus 409 anchor, Christian symbol 286 Ancyra, Synod of (A.D. 314) 377 Andrieu, M. 44

angels, doctrine of 169, 174f, 178, 187 Anicetus, Pope 270, 283 Anna, prophetess 71 Anointed in Qumran, the 64 anointing of the sick 85

— among the Gnostics 189

— at baptism 279

Anselm of Canterbury, St 18 Anselm of Havelberg 20 Anthony, Roman general 89 anthropology 180

anti-Christian polemic 164-71, 389-96 anti-Gnostic literature 182, 194-5 Ancigonus, Hasmonaean 59 Antioch in Pisidia 100

Antioch in Syria 77, 98, 101, 103, 207, 242, 372

— administrative centre of the Church 215, 355

Antioch, missionary centre 355 Antipater, father of Herod the Great 59 anti-Paulinism 156 anti-Semitism 68, 460 Antitheses of Marcion 191 Antonianus, African bishop 336 Antoninus of Florence 22 Antoninus Pius, Emperor 136, 173 Antony, the hermit 14 Anullinus, prefcct in Africa 415, 419 Apamea 164 apatheia 237

Apclles, Marcion's pupil 192 Apocalypse 132f

— in late Jewish thought 65f, 114, 153

— of John 114

— of Peter 114

apocalyptic literature of the Gnostics 182 apocryphal writings of the New Testament

182, 194, 265 Apocryphon of John 158 aTTOxaTaOTaaii; 239 Apollinaris of Hierapolis 159, 179 Apollinaris of Laodicea 391 Apollo 93, 96, 396, 410 Apollonius, martyr 163 Apollonius of Tyana 392, 395 f Apologeticum 250f apologists 159, 165, 171-80 apostles 73f, 78, 106, 253

— twelve 75, 78

— missionary work 111 f

— according to Porphyry 392 apostolic college 75, 78 Apostolic Constitutions 246, 343 Apostolic Fathers 124, 137-40, 470-2 apostolic literature of the Gnostics 182 apostolic proclamation 70, 81, 110 apostolic tradition 124, 137, 151 f, 246 apotaxis 290

Apuleius 91

Aquaviva, C. 30

Aquila and Priscilla 103,129

Aquila, Roman prefect 219

Aquila, translator of the Bible 206

Aquileia 381

Arabia 208, 370

area 352

archaeology, Christian 26, 42f 454

Archelaus, son of Herod the Great 59

archisynagogus 66

archons 95, 182

Ardabau 199

Arianism 50

Aristides 173f

Aristides, Aelius 96

Ariston, apologist 208

Aristotle 232, 255

Arius 242, 264

Aries, see Synods

Armenia 375

Arnobius the Elder 383, 396 Arnold, Geylhoven 22 Arnold, Gottfried 30

Aron, British martyr 386 Arrius Antoninus, proconsul 163 Arsacides 261

art, Christian 216, 285-8, 454

— and liturgy 286 Artemon, Adopcionist 255 Arycanda, inscription from 406 Ascensio Isaiae 114

ascetism 216, 232, 295-8, 422

— in Philo 67-68

— of the Montanists 204

— in Manichaeism 264 Asclepiadcs, Bishop of Antioch 219 Asclepiodotos, Adoptionist 255 Asclepios 9t, 96

Aa??eia 299 Ashtishtat, Armenia 376 Asia Minor 101, 111, 119, 374f, 377 137, Asia proconsularis 102 A5semani, J. 43 Asterius the Sophist 269, 273 Astigi 384

Astorga, Spanish bishopric 384 astrology 94

— among the Mandaeans 157

— and Gnosticism 184 Atargatis 92 Athanasius 14 atheism 165, 178 Athenacus 233 Athenagoras 159, 178 Athens 103, 209, 379 athleta Christi 298

Attalos, Christian in Lyons 161 Atticus, proconsul 206 Attis, cult of 92 audientes 277

— (hearers) in Manichaeism 263 Augsburg 386

auguries 396 Augustine 14f, 17, 28, 34

— and Manichaeism 266

— on heretical baptism 363

— and Porphyry 394 Augustus 60, 88-90, 105-7 Auranitis 59

Aurelian, Emperor 318, 390 Autolykos 178

Babylas, Bishop of Antioch 225

Babylon 94,114

Bach, J. 43

Baeumcr, S. 44

Baeumker, C. 42

Bagravan, Armenian see 376

Bahram I 262

Balkans 379

Ballerini, P. and G. 28

baptism, Christian 84, 108f, 122, 142f, 175, 179, 233, 273, 288f, 322, 339, 393

— of Jesus 71,189

— cffect of 84, 143, 289f

— seal of 142, 318f, 323

— symbol 151, 197, 280f, 289
baptism of the Elchasaites 154

— of the Mandaeans 157

— of the sick 247

— dispute about — by heretics 249, 359, 361

— of heretics 253, 360

— date for 273, 279

— candidates 276-9

— by blood 278, 294

— act of 279-81 baptismal formula 143

— spirituality 142, 288-92

— customs in Mandaeism 157

— renunciation 279

— vow 290

— obligation 291,339

— robe 291

— fast 304

— grace, loss of 325 bapcismus clirticorum 351 baptistery in Dura-Europos 287 baptist sects 157 Barbelo-Gnostics 189f

Bar Cochba rebellion 66, 172, 206

Bardenhewer, Otto 42

Bardesanes 207

Barnabas 77, 80, lOOf, 111

Baronius, Caesar 6, 2J

Bartholomew of Lucca 19

Basilides, Bishop of Emerita 358

Basilides, Egyptian martyr 219

Basilides, Gnostic 187f

Basilidians, Christians 185

Basil the Great 311

Batanaea 59

Batiffol, Pierre 38, 44

Baumstark, Anton 43

Baur, F. C. 3, 35, 37

Beatus Rhenanus 24

Beck, H. G. 43

Bede, the Venerable 15f

being, Gnostic interpretation of 183

Belgica 385

Belial 64, 114

Bellarmine, Robert 26

Bellona 88

Benedict XIV, Pope 44

Benedict, St, founder of a religious order 50

Benno of Osnabruck 18

Berber tribes 384

Bernard of Clairvaux 28, 300

Bernard Gui 21

Beroea 103

Bcrossos 94

Berti, Gianlorenzo 31 f

Beryllus, Bishop of Bostra 259f, 370

Bethlehem 71

Bigne, Marguerin dc la 25

Bihlmeyer, K. 38

binding and loosing, Church's power of 326, : biography 5, 23; see also Lives Bishop, Edmund 44, 55 bishop, see also episcopate

— representative of Christ 149

— and the Church 151, 253, 348 bishop, controls cult of the martyrs 275

— administers baptism 278f

— consecration of 282, 348

— power of absolution 328, 342f

— leader of the ecclesiastical community 346

— choice of 347f

— outstanding example to the community 347

— maintains ecclesiastical unity 348

— age of 349

— controls the community's property 352

— interpreter of Holy Scripture 349

— as arbiter 422

— in the Christian Roman empire 432 bishoprics in North Africa 383 Bithynia 111, 208

Blampin, Thomas 28 Blandina, martyr 161 Blastus, Quartodeciman 271 Blondel, D. 27 Blume, C. 44

Bolland J. (Bollandists) 28f

Bologna 381

Boniface VIII, Pope 8, 19

Book of Enoch 65

Book of Jubilees 65

Book of Mysteries in Qumran 65

Book of Noah in Qumran 65

Bornkamm, H. 3

Borst, Arno 5

Bosio, Antonio 26

Bossuet 30, 34

Bostra 208, 370

Bradshaw 49

Braun, Conrad 25

Braun, Josef 44

breaking of bread 84f, 109

Bremond, A. 29

Bremond, H. 46

Brescia 382

Brieger, Theodor 39

British Isles 386

brotherly love, Christian 110, 122, 428

Bruck, H. 38

Bruno of Cologne 18

Buchberger, Michael 41

Buddha 263

Buddhism and Mani 265

burial, early Christian 221, 287f, 310, 454

Butler, Dom Cuthbert 55

By bios 92

Byzacena 383

Byzantine historiography 13 Bzovius, Abraham 25

Cadmus, Bishop of Bosphorus 378

Caecilian. Bishop of Carthage 345, 415, 419

Caesar divus Julius 89

Caesarea in Cappadocia 215, 355

Caesarea in Palestine 60, 104, 371

caesariani 227

Caesarius of Heisterbach 18

Caesaropapism 429

calendar, Roman 116, 274

Callistus, Pope 215, 245, 247, 258f, 275, 329, 358, 379
Christ, His second coming 75, 109, 200

— as a title 81

— Son of God 108, /20/

— His expiatory death 108

— the principle of the Church's life 150

— in Gnostic teaching 186, 189

— bridegoom of the soul 237, 291

— divinity of 255f

— His death on the cross 290

— comforts martyrs 293

— monogram 41 If, 414 Christ-Helios 288

355 Christian, name of 132, 133f

— literature 229-54, 369, 383, 483-9 XpiaTtavoi 77

Christians, legal position in the empire 131

— accused of godlessness 131

— tried in court 132-6, 161, 163f

— and Roman citizenship 133 432 — number in Bithynia 133f

— denounced 133, 135, 390

— and Trajan's law 134

— legal status of 136f

— the true Israel 141

— moral failure of 144

— and pagan culture 162

— according to Celsus 169

— lawbreakers 170

— their daily life 175

— manner of life 179, 233

— in the Roman imperial court 217f, 318, 396

— and military service 218, 220, 251, 277, 317, 398

— deported 221

— lapsed 224—6, 228, 404

— banished 227, 405f

— Coptic 370

— number of c. A.D. 300 386

— in the army 398

— degradation of 398

— compelled to offer sacrifice 399

— denigrated 406

— high moral quality of 427 Christianity, expansion of 205-11, 367-88, 481,


— of the Johannine Writings 119-23, 467f

— religion of the slaves 169

— the only certain philosophy 174

— special features in Africa 249

— and Manichaeism 264f

— and the pagan State 316-18

— official religion in Armenia 376

— in Spain 385

— general animosity against 395

— syncretist 426

— and class-war 426

Calvin, John 8, 50 Candace, Queen of Ethiopia 77 Canisius, Peter 25 Canon of Truth 194, 197 cancii, scriptural 180, 194 Canons of Hippolytus 246 Canticle of Canticles 245, 296 Cappadocia 93, 111, 219-22, 374 C^acalla 217, 220f, 368 Carlyle, Thomas 55 Carneades 94 Carthage 210, 249, 383

— administrative centre of the Church 215, Casel, Odo 44 Cassian 55 Cassiodorus 13 catacombs 287f, 382 catacumbas, in 116 catechetics 274

catechumenate 215, 231, 240, 27SS, 289, 387, catechumens 218 catechumenHS 277 Cathars 248, 338 cathedra Petri 360, 365 catholicity of the Church 150f Cauchie, Alfred 39, 56 causality, historical 4, 32 Cayrt, F. 42 Ceillier, Remi 26, 40 Celerinus, Roman Christian 224 celibacy 65, 298 cells, Christian 101, 111

— Gnostic 193 Celsus 164,/67-7/, 391 f Celsus, Roman vicarius 421 cemeteries 226, 417 cemeterium Callisti 287 cemetery of St Sebastian 287f censorship 53

centres of the Church 215, 355 Centum Cellae 226

Cephalaea, textbook of Manichaeism 261 Cephas 79 Cerdon, Gnostic 190 certificate of sacrifice, see libellus Cervini, Marcello 26 Cesena 381

Chacon (Giaconius), Alphonse 29 Chalcedon 377 Chambon, J. 3f

charismatically gifted men 80, 105f, 149 charity, Christian 85, 102, 105, 152 Charlemagne 32f Chateaubriand, F. R. 34, 49 Chenoboskion 182 Chevalier, Ulisse 41 chiliasm 14, 154, 176, 240; see also eschatology Chione, martyr 402 chorcpiscopus 353, 377 Chosen People, see Israelites Chrestos, Christ 129

Chrestus, Bishop of Syracuse (Sicily) 382 Christ 82, 144, 15Of, 154, 170, 191, 288, 392, 395, 428f

— causes of the final success 426-9 Christians 277 Christo-centricity 144, 237, 303 Christo-centric spirituality 237, 300 Christology 121, 141, 153, 155, 191, 239, 252 Christophorus 293 Chronicle of Hippolytus 246 Chrysippus 232
Chrysopolis (battle A.D. J24) 424 Chrysostom, J. 28

Church, idea of the (ecclesiology) Iff, 4, 9, 46, 196, 247f, 253

— and culture 3, 6f, 177, 313-16, 431

— in America 56

— founded by Jesus 72

— as organic framework 73

— her universality 79, 122, 151

— unity of 109, 150, 253, 360, 366

— in John's Gospel 122f

— bride of the Lamb 123, 245, 366

— the new Jerusalem 123

— organization 146-52, 215

— the Great, an anti-Marcionite movement?

— functions attacked by Montanism 203f

— and State 218, 429, 432

— as Mother 233, 365f

— and Holy Scripture 238

— and salvation 253, 420

— and Manichaeism 264, 266f

— and penance 324, 339, 341

— constitution 346-60

— provinces 35 3f

— devotion to 365-7

— symbolism 365f

— property 415

— independence 432 Cicero 315f Cilicia 102

circumcision 69, 71, 101

civilization, pagan 307

civilization, secular, and Christianity 313-16

Claudius, Emperor 103, 128

Claudius, letter of 128

Claudius Apollinaris 270

Claudius Herminianus, Roman governor 219

Clement VI, Pope 23

Clement of Alexandria 140, 230-4, 270, 285,:

299f, 314, 339 Clement of Rome 130, 131, 137f, 295

— discipline of penance 339f Cleomenes, Modalist 257

clergy 80f, 227, 346-52, 380, 383, 399, 415

clerical grades, Christian 216, 350

Cnossos 209, 378

Cocqueline 36

Coelesyria 153, 372

Cologne 211

Commodus, Emperor 163f

communicatio ecclesiastica 327

communion ritual 284

community life 288-319

community of goods 85f, 155

communities, Christian 78, 105-11, 311, 3S0f

confcssio 333

confessores 275

confirmation 280

confiscation 227

Congar, Yves 46

conscience, free 52

consecmtio 89

consignatio 279

consilium 420

Constantia 409

Constantine the Great 6, 12, 32f, 266, 385, 405, 407, 408, 410, 414-17, 419-22, 423-5, 430

— basilica 118

— conversion 407-16

— vision of the cross 412f

— statue 414

— coinage 414

— edicts 416

Constantinian turning-point 429-32 Constantius, Emperor 432 Constantius Chlorus, Emperor 399f, 409 Constitutio Antoniniana 220 consummate (martyres) 224 i continence 201, 295f

Convention of Milan 416f, 430 conversion to Christianity 48, 217, 422 Corinth 103, 137, 147, 209, 378 Cornelius, captain 77

Cornelius, Pope 226, 248, 331, 336, 351, 359, 381 corona martyrii, virginitatis 296f coronati (martyres) 224 correptio 340

Council of the Apostles 76, 79f, 83, 100-2 Council of Nicaea (A.D. 325) 256, 271, 354f councils 6, 8ff, 14, 23, 26f, 33, 50, 450 Coustant, Pierre 28 Covenant of Israel with Jahwe 60 Crabbe, Peter 24

Creation, Christian doctrine of 168, 239f

— Gnostic account 183f

— myth of the Sethians 189 Creator according to Marcion 190 Creighton, Mandell 53, 54 cremation of Christians 161 Crescens, pagan philosopher 160, 165 Crete 209, 378

Crimean peninsula 378

crimen laesae maieslatis 131f, 220

Cromwell 54

crux monogrammatica 411

cults, pagan 87f, 125, 277f; see also emperor

cultural ideal, Christian 233, 368

cultor dei 420

cultus dei 422

Curtius, E. R. 42

Cybele cult 88f, 92f

Cyprian, E. S. 32

Cyprian of Carthage 14, 223, 252f, 291, 315,

330-4, 347f, 359-62 Cyprus 100, 378 Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem 267

Dacus (Balkans), episcopal see 379 Dahlmann, F. C. 41 Damascus 79, 207, 371 Damasus, Pope 116,344,401 Daniel in Christian art 287 Daniilou, J. 46 Dannenmayr, Matthias 33 Danubian provinces 209 deacon 106f, 279, 311, 350 deaconess 312

decadence, theory of 5, 21f, 24

Decius, Roman emperor 222-6, 294 Delacroix, S. 45 Delehaye, Hippolyte 43 Delisle, L. V. 36 Delius, W. 3

Delphi, inscription of Gallio 103 Demetrius, Bishop of Alexandria 208, 231, 235, 370

Demetrius, opponent of Paul 103 demiurge 184, 188, 192 demons 95, 168, 175, 177, 263, 317 Denifle, H. 37, 42 Deposilio martyrum 275 Derbe 100

diadochs, kingdoms of the 87, 89 SiaSoxT) 357f SiaxovEiv 80

Dialogue with the Jew Tryphon 173 Diaspora, Jewish 66-70 Diaspora Jews 68, 101, 120 Diatessaron 178, 373 Didadie 139, 141, 295

Didascalia, Syrian 269, 272, 283, 304, 342-4, 349 Didascalos, by Clement of Alexandria 233 Didymus of Alexandria 267 dies solis 422 Dietrich of Niem 21f Dio Cassius 131f, 218 Diocletian, Emperor 266, 396-400, 502f Diodorus of Tarsus 268 Dionysius, Pope 215, 259, 311, 363 Dionysius of Alexandria 221, 223-8, 240, 245, 248, 259, 295, 310f, 337, 349, 361, 363, 369, 375, 378, 389 Dionysius of Corinth 115, 194, 209, 311, 324, 378 Dionysius Exiguus 13, 16 Dionysus cult 92 ditheism 256, 258 divine sonship 108, 120, 122 Docctism 147, 154, 192, 197 Dolger F. J. 42 Dollinger, J. J. I. 35, 50, 53 domina mater ecclesia 366 Dominic, St, founder of a religious order 50 Domitian, Emperor 131f Domitilla 131 — catacomb of 132 Domnus, Bishop of Antioch 256 domus ecclesiae 287, 380 Donatists 345, 418-20, 432 Donatus 418 doorkeeper 350

Dorostorum (Moesia), episcopal see 379

Dorotheus, presbyter in Antioch 242, 276

Dositheos, Gnostic 182

dove, Christian symbol 286

Downside Abbey 54f

dreams, interpretation 95f

Dreyes, M. 44

Drey, J. S. 35

Droysen, J. G. 10

dualism 155, 158, 168, 183f, 187, 191, 262 Duchesne, L. 5, 38, 44 Dunstan, St 55

Dura-Europos 178, 221, 287, 292, 373 Durandus, William 48 Dynamism 255f

Eadmer 18f

Early Christian authors (editions) 447f Easter festival 68, 268, 272?

— date of 115, 207, 217

— hymn 179

— letters 240

— controversy 268f, 358

— fast 269, 272

— liturgy 269

— vigil 269, 272/, 279

— octave of 274 eastern churches 49 Ebeling, G. 3 Ebendorfer, Thomas 21 Ebionites 154-6 ecclesiastical year 273 f ecclesiology, see Church Echard, J. 29

Edessa 207f, 286, 372

edicts of the emperor 223/, 226/, 397-9, 425f

Egypt 71,93,208,219,369

Ehrhard, Albert 2, 38, 40, 43

Ehrle, Franz 37, 42

Ehses, S. 39

Eisengrein, W. 25

Ekkehart of Aura 17


Elchasai, holy book of 156f

— his vision of Christ 157 Elchasaites 154f

Elders 80, 106

electi in Christianity 278

— in Manichaeism 263 Eleuiherius, Pope 357 emanations 188, 262

emperor, cult of 88f, 94, 97, 120, /27/, 132f, 398, 463

Encratites 178, 298, 304

end of the world 5, 65, 109; see also esdiatology

Engelbert of Cologne 18

Enlightenment 2, 5, 9, 3}ft

Enoch, Book of 65

Ephesus, mission in 103f

— administrative centre of the Church 215, 355,


Ephraem 178, 267

Epictetus reproaches the Christians 131, 165

Epicurus 86, 173, 232

Epidauros 96

Epigonus, Modalist 257

epigraphy, Early Christian 453f

Epiphanes, sovereigns' title 89

Epiphania, episcopal see 374

Epiphanius, monk 13

Epiphanius of Salamis 13, 28, 153

Epiphany 274

episcopate 2, llf, 40

— according to Ignatius of Antioch 148f

— and apostolic tradition 149
— and orthodoxy 194 episcopate and Scripture 196f

— theologically grounded 346f

— qualifications 349

— according to Cyprian 360-2 episcops 106f, 148

Epistula Apostolomm 140, 194 Epistula Claudiana 128 epitaphs 377; see also epigraphy Erasmus, Desiderius 24

eschatology If, 5, 15, 17, 21, 392; see also end

the world eschatological hope 93 esoterism 239 Essenes 63-66, 184 eternity of salvation in Qumran 64f EuayYeXiCea&ai 82 Eubel, Conrad 40 Euboea 379

Eucharist 122, 143f, 151, 176, 252, 310, 393

— celebration 109f, 281-5

— prayer 143

— great prayer 282f Eu'/apiaria 281

Eucherius, Bishop of Lyons 401 Eugnostes, Gnostic 182 Euhemeros 87 Euphranor, Bishop 259 Euplius, martyr 401 Eusebius, Pope 344

Eusebius of Caesarea 11-15, 16, 19, 24, 56, 1 135, 245

— refutation of Porphyry 391

— view of Constantine 407

— vision of the cross by Constantine 412f Eusebius of Emesa 268

Evagrius Scholasticus 12 evangelists 179 Evenett, H. O. 56 Eve, symbol of sensuality 67 excavations, Vatican 116f excommunication 193, 327f, 340

— penitential 321, 324

— from the synagogue 343f exhomologesis 327, 333, 338

Exodus 12 in the liturgy of the Mass 269f exorcism for catechumens 278 exorcist 350

Fabian, Pope 223, 247, 336 Fabius, African Christian 398 Fabius, Bishop of Antioch 337, 350 Fall of man 48, 198 Farlati 29

fasting, Christian 85, 143, 203, 207, 237, 304f

— in Manichaeism 91

— in the mysteries of Isis 91

— among the Montanists 200 fate and astrology 94

Fayikn, Christian communities 369

Feine, H. E. 45

Felicissimus, African cleric 249

Felicitas, martyr 219, 293

Felix, African bishop 399

Felix and Adauctus, martyrs 401

Felix, Bishop of Aptungi 345, 418 Felix, martyr of Milan 382 Felix IV, Pope 13 Feltoe 49

Festus, Roman procurator 77, 128 fideles 277

Filastrius, Bishop of Brescia 182 Finke, H. 39f Firmicus Maternus 92 E Firmilian of Caesarea 361-3 fish, Christian symbol 286 fisherman 286 Flacius, Matthias 24 Flavius, Clemens, consul 131 Flavius Josephus 12, 64, 65, 69 Fleury, Claude 31, 56 Fliehe, A. 38, 46 Flodoard of Rheims 17 FliSrez, Enrico 29 Fortuna, oracle 96 Fortunatus, African presbyter 331 Fournier, Paul 44 Franchi de' Cavalieri, Pio 39 Francis of Assisi 18, 20 Franz, Adolf 44 Frederick I, Emperor 8 Frederick II, Emperor 8 freedom of belief, Christian 389 freedom of conscience 52 i, Fronto, pagan rhetor 166 Froude 51

Fructuosus, Spanish martyr 227 Frutolf of Michelsberg 17 Fundanus Minucius 135 Funk, F. X. 35, 38 future life, ideas of 93

Gaius, Roman presbyter 115,275 Galatia 102f, 111 Galen, doctor in antiquity 255 Galerius, Emperor 397, 400f, 4031, 405 Galilee 205

Gallienus, Emperor 228, 389

Gallio, Roman proconsul 103

Galli, priest of Cybele 92

Gamaliel 99

Gams, B. 40

Garampi, Giuseppe 29

Garcia-Villada, Z. 5

Gasquet, Francis Neil, Cardinal 54

Gaudentius, deacon 227

Gaul 210, 385f

Gelasius of Caesarea 13

Gellius, Roman writer 233

Gennadius of Marseilles 22

Gentile Christians 79

George of Laodicea 268

Georgia 376

Gerbert of St Blasien 29

Gerhoh of Reichersperg 19

Germania 211, 385

Geyer, Bernard 42

Gibbon, Edward 47, 50, 56

Gieseler, J. K. L. 37, 56

YXojaa6xo(iov 352 glossolaly 107 Glycon, oracle 96 Gnosis, Samaritan 158

— according to Marcion 190

— in Manichaeism 263 Gnosticism 181-92, 254f, 477-80

— and Judaism 157, 184

— sources 181f

— Christian 184f, 233, 289f

— influenced by the Bible 184f

— struggle with the Church 192-9

— and development of dogma 198

— in Palestine 205

— in North Africa 249

Gnostic elements among the Elchasaites 157

— liturgy 181

— literature 181

— apocalyptic literature 182

— schools 229 godfather 276 Gooch 51

Good Shepherd 287f

Gospel (evangelium) 82, 154, 175, 393

Gospel of Truth 181

gothic revivalists 49

Goths, Christian 378

Gorres 49

Gortyna (Crete) 209, 378 Grabmann, Martin 42 Graf, Georg 43 graffiti 116

Granianus, Roman governor 135 Gratian 24

graves of the apostles 115 graves of martyrs 275 Great Church 215f Great Mother (Cybele) 91 Greece 102f, 378 Greek in Jewish liturgy 67

— literature 87

— comedies 87

— islands 378 Gregoras, Nikephoros 13 Gregory VII, Pope 33 Gregory XIII, Pope 26 Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa 14, 225 Gregory, Bishop of Tours 15 Gregory the Great 7, 36 Gregory the Illuminator 376 Gregory Thaumaturgus 225, 241, 343 Greving, J. 40

Grillmeier, A. 43

Gudentis, martyr of Carthage 219

Guibert, J. de 46

Guilday, Peter 39, 56

Guise, Charles 56

Hadrian, Emperor 135f, 173 Hagenbach, K. R. 37 Hardouin, J. 27 Harnack, Adolf von 42, 43 Hartzheim, J. 27

Hasideans 62f, 64 Hasmonaeans 59 Hassidim or Hasideans 62 Hauck, Albert 5, 41 Hefele, Carl Joseph 35 Hegemonios 268

Hegesippus 11, 195, 205, 209, 357f Heimarmene 86

Helena, St, mother of Constantine 409 Heliogabalus, Emperor 220 Helios 93 Hellenism 67, 87

Hellenistic Jews in the primitive community 75f

— art forms 87

— religious philosophy 124 hellenization of the East 87, 90

— of Roman religion 87

— of Christianity? 180 Helyot, H. 29 Henry of Brussels 22

Henry VIII, King of England 47, 56 Heracleia, administrative centre of the Church 355

Heracleon, Gnostic 188

Heracles, Christian of Alexandria 231

Heraclius, Christian of Rome 344f

Heraclitus 174

heresy 147f, 199

Hergenrother, J. Joseph 38

Hermann the Lame 16

Hermas 136, 139f, 150, 265, 321-4

Hermes Trismegistos 182

Hermetism and Gnosis 184

Hermias, apologist 179

hermits 215, 298

Hermogenes, Gnostic 195

hero cult 89

Herod Agrippa 76

Herod Antipas 59

Herod the Great 59f, 71

Hervet, Gentianus 27

Hexapla 235

hierarchy 106, 264

Hieraclides, Bishop 370

Hierocles, Roman official 394, 397

Hillel 63

Hinschius, Paul 44

Hippolytus of Rome 11, 15, 187, 195f, 200, 220f, 244-7, 282-4, 286, 314, 329

— commentary on Daniel 245

— Church Order 246f, 273, 280, 282f

— study of Scripture 254 Hirbet Qumran 64 history of dogma 455f

holiness within the Church 2, 5, 17f, 3180 Holy Spirit 75f, 82, 105, 107, 149, 154, 199, 202,


233, 248, 252, 257 homily 236, 281 Honorius of Autun 22 Horace, Quintus Horatius Flaccus 88 hospitality 151, 309 Hughes, Philip 39, 56 Hugh of Fleury 19 Hugh of Saint Victor 48

Humanism 23 Hume 47 Hurter, Hugo 40 Hyacinth, Roman presbyter 163 hymns in the liturgy 109

— to Christ, by Clement of Alexandria 232

— Manichaean 264 hypostasis 260f

Hystaspes, Syrian Christian 207

Iconium 100, 204, 377 Ignatius Loyola 46, 50 Ignatius of Antioch 135, 138, 141, 146, 292

— letter to the Romans 113f, 152f Ildefonsus of Toledo 13 immortality of the soul 179 immunity for the clergy 415f, 422 imposition of hands 75, 84, 361

— in the discipline of penance 328, 333 Incarnation 121, 169, 393 India, Christian missionary activity 374 infant baptism 253, 279 initiation in mystery cults 92-94 Innocent III, Pope 25 inscriptions, Christian 221,377,453 inspiration 238 institulum Neronianum 130 instruction, Christian 275f Iran 93, 183

Irenaeus, Bishop of Sinnium 402 Irenaeus of Lyons 11, 14, 115, 153f, 161, 195, 197, 201, 211, 270f, 338, 356, 429

— Adv. haer. 3, 3, 3 356 Irene, martyr 402 Isauria 377

Isidore of Seville 13ff, 15, 22

Isis cult 88, 90f

Israel, "holy remnant" 64

— holy war of 63

Israelites' consciousness of being the Chosen

People 98 Italy 210, 379-82

Jaffi, P. 41 Jahweh 60

Jaldabaoth, Gnostic 189 James, African martyr 227 James the Elder 76 James the Younger 76f, 79

— clauses of 83 Janssen, J. 34, 37, 40 Jerome, St 15f, 22, 236, 237, 245

Jerusalem, Christian congregation 60, 101, 206, 371

— the New 65, 123

— heavenly 200

Jesus of Nazareth 66, 7CM, 81 f, 169, 176, 264

Jeu, Gnostic Books of 181

jewellery among Christians 314

Jews 60f, 66f, 77, 101, 103, 128

Jewish ethics 69

— Christians 76, 98f, 153

— Christianity, heterodox 153-8

— arguments against polytheism 173

Joachim of Floris 20

Joan of Arc 49

Johannes Scholastics 13

Johannes Trithemius 22

Johannine writings 119f

John XXII, Pope 19

John the Baptist 66, 71, 120, 157

John the apostle 75f, 119f

— his Gospel 114, 119, 188,208,393

John Mark 100

John of Nikiu 13

John of Salisbury 19

John of Segovia 23

Jonah in Christian art 287

Joppa 76

Joseph 71

Joseph II, Emperor 33 Jubilees, Book of 65 Judaea 59, 76

Judaism and Christianity 39-70, 124, 126, 140f

184, 205, 217, 459-61 Judaizers 101 Judas 78

Judas Maccabaeus 59 Julia Domna 217 Julia Mamaea 220 Julian, Emperor 91, 310, 408 Julius, British martyr 386 Julius, Christian soldier 398 Julius Africanus 221, 241 Jungmann, J. A. 44

Justin Martyr, St 11, 14, 135, 160, 174-7, 209,

243, 276, 281f Justinian I, Emperor 266

Karpos, martyr 160 Katerkamp, Theodor 34 Kaufmann, C. M. 42 Kawerau, Gustav 37 Kehr, Paul 36 Kerinthos 153f Kerygmata Petrou 156 kingdom of God 61, 72, 82f Kirsch, J. P. 38, 43 kiss of peace 281, 284 Klauser, Theodor 42 Klee, H. 43 Knopfler, Alois 38, 40 Knowles, Dom David 54f, 56 koinl 100 Koniger, A. M. 45 Kraus, F. X. 38 Krose, H. A. 442 Krumbacher, Karl 43 Kurtscheid, Bertrand 45 Kuttner, Stephen 44 Kyrios, title 81 f, 89, 108 xupi6-n)Te<; 95

Ubarum 412, 424

Lactantius 15, 126, 130, 315, 383, 396, 408, 411

Laderchi, Jacob 25

Laemmer, Hugo 36

Laetus, prefect in Egypt 219
Neale, J. 48f

Neander, A. 35, 50, 56

Neo-Caesarea 375

neo-Pythagoreanism 95

neo-Manichaeism 266

neo-Platonism 95, 390, 394, 413

Nepos, Bishop of Arsinoe 240

Neri, Philip 25

Nero, Emperor 113f, 129

Neronias, episcopal see 374

Nerva, Emperor 132

Neuss, Wilhelm 38

Newman, John Henry 36, 48, SO, 55

Nicaea, episcopal see 377; see also Council

Nicolas of Cusa 21

Nicomedia 209, 377, 398f

nihil innovandum 335

Nisan 269, 438-40

Nisibis 207, 373

Noah in Christian art 287

Noetus 246, 257f

nomen Christianum 136

Nomos of the Greeks 170

Norbert of Iburg 18

Noricum 379

North Africa 210f, 382f

Novatian 116, 227, 247f, 334-8

— pastoral letters 248

Novatus, African presbyter 331, 336f numismatics 454

Octavius Dialogue 2+4

offices in the Church 105-7, 138, 148, 346

Ohm, Thomas 45

Olivi, Petrus J. 20

6|XOOUCTIO<; 239, 256, 260

Ophites 189

oracles 96

oracula of the Montanists 200

Oracula Sibyllina 69

Ordericus Vitalis 19

or dines minores 351

orientation when praying 303 f

Origen 188, 220f, 232, 231, 234-40, 259, 2S9-!

298-300, 314, 317, 340-2, 347f, 370 original sin 252 Orosius, Paulus 14, 56 Orsi, G. A. 31 Osiris cult 90 Osrhoene 207, 355, 372 Ossius of G5rdova 415, 419, 422 Ostia 93

Ottenthal, E. yon 36 Otto of Freising 17, 36 Our Father, the 253, 299, 300f

— in the Mass 284 Oxford Movement 50 Oxyrhynchus 370

Pachymeres, Georgios 13 Pacian, Bishop of Barcelona 337 pactio fidei 280 Padua 382

paenitentia secunda 323 pagan literature and Christianity 314

Paideia (Greek culture) 169, 232

palaeography 451

Palestine 205 f, 370f

Palladius 14

Pallavicino, P. S. 30

Palut, Bishop of Edessa 207

Pamphilia 377

Pamphilus, presbyter 241, 402

Pannonia 379

Pantaenus, Alexandrian preacher 208, 230

Pantheon 221

Panvinio, Onofrio 26

papacy 7ff, 16, 24ff, 29, 30, 54, 364

Papebroch, Daniel 28

Paphos (Cyprus) 378

Papias 12, 119, 140, 190

Papylos, deacon 160

papyri, Christian 119, 369, 450

Paraclete 203, 265

Paraphrase of Seth 189

parish, development of 350

parousia, expectcd 83, 85

pars Donati 418

Parthians 59

paschal cycle 273; see also Easter Paschini, Pio 39

Passio ss. Perpetuae et Felicitatis 218 Passover, Christian 269f Passover fast 304 Pastor, Ludwig von 37, 40, 56 pastoral districts in Rome 380 patrology 452 Patmos 378 patriarchates 355 Patripassianists 255, 257 patristical studies 50

Paul 74, 97-99, 99, 103-6, 128, 129f, 156f, 191, 464f

— message of Christ 108

— his tomb 116

— epistles of 210, 249 • Paul of Samosata 242, 256f Paulicians 256

pax 334, 335 pax Augusta 89

peace, period before Constantine 222, 368, 389

Peeters, Paul 43

Pella 77, 205, 208

penance 215, 226, 318-43, 597f

— in the Shepherd of Hennas 145, 321-4

— according to Hippolytus 245

— possibility of, according to the N.T. 318f

— doctrine of the Apostolic Fathers 320

— unrepeatable 322

— edict of 326f

— procedure 327f, 342f

— duty of 327

— before the congregation 328

— liturgy under Cyprian 333f

— in the East 338-44

— public canonical 341

— and clerics 341

— repeated 343f penance and synagogue 343 f

— canonical 344

— in Egypt 345f penitential attitude 305

— fast 305

— practices 323, 327, 333

— clothes 328, 333

— discipline of Cyprian 330-4

of Origen 340-2

of the Didascalia 342-4

Pentapolis 355 Pentecost 75, 81, 111, 274 Pepuza 203 Peregrinos Proteus 166 perfection, Christian 233, 236, 288, 299f, 305 Pergamon 96, 377 Perge 100

Perpetua and Felicitas 218f, 382 persecutions 76, 116, 125-8, 220f, 405f, 424, 427, 468-70

persecutions of the Christians 127-36, 160-4, 217-28, 373, 396-400, 403, 405, 424, 482f, 502f Persia 373f persona 252, 260 Petavius, Dionysius 28 Peter 73, 78f, 112-13, 130f, 251f, 359

— his tomb 115-18

Peter, Bishop of Alexandria 241, 345, 402

Peter and Marcellinus, martyrs 401

Petosiris, astrological writer 94

Petrie, Henry 47

Pettau, episcopal see 379

Pharisees 62f, 66, 72

Phileas, Bishop of Thmuis 402

Philip, apostle 76f, 80, 83, 98, 115

Philip, Bishop of Gortyna 194

Philip, son of Herod the Great 59

Philip the Fair 8

Philippi 103, 104, 110

Philippus Arabs, Emperor 221,318

Philo 12, 67-70, 460

Philosophoumena 246f

philosophy, pagan 165, 174, 177, 185, 231f, 314, 396

Phoenicia 371

Phrygia 103

Piacenza 381

Pierios of Alexandria 241

piety, Christian 125, 237, 292

— Jewish 62f, 69

— popular 303

Pilate, documents of 406

pilgrimage, places of in antiquity 96

pilgrimages 371

Pin, L. E. du 26, 40

Pionios, martyr 224 f

Pistis Sophia 181

Pitra, J. B. 43

Pius I, Pope 139

Pius IV, Pope 55

Pius V, Pope 25

Pius XI, Pope 41f, 45, 53

planets 184

Platina, Bartolomeo 23

Plato 67, 175, 232, 241 Platonism 185

Pliny the Elder on the Essenes 64 Pliny the Younger 131, 133f Plochl, W. M. 45 pneuma in Gnosticism 188 pneumaticoi 239, 289 Pole, Cardinal 54

Polycarp of Smyrna 11, 119, 135f, 139, 142

190, 209, 270, 274, 283, 292 Polycrates of Ephesus 115, 209, 271, 358 polytheism 306 Pompelopolis in the Pontus 375 Pompeius Trogus 15 Pontianus, Pope 221, 245 Pontikos, Christian of Lyons 161 Pontius 14, 291 Pontus 111,209,225,374 popular religions in antiquity 94-98, 168 Porphyry 234,390-4 Poseidonios 94 Possevino, Antonio 26 Possidius 14 Potamiaina, martyr 219 Potheinos, Bishop of Lyons 161f Pourrat, P. 46 poverty 150, 312, 380 Praeneste, oracle 96 praescriptio 251 Praxeas 202, 257

prayer 95, 142f, 233, 281, 299-303, 309

— in Jewish liturgy 66

— to Christ 81, 142, 300

— of petition 299f

— stages of 300f

— times of 301

— order of 301

— taught by Christ 301f

— of martyrs 302 prayer-texts, Christian 70, 300f preaching, Christian 70, 75, 110, 193 presbyters (elders) 80, 106f, 148, 191, 282, 349 Priestley, J. A. 56

primacy, papal 2, 9, 26, 152, 35811 primalHS in Cyprian 359, 361 primitive Church 74-85 Prisca, wife of Diocletian 397 Priscilla, Montanist 199f Proclus, Montanist 115 Proculus, Christian 217 7td6voia in the Stoa 86 propaganda, Jewish 68

— anti-Jewish 70

— Christian 171

— Gnostic 186

— Manichaean 256

— anti-Christian 276, 406f

prophets and prophecy 60, 64, 107, 110, 150, 175

178, 199 proselytes 69 Prosenes, Christian 220 TCpoacu//) 300 Prosper of Aquitaine 14 Protrepticus of Clement of Alexandria 232f

Prusa, episcopal see 377 psalms in the liturgy 109 Psalter 302f

pseudo-Clement letters 155f, 296 "psychics" 187, 203 Ptolemaeos, Gnostic 186, 188 Ptolemies, kings 89, 91 Publios, Bishop of Athens 160 Pugin, August 49 Puteoli 111 Pythagoras 188

Quadrattis, apologist 172 Quaestiones et responsiones 393 Quartodecimans 179, 269) Quasten, J. 42 Quetif, J. 29

Quintasius, Bishop of Calaris 382 Qumran 63-66, 121, 184, 459f

Rabbi 63

rabbinical literature 114 rabbinical speculations 60 Rahner, Hugo 46 Rahner, Karl 46 Ranke 53

Rautenstrauch, abbot 33 Ravenna 381 Raynaldus, Odoricus 25 rebirth 92, 108, 289 Rechenberg, Adam 32 Recognitions, by Clement 365 reconciliation 328, 333, 339f, 341 Records Commission 47 redemption 97, 176f, 186, 234, 263 Reformation 49f, 52 rejrigerium 116 Regino of Prum 16

religion in antiquity 86-88, 184, 265, 462f Renaissance popes 49 Renaudot, Eusebius 44 renuntiatio saeculi 291 rescripts of the emperor 133, 135, 159, 162 resurrection of the body 74, 108, 176, 178, 197

— of the Lord 74, 81

— of Osiris 91

Rev-Ardashir, Persian Christian community 373

Revelation, rejected by Celsus 168

Revocatus, African martyr 219

Rhodon, anti-Gnostic 194

Rhone valley, path of Christianity 211

rigorism, ascetical 202, 203, 250, 298, 313

Rimini 381

Ripoll, P. 29

Ritter. J. J. 37

ritual prescriptions of the Jews 68, 101, 120; see

also liturgy, meal Robertson 47 Rocca, Angelo 26 Rogatianus, African deacon 362 Rogger, Igino 38 Rohrbacher, R. F. 37 Rolls Series 47, 49, 51

Roma, personification 89

Roma, temples 89

Roman domination in Palestine 59f

— State religion 87, 125, 368

— citizenship 99

— religious policy 127, 424f

— imperium and Christianity 316

Rome, Christian community 104, 111, 128f, 152, 190, 201, 209f, 243, 355f, 380f

— Jewish community 66

— attraction of 152f, 210, 364f

— pre-eminent position 215, 316, 353-60, 364 Rommerskirchen, J. 45

Rossi, Gianbattista de 43

Rosweyde, Heribert 27

Royko, Kaspar 33

Rufinus of Aquileia 13f, 237

rule of the community in Qumran 65

rule of faith 151, 197, 238

Ruotger 18

Rupert of Deutz 19

Saba, Agostino 39 Sabbath 68f Sabellius 257f, 358 sacraments 3

sacraments of initiation 269

sacramentum mililiat 280

sacrificati 223, 332

sacrifice 109, 156

sacrifices to the gods 227, 399, 403

sacrificial offering in the Mass 282

Sadducees 62

Sagaris, Bishop of Laodicea 160, 377

Sagmiiller, J. B. 45

Salamis in Cyprus 100, 378

Salimbene von Parma 20

Sallustius, G. Crispus 18

salvation, history of 5f, 14f, 19, 32, 46, 59

— eternal 82, 97

— in the mystery cults 90, 92f

— and baptism 108

— economy of, 259 Samaria 59, 76, 205 Sanctus, deacon 161 Sanhedrin 60, 75, 79f, 104 Saragossa, episcopal see 384 Sarapeion 91, 230 Sarapis 91

Sardinia 382 Sarpi, Paolo 30 Sassanids 376 Satornil, Gnostic 187 Satuminus, African martyr 219 Saturus, African martyr 219 Saviour 82, 96

Scapula, proconsul 210f, 220f, 383

scepticism 244

Schaff, P. 56

schisms 147, 249, 345

Schmaus, M. 43

Schmidlin, J. 45

Schmidt, K. D. 3f

VjIliNr-IWVl. iINi-»E.A

Scholasticism 8, 9, 24 school for Jews in Alexandria 67

— of catechists in Alexandria 230f

— theological 218, 230f, 259

of Caesarea 231

of Antioch 242

schools, Christian missionary centres 211

— Christian, private 229f

— Gnostic 229 Schreiber, Georg 46 Schrockh, J. 33 Schrors, Heinrich 40 Schubert, Hans von 5 Schulte, J. F. von 44 Schwaiger, Georg 38 Schwane, J. 43 Schwartz, Eduard 12 Sdralek, Max 40 scientific history 47, 49

Scili, African Christian community 163f, 210,

Scott, Walter 50

Scribes 62f

Scripture reading 236

Scripture, Holy 191, 235-8, 251f, 316

Sebaste in Armenia 376

Sebastian, martyr 401

Seckendorf?, Veit Ludwig von 32

secret, discipline of 284

Secundulus, African martyr 219

Secundus, Bishop of Tigris 418

Seeberg, Reinhold 43

Seleucia-Ctesiphon 261, 373f

Seleucides, religious cult of the 89

Sem (Seth), Gnostic prophet 190

Seppelt, F. X. 38

Septimius Severus 94, 217-20, 232

septizonia, astrological 94

Septuagint 67-70, 236, 242

Serapion, Bishop of Thmuis 267

Serdica, episcopal see 379

Seripando, Girolamo 26

"Sermons of Peter" 154

serpent, religious and cosmic symbol 189

Servatius of Tongern 386

service in the community 105, 110

Seth, a Gnostic 182

Sethians, Gnostic sect 189

seven appointed helpers of the apostles 75f,

Severa, wife of Philippus Arabs 222

Severus, Caesar 400

Severus Alexander, Emperor 220

Sextus Julius Africanus 11

Shammai, Jewish Scribe 63

Shapur I, King 262, 373

Shapur II, King 373

Shea, John G. 56

Shepherd of Hermas 136, 321

ship, symbol of the Church 286, 364

Sibylline Books 88, 96

Sicily 210, 382f

sick, visitation of the 278f, 312

Sickel, T. 36, 439

Sidon 207

Sigebert of Gembloux 16, 22 sign of the cross 277-9, 303

Silas 102

Silvanos, Gnostic 182

Simeon, Bishop of Jerusalem 71, 135, 153, 205 Simon Magus 158 Sinope 190, 375 sins, irremissible 325f, 330, 333 Sirleto, Guglielmo 26f Sirmium, episcopal see 379 Sirmond 27 Siscia, episcopal see 379 Sixtus II, Pope 227, 363 slave problem 310 slaves, Christian 161 sleep, healing 96 Sleidan, J. 15 Smedt, Charles de 43 Smyrna 136, 225, 377 Socrates 174 249 Socrates, historian 12 Sohm, R. 7 sol invictus 410, 413 Son of God 120f, 259 sons of light in Qumran 64 Sophene, province in Lesser Armenia 375 CTGJT^p 82, 90 ooj-njpia 90 soteriology 141 Sozomen 12 Spain 104, 211,225, 384 Spengler, Oswald 4 Spirit, descent of 82 spiritual life 290, 299

— guide 339

— director 341 f sponsa Christi 366 sponsio salutis 280

St Marthe, brothers 29 St Sebastian's Basilica 116f stars 94, 184

State and Church 7-9, 15, 19, 33, 317, 416, 423

— religion, Roman 88

— and Manichaeism 268

— pagan, and Christianity 316

— and Donatism 420 statio 304

Station fasting 200, 304f 79f Stegmuller, F. 42

Stephen, martyr 76, 79, 81-83 Stephen, Pope 337f, 348, 358-63 Stoics 67, 86f, 94, 185 Stolberg, F. L. 34 Streit, R. 45

Stromata of Clement of Alexandria 233

Strutt, Joseph 48

Strzygowski, J. 42

Stubbs, William 51

Stutz, Ulrich 44

subdeacon 350

subjectivism, religious 214

Subordination^ 239, 242, 247, 252, 254, 259

succession, apostolic 148, 196, 203, 247, 348,

336-8 Suetonius 18 Sufifridus Petri 26
suipicius beverus 14, 18 Sunday 84, 284 Sunday law of Constantine 422 sun-god in the mysteries of Isis 91

— of Emesa 220, 368, 371 superstitio 422 superstition 94f, 103 supplicatio 223

Surius, Laurentius 27 Swieten, Gerhard van 33 Syllucianists 242 Sylvanus, Bishop of Gaza 402 symbolism in the cult of Adonis 92

— in the Church 367 symbols, Christian 286

Symmachus, translator of the Bible 155, 236

Symposium of Methodius of Olympus 242

synagogue 62, 66, 69, 80, 100

syncretism 90, 183, 368

synods (in general) 204, 217, 354f, 384

— of Ancyra (A.D. 314) 374

— of Antioch 256

— of Aries (A.D. 314) 271, 309, 363, 381, 385, 420

— of Carthage 210, 332f, 360-2, 383

— of Constantinople (A.D. 553) 234

— of Edessa 207

— of Elvira 274, 277f, 286, 309, 337, 351, 384f

— of Iconium 354, 361

— of Lambaesis 383

— of Rome 336, 381

— of Synnada 377

Syntagma, anti-Gnostic work 195, 246

syntage at baptism 290

Syracuse 382

Syria 60, 207f

"syzygies", Gnostic 188

Tacitus 115, 129, 165 Talmud 63 Tangl, Michael 36 Tarsus 99, 374f Tatian 160, 177-9, 209, 298 Teacher of Righteousness 64 TeXeicNTi? 294 Temple 59, 64, 68, 72 T*)peEv pdTmciJLOc 291 Teresa of Avila 46

Tertullian 115, 13lf, 195, 202^}, 210, 217-19, 243, 248-52, 257, 272, 280, 283f, 286, 315, 325f Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs 65 SsdvOptorco5 239 Theban legion 401 Thebes, episcopal see 379 Thebutis, Judaist 153 Theiner, Augustin 36 theocracy, Jewish 69 Theoctistus, Bishop of Caesarea 235, 371 Theodore, Bishop of Aquileia 382 Theodoret of Cyrus 12, 24 Theodorus Lector 13 Theodosius II, Emperor 266, 391 Theodotion, translator of the Bible 236 Theodotus of Byzantium 209, 229, 255, 358

Theodotus the Younger 255 Theognostos, Alexandrian teacher 241 theology, Christian 216, 238f Theonas, Bishop of Alexandria 267 Theophanes Confessor 13 Theophilos, apologist 178f, 194 Thcophilus, Bishop of Gothia 378 Qecopta 299

Theotecnus, opponent of Christianity 405

Thietmar of Merseburg 17

Thomas Becket 19

Thomassin, Ludwig 44

Qeorixoz 239

Thessalonica 103, 110, 379

Thomas Christians 374

Thraseas, Bishop of Eumenia 160

thurificati 223

Thyatira 377

Tiberius, Emperor 94

Tillemont, L. S. Lenain de 31

Timothy, disciple 102

Tipasius, Christian soldier 398

titular churches of Rome 287, 350, 380

Titus, Bishop of Bostra 267

Tixeront, L. J. 43

Todesco, L. 39

toleration, religious 86, 220-2, 228, 389, 396

— edict of 403, 417 Tomasetti, A. 36 Tomek, E. 5 Tongern 386

Tora 62,70

tortures of the Christians 133, 219, 223f, 402 Trachonitis 59 Tractarianism 50 tradition and the Law 63

— apostolic 151, 196f, 238, 335, 356

— in Gnosticism 186 traditions of the Elders 140 traditores 345, 399, 418f

Trajan's law against the Christians 134 Tralles, Christian community 208 Transjordan 208 Traube, L. 42

Trdat II, Armenian king 376 Trebonius Gallus, Emperor 226 trial in Theophilus 179, 254 Trier 211, 383

Trimithus, bishopric on Cyprus trinitas 252

Trinity 174, 178f, 239, 240, 247, 252, 254-60,

489f Trishagion 283f Trithemius, J. 26 Troas 103 Troeltsch, Ernst 47 tropaion of Gaius 115-18, 275 Tiichle, Hermann 38 Turfan, texts of 261 f Two Ways, Jewish work 139 typology 242 Tyre 207, 235, 371 Ubertino of Casale 20

Ullathorne, William Bernard 54f Ulpian, jurist 220

unity of the Church 109, 150, 253, 360, 366

— of the Christian congregation 146

— of worship 151

— of God 255-8

Valentinian I, Emperor 266 Valentinians 185f, 195 Valentinus, Gnostic 188, 209 Valeria, daughter of Diocletian 397 Valerian, Emperor 226f Valla, Lorenzo 23 Vandals 266

Vatican Council, the First 55 Vatican excavations 115 Veit, L. A. 46 vera religio 421

Vergil, Publius Vergilius Maro 89 Verona, episcopal see 382 Vettius Epagathos 161 ViaAppia U6f, 118, 287 Via Ardeatina 132

vicennalia, celebrated by Diocletian 400 Victor, martyr of Milan 382 Victor, Pope 209, 255, 257, 271, 358 Vienne 160, 211

Vigellius Saturninus, proconsul 163f Vincent of Beauvais 21 Vincent of Lerins 1 Vincentius, Spanish martyr 401 virginity, Christian 178, 242, 248, 253, 295f, 393

vine and branches, symbol of the Church 122, 367

Vita Constantini 408

Vitae of the saints (editions) 448f; see also

biography vows 298 vulnus amoris 237

Waal, Anton de 39

Wadding, Luke 29

Walch, C.W. F. 32

Warneck, Gustav 45

washings, ritual 65, 93, 155f

Webb, W. 48

Werminghoff, Albert 45

Wessenberg, I. H. von 34

widows in the Community 309, 311f

Wigand, Johannes 24

Wilkins, D. 27

William of St Thierry 237

Wilpert, J. 42

Wilson 49

worship, Christian 106, 109f, 281-5, 415 worship, Christian place of 285f, 377, 398 Wy cliffe, John 8

Xanten 386 Xantopulos 13

York, episcopal see in Britain 386

Zealots, Jewish group 63 Zeiger, Ivo 45

Zephyrinus, Pope 115, 201, 244, 258, 287, 330

Zeus, cult image of 91

Zoroastrianism 262f

Zosimus 408

Zwingli, Huldrych 8
» R. Fester, "Die Sakularisation der Historie", HV 11 (1908), 441-59.

28 J. Rohr's "Die Prophetie im letzten Jahrhundert vor der Reformation als Geschichts- quelle und Geschichtsfaktor" in H] 19 (1898), 22-56 and 447-66, has not yet been superseded; cf. ibid., 32 f., concerning the work De eversione Europae, falsely ascribed to St Vincent Ferrer; N. Cohn, The Pursuit of the Millenium (London 1957), concerns mainly the earlier Middle Ages. For the Franciscan J. Hilten (c. 1500) and his commentary on Daniel and the Apocalypse, see H. Volz in ZKG 67 (1955-6), 111-15.

32 MGSS XXII, 377-475. For continuations, see H. Schmidinger, "Das Papstbild in der Geschichtsschreibung des spaten Mittelalters", Rom. Hist. Mitteilungen 1 (1958), 106-29

5i P. Polman, L'element historique 284 ff. Melchior Cano states (De locis theologicis,

XI 2): Quod autem in dissertatione adversum fidei Christianae inimicos rerum gestarum

monumenta theologo peropportuna sint, clarissimorum virorum usus aperte confirmat.

G. Gieraths, "M. Cano und die Geschichtswissenschaft" in FZThPh 9 (1962), 3-29.

M Thus the controversial theologian J. Cochlaeus prepared eds. of Cyprian, Optatus of

Mileve, Gregory Nazianzen and Chrysostom, and in 1525 published the decrees of the

ancient councils: cf. bibliography in M. Spahn, ]. Cochlaeus (Berlin 1898), 341-72. In 1546 Georg Witzel edited the Liturgia S. Basilii nuper e tenebris eruta; and Franciscus

Torres published the Apostolic Constitutions for the first time in 1563.

M Excerpts from the letters to Cervini (1545-7) are in CT X, 929-55; cf. S. Merkel,

"Ein patristischer Gewahrsmann des Tridentinums," in Festgabe A. Ehrhard (Bonn 1922), 342-58. The letters to Seripando (1562-43) have not yet been published; cf. Jedin, G. Seripando, II (Wurzburg 1937) 300 ff.

,s D. A. Perini, O. Panvinio e le sue opere (Rome 1899); there is no adequate modern biography.

06 Gallia Christiana (nova), 13 vols. (Paris 1715-85); cf. LThK IV, 497.

67 Espana Sagrada. Teatro geografico-historico de la Iglesia de la Espana, 51 vols. (Madrid 1754-1879).

68 Eight vols.; V-VIII by J. Coleti (Venice 1751-1819).

72 F. Roth, "Augustinian Historians of the XVIIth Century" in Augustiniana 6 (1956), 635-58.

76 In the Discours sur l'histoire universelle (1618), as W. Kaegi and others have shown, the old outlook is permeated and transformed by new ideas; cf. O. Brunner in Lammers op. cit. 444 f.

77 Histoire du Grand Schisme d'Occident (Paris 1676); Histoire du Lutheranisme (Paris 1680); Histoire du Calvinisme (Paris 1682); the first two have indexes.

101 AAS 29 (1931), 254.

105 Jedin, "Drei neue Zeitschriften fur Kirschengeschichte in Italien, Spanien, und England" in ZKG 63 (1950-1), 201-4. K. Aland, "Der Stand der patristischen Forschung

in Deutschland", Misc. hist. eccl. (Louvain 1961), 119-36.

G. Kretschmar, "Himmelfahrt und Pfingsten" in ZKG 66 (1954), 209-53.

" Besides the commentaries on the Acts of the Apostles, cf. F. Buchsei in ZNW 30 (1931),

202 f., 33 (1934), 84-87; M"Simon, St. Stephen and the Hellenists in the Primitive Church

48 Euseb. HE 5, 1-8.

degli apostoli in Catacumbas (Vatican City 1953).

5S Esp. Delehaye OC 267 f.

M C. Mohlberg, "Historisch-kritische Bemerkungen zum Ursprung der sogenannten memoria apostolorum an der Appischen Stra?e" in Colligere Fragmenta, Festschrift A. Dold (Beuron 1952), 52-74.

5* J. Bonsirven, Commentaire de l'Apocalypse (Paris 1951), 69-75.

75 Cf. J. Sickenberger, "Die Messiasmutter im 12. Kapitel der Apokalypse" in ThQ 126 (1946), 357-427.

74 R. Schiitz, Die Offenbarung des Johannes und Kaiser Domitian (Gottingen 1933).

* This is the London Papyrus 1912, published by J. Idris Bell, Jews and Christians in Egypt (London 1924); see also S. Losch, Epistula Claudiana (Rottenburg 1930); H. Janne, "La lettre de Claude aux Alexandrins et le christianisme" in APhilHistOS 4 (1936), 273-95; H. Idris Bell, Cults and Creeds in Greco-Roman Egypt (Liverpool 1954), 78ff.; F. F. Bruce, "Christianity under Claudius" in BJRL 44 (1961-2), 309-26. 5 Pap. Lond. 1912, 98-100.

14 L. Herding and E. Kirschbaum, Die romischen Katakomben und ihre Martyrer (Vienna, 2nd ed. 1955), 44-46.

13 Poly carp, Phil. 9, 12.

" Euseh. HE 3, 32, 3, 6 according to Hegesippus.

M Euseh. HE 3, 36, 3; Irenaeus, Adv. haer. 5, 28, 4. 11 Justin, Apol. 68, 5-10; Euseh. HE 4, 9.

22 W. Schmid, Maja 7 (1955), 5-13; J. Moreau, op. cit. 48.

17 Ignatius, Rom. 4, 3.

28 1 Clem 5:2.
29 Some of them belong to the first half of the second century, cf. Altaner, 72-83.
30 Thus Hermas, Past. Vis. 2, 4, 3; Irenaeus, Adv. haer. 3, 3, 3. Above all there is the
tradition of Corinth itself, maintained by Bishop Dionysius in a letter to Pope Soter:

Euseb. HE 4, 23, 11.

51 L. Sanders, L'hellenisme de S. Clement de Rome et le paulinisme (Louvain 1943); W. C. van Unnik, "Is 1 Clem 20 purely Stoic?" in VigChr 4 (1950), 181-9.

52 J. Danielou, La theologie du judeo-christianisme (Paris 1958), 53-55, Eng. tr. The Theology of Jewish Christianity (London 1964).

89 Ignatius, Eph. 4, 1; 5, 2; Polyc. 5, 2; Trail. 7, 1-2.

90 Idem, Smyrn. 8, 1-2.

" Philad. 7, 1-2; Eph. 20, 2; Martyr. Polyc. 5, 2.

118 Cf. M. Black, "The Patristic Accounts of Jewish Sectarianism" in BJRL 41 (1959, 302.

114 Hegesippus in Euseb. HE 4, 22, 4-5.
116 For Cerinthus, see G. Bardy, RB 30 (1921), 344-73; W. Bauer, RGG, 3rd ed. I, 1963.
119 Epiphanius, Panar. 28, 5.

125 O. Cullmann, "Die neuentdeckten Qumrantexte und das Judenchristentum der Ps.-Klementinen" in Festschrift R. Bultmann (Berlin), 68-86.

124 E. Peterson, Friihkirche, Judentum und Gnosis (Freiburg i. Br. 1959), 221-35.

127 K. Schubert, "Problem und Wesen der judischen Gnosis" in Kairos 3 (Salzburg 1961), 2-15.

21 Lucian, De morte peregrini 11-13.

15 Celsus, Fragm. 5, 2.

ts Cf. for the following C. Andresen, Logos und Nomos. Polemik des Kelsos wider das Christentum (Berlin 1955; with Bibliography).

45 I. Ortiz de Urbina, "Trama e carattere del Diatessaron di Taziano" in OrChrP 25

50 The Easter Hymn has been edited with a commentary by O. Perler, Ein Hymnus zur Ostervigil von Meliton? (Fribourg 1960); see also J. Daniilou in RSR 48 (1960), 622-5.

6» Cf. L. Cerfaux, "Barbelo-Gnostiker" in RAC I, 1176-80.

87 Adv. haer. 1, 9, 4; 1, 22, 1, on which see Turner, op. cit. 349ff.

91 Epiphanius, Haer. 48, 10; Tertullian, De exhort, cast. 10.

92 Hippolytus, In Daniel. 4, 18-19.

95 Cf. H. Kraft, "Die altchristliche Prophetie und die Entsteliung des Montanismus" in 7hZ 11 (1955), 258 ff.

87 Tertull., Adv. Praxean 1.

88 Epiphan., Haer. 48, 2, 4.

101 Euseb. HE 3, 32, 1-3.

Ibid., 3, 35.

10s Ibid., 3, 20, 6; 3, 32, 6; cf. A. Schlatter, Die Geschichte der ersten Christenheit

(Gutersloh 1927), 363.

100 J. Danic'lou, La theologie du judeo-christianisme (Paris 1958), 67-89, Eng. tr. The

Theology of Jewish Christianity (London 1964).

• Euseb. HE 6, 3, 1; 4, 1-3.


27 Cf. also A. Alfoldi in Klio 31 (1938), 249-53, on his decision favourable to the
32 J. Moreau, op. cit. 92.

sa Cyprian, Ep. 61, 1.

54 Euseb. HE 7, 1.

57 Cyprian, Ep. 80.

M Text in Knopf-Kruger, op. cit. 83-85; on this cf. P. Franchi de Cavalieri in SteT 65 (1935), 183-99, and J. Serra-Vilaro, Fructuos, Auguri i Eulogi, martirs sants de Tarragona (Tarragona 1936).

66 Cyprian, Ep. 76 and 80, and Euseb. HE 7, 11, 18-26.

11 See Quasten P, II, 44 ff., and G. Mercati, Psalterii Hexapli reliquiae I (Rome 1958).

1 See Trad, apost., ed. E. Hauler, Didascaliae Apostolorum Fragmenta Veronensia (Leipzig

1900), 56,1-13; 78, 30—5; 80, 30-5.

• Refut,, praef. 7 Ibid. 10, 30 and 32.

11 Euseb. HE 6, 43, 1.

13 Socrates HE 4, 28; see Chapter 18, above.

17 De exhort, cast. 7; cf. De fuga 14; De pud. 21, 17.


" Epiph., De haeres. 62, 1.

18 Ibid. 29.

20 Ibid. 18, 26, 27 and 31.
22 Ibid. 31 and 16.
24 Euseb. HE 6, 33, 1-*. 29 Ibid. 7, 26, 1.
24 According to Athanas., De sent. Dionys. 14-18.

25 Partly according to Athanas., De deer. Nic. syn. 26.

1 Ibid. 47;127-9; 132-5.

17 Adam, op. cit. No. 56. On the question of authenticity, see W. Seston in Melanges A. Ernout (Paris 1940), 345-54.

18 See Ammianus Marcell. 15, 13, 1-2.

" Adam, op. cit. No. 57.

t0 See E. H. Kaden, "Die Edikte gegen die Manichaer von Diokletian bis Justinian" in Festschrift H. Lewald (Basle 1953), 55-68.

21 Pap. Rylands 469, which is Adam, op. cit. No. 35; Cyril of Jerusalem, Catech. 6,

16 Tertullian, De ieiun. 12-13

des Sophisten" in LJ 12 (1962), 72-85.

28 Once again Asterius provides the earliest certain evidence in Horn. 16, 15; he says that

17 Cf. Tertullian, De cor. 3; De ieiun. 14: "... quinquaginta exinde dies in omni

exsultatione decurrimus." The custom of standing up to pray during Pentecost was

sanctioned by the Council of Nicaea, canon 20.

28 Asterius, in the headings to Homilies 8, 11, 30, 31; cf. Homily 21 as a whole.
29 Synod. Illib., can. 43.
50 Tertullian, De cor. 3; De exhort, cast. 11; De monog. 10.
51 Martyr, polyc. 18; but see on this H. v. Campenhausen, Bearbeitungen und Inter-
polationen des Polykarpmartyriums (Heidelberg 1957), 3.

34 See, in particular, F. W. Deichmann in Jdl 72 (1957), 44-110 and, in general, A. Grabar, Martyrium (Paris 1946).

35 See above, pages 115 ff.

50 Cf. A. Stenzel, Die Taufe, eine genetische Erklarung der Taufliturgie (Innsbruck 1958), 62 and 72.

" Trad, apost. 20, 3, 5 (48 f. Botte).

51 De cor. 3. « De bapt. 20. 54 Trad, apost. 20, 5 . 55 Ibid. 20, 2.

" Cf. A. Stenzel. op. cit. 64 ff.

57 Trad, apost. 21, 1 (49 Botte).

M Trad, apost. 21, 6 (50 Botte). M Ibid. 21, 8-12.

48 Justin, Dial. 41, I; Irenaeus, Adv. haer. 4, 17, 5; Origen, Contra Cels. 8, 57.

49 Cf. T. Schermann in Philologus 69 (1910), 375-410. 10 Dial. 41, 2; 117, 2 and 3.

71 Cf. T. Schermann, loc. cit. 385 S. On the sacrificial character of the Eucharist before Justin's time, see J. A. Jungmann, The Mass of the Roman Rite, I, 25 ff. (New York 1951).
73 Adv. haer. 4, 18,1; 3, 18, 1 and 19, 3.
75 Trad, apost. 4 and 23 (30-33 and 53-56 Botte).

7« Cf. W. C. van Unnik, "1 Clement and the 'Sanctus'" in VigChr 5 (1951), 204-48.

7* De monog. 10; De exhort, cast. 11; and even clearer Cyprian, De op. et eleem. 15.

82 Cf. E. Dekkers, op. tit. 59 if.

88 De cor. 3; De orat. 19; De fuga 14; cf. also Didasc. apost. 2, 60, 2 (172 Funk).

115 O. Perler, Die Mosaiken der Juliergruft im Vatikan (Fribourg 1953).

» Paed. 1, 25, 3; Strom. 7, 14, 1.

14 Pontius, Vita Cypr. 2: "hominis dci facta non debent aliunde numerari, nisi ex quo

" See above p. 287.

29 Cyprian, Ep. 58, 1, 3.

58 Tertullian, De virg. vel. passim; Cyprian, De hab. virg. passim; Methodius, Symp. 4, 5; 7, 2; Pseudo-Clement, Ep. ad virg. 1, 3, 2; 1, 4, 2.
85 Strom. 6, 113, 2; 6, 102, 1; 5, 16, 7.

67 Ibid. 7, 31, 7.

88 Ibid. 7, 39, 6: 6(uXEa npi? ti>v 8ebv ^ euxh> TOXFJU)p6-repov.

84 Ibid. 2, 145, 6.

74 Ibid. 7, 49, 6ff.; 6, 102, 1; 7, 35, 6; 7, 49, 4.

88 De or. 5.

93 The proportion is about 6:1; cf. a selection of these prayers by K. Baus in TThZ 62 (1953), 23-8.

99 Did. 8, 1; Hermas, Past. Sim. 5, 1, 2.

117 See above, page 224.

Euseb. HE 8, 1, 7-9.

Cf. G. Stahlin in TbW V, 1-36 (<pao?evia). According to Euseb. HE 4, 26, 2,

Melito of Sardes wrote Ilepl (piXo^cvtai;. Origen, In Gen. hom. 4 and 5; Cyprian, Ep. 7; Didasc. 2, 58, 6; Synod, illib., can. 25; Synod. Arel., can. 9. See also Justin, Apol. 67,

155 Div. instit. t, 1, 9; 3, 13, 17ff.; Epit. 25, 7ff.; on Cicero and Virgil: De opif. 20, 5; Div. instit. 1, 19, 3. ls* Ep. 55, 9.

155 In Dan. comm. 4, 9; De antichr. 25.

156 Paed. 2, 14, 1; 3, 91, 3; 2, 117, 2; 3, 91, 2; Strom. 1, 171 and 4, 79, 1.

158 Contra Cels. 8, 70. 159 In Rom. comm. 9, 29.

180 Contra Cels. 2, 30.
181 Apol. 30; 32; 39. Dionysius of Alexandria also stresses prayer by the Christians for
the emperor: Euseb. HE 7, 1. The prayer pro salute imperatorum is an inheritance from very early Christian times, cf. L. Biehl, Das liturgische Gebet fiir Kaiser und Reich (Paderborn 1937).

188 De idol. 17; De cor. 13.

184 Ibid. 7, 13.

• 1 Clement 48, Justin, Dial. 90, 141; Ps-Barnabas, Ep. 19, 10; Ps-CIement, Ep. 2, 16, 14.

19 Hermas, Pastor Mand. 4, 3, 3.

25 Hermas, Past. MancL. 4, 1, 8-9.

30 The chapters 7-12 in De pacn. deal with them together.

48 Ibid. 10-12, especially 10, 8: "an melius est damnatum latere quam palam absolvi?"
103 Ibid. 7, 5.

10« Adv. haer. 3, 18, 1; 3, 9, 1; Epid. 42.

108 Ibid. 4, 40, 1; 5, 26, 2. ,0» Ibid. 1, 10, 1.

Cf. K. Rahner in ZKTh 70 (1948), 452-5. Adv. haer. 1, 13, 5, 7; 3, 4, 3.

sacerdotalis exorta est." This text remains just as important even if we see it as expressing the view of Cyprian's opponents; cf. J. Ludwig, Der hi. Martyrerbischof Cyprian von Carthago (Munich 1951), 44.

11 G. Bardy, Paul de Samosate (Louvain, 2nd ed. 1929); on the charge, cf. H. de Ried-

matten, Les actes du proces de Paul de Samosate (Fribourg 1952).

22 See above, p. 318.

2S Euseb. HE 7, 29, 2; 7, 32, 2-4.

24 G. Bardy, Recherches sur s. Lucien d'Antioch et son ecole (Paris 1936).
25 Harnack Miss 671. 29 Euseb. HE 8, 6. 27 Cf. Euseb. HE 2, 1, 7.
28 E.-R. Hayes, L'ecole d'Edesse (Paris 1930).
29 Euseb. HE 7, 30, 10.
50 O. Eissfeldt, "Dura-Europos" in RAC IV, 362-70 with bibliography.

51 Euseb. HE 7, 5, 2. No certain dates can be ascertained from the Chronicle of Arbela, for the indications for earlier times are unreliable; cf. I. Ortiz de Urbina in OrChrP 2 (1937), 5-32. The Chronicle of Arbela, however, receives a much more favourable criticism from G. Messina in Orientalia 6 (1937), 237 ff.

52 Harnack Miss 691.

53 A. Allgeier, "Untersuchungen zur altesten Kirchengeschichte von Persien" in Katholik

98 II (1918), 224-41, 289-300.

respects: PG 46, 893-958.

85 Euseb. HE 6, 23, 4; 6, 32, 2. 88 Harnack Miss 788-92.

87 Cf. A. Lippold - E. Kirsten in RAC IV, 166-9.
88 Text in Knopf - Kruger, op. cit. 91-5.
78 Harnack Miss 811-16.

80 ECatt I, 1722 and bibliography; J. Fink, Der Vrsprung der altesten Bauten auf dem Domplatz von Aquileja (Cologne 1954) and on this, L. Voelkl in RQ 50 (1955), 102-14.

kriseis in RAC 6 (1964), 347-70.

24 Firmicus Mat., De err. prof. rel. 13, 4 calls him "hostis dei, veritatis inimicus, sceleratarum artium magister"; Augustine, De civ. dei 9, 12: "Christianorum (sermo 242, 7: fidei christianae) acerrimus inimicus."

40 Serm. 241, 6, 7.
42 Cf. H. Dorries, "Porphyrios" in RGG, 3rd ed. V, 463 fi.
52 On the difficulties of this career, cf. J. Moreau: Sources Chr 39 II, 292-4. 34 Lactantius, Div. inst. 5, 3, 23.

44 Lactantius, De mart. pers. 16, 4 calls him "auctor et consiliarius ad faciendam persecutionem." 85 Div. inst. 5, 2, 12. 38 Eusebius, De mart. Palaes. 5, 3.

57 Lactantius, Div. inst. 5, 2, 13-15, 3-23.

38 Cf. G. Gross, "Apollonius von Tyana" in RAC I, 529-33 with bibliography. '» Cf. P. de Labriolle, La reaction paienne (Paris 1934), 311 ff. 40 In Hieroclem 1. 41 Div. inst. 5, 2.

6 Coll. mos. rom. leg. 6, 4, 1; 15, 3 and on this cf. J. Vogt, Constantin der Gro?e und sein Jahrhundert (Munich, 2nd ed. 1960), 123.

9 Euseb. HE 8, 4, 2-3.

15 Augustine, Breviculus collat. 3, 25-7. 19 See below, chapter 30, p. 418.
19 Euseb. HE 8, 6, 8.

14 Ibid. 8, 6, 9.

31 Texts in Knopf - Kruger, op. cit. 103-5, 95-100; on the latter cf. Delehaye PM 141-3.

38 Ibid. 8, 12, 10. 37 Ibid. 8, 13, 1-7.

58 According to Eusebius, De part. Palaest. 9, 3, many called it oppressive and excessive, disgusting and stupid.

80 Eusebius, De mart. Palaest. 9, 1. 40 Ibid. 9, 2. 41 Lactantius, De mort. pers. 34; Euseb. HE 8, 17, 3-10.

9 Ibid. 9, 7, 1-2.
36 Ibid. 1, 30.

37 First found in Prudentius, Contra Symm. 1, 486, probably derived from laurus, laurel; cf. H. Gregoire in Byz(B) 12 (1937), 227-81.

34 Paneg. 9, 2, 4-5; 9, 3, 3.

40 Ibid. 9, 4, 4 : divina praecepta.
41 Ibid. 9, 19, 3, and cf. especially J. Straub in Historia 4 (1955), 297-313; in a contrary
40 sense, F. Altheim in ZRGG 9 (1957), 221-31.
42 Ibid. 9, 2, 4; 9, 4, 4, and on this H. Dorries, Das Selbstzeugnis Kaiser Konstantins
46 So H. Gregoire in Antiquite classique 1 (1932), 141-3.

54 Cf. J.-R. Palanque, "A propos du pretendu ?die de Milan" in Byz(B) 10 (1935),

86 On the legal aspect of the matter, see H. U. Instinsky, Bischofsstuhl and Kaiserthron

(Munich 1955), 59-82.

central part of this letter cannot be made use of, for it is suspected of being an

interpolation, cf. H. Kraft, op. cit. 186-9.

85 Ibid. XVI 2, 2.

64 Ibid. IX 16, 1; XVI 10, 1.

87 Cf. on this H. Karpp, "Konstantins Gesetze gegen die private Haruspizin" in ZNW 41 (1942), 145-51.
89 On this dating see C. Habicht, "Zur Geschichte des Kaisers Konstantin" in Hermes
86 (1958), 360-78. 89 Euseb. HE 10, 2.

" Vita Const. 2, 30-41.

5 Adv. haer. 4, 34, 1.

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