Ко входуЯков Кротов. Богочеловвеческая историяПомощь

History of the Church. Ed. Hubert Jedin, John Dolan.

На немецком - в 1966 году.

Vol. I. Baus, Karl. From the Apostolic Community to Constantine.

Vol. II. The Imperial Church from Constantine to the Early Middle Ages. 846 pp.

Vol. III. The Church in the Age of Feudalism. Transl. Adam Biggs. New York: A Crossroad Book, 1980. 572 pp.

Jungmann J. Constitution of the Church, Worship, Pastoral Care, and Piety: 700 to 1050 // iii. 1966. Pp. 258-319.

Vol. IV. Beck Hans, Fink Karl, Glazik Josef, Iserloh Erwin, Wolter Hans. From the High Middle Ages to the Eve of the Reformation. Transl. Adam Biggs. New York: A Crossroad Book, 1970. 776 pp.

Опись А, №41356.

Iserloh, Erwin; Glazik, Joseph; Jedin, Hubert. Reformation and Counter-Reformation. New York: A Crossroad Book, 1980. 814 pp.

Опись А, №41487.

Vol. V. Aldea Q, et al. The Church between Absolutism and Enlightment. New York: Crossroads, 1981. 702 pp.

Опись А, №41490.

Vol. VI. The Church between Revolution and Restoration. Auberr, Roger; Beckmann, Johannes; Corish, Patrick; Lill, Rodulf. New York: Crossroad, 1981. 444 pp.

Опись А, №41482

Vol. VII. The Church in the Age of Liberalism. Auberr, Roger; Beckmann, Johannes; Corish, Patrick; Lill, Rodulf. New York: Crossroad, 1981. 418 pp.  До Первого Ватикана.

Опись А, №41483

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